Should the Star Trek Universe still go on, and if so in what direction should it
By nowment
@nowment (1757)
United States
April 1, 2007 2:08pm CST
take? There is going to be another movie, and some want to know about "young" Kirk, others want the new movie to be the Next Generation, or maybe others from the Star Trek Universe such as Voyager or Deep Space Nine crews.
For those who are big fans and read the novels as well as see the shows, watch the movies, etc, what direction should the Star Trek Universe take? What time line should it follow? What if any area should be an area of focus? Should the movies be individualized, example, maybe an historical view of Vulcans, or Klingons?
Many fans are familiar to some degree of who those notable figures are in the other races of Star Trek, or when those historic moments happened, could you watch a movie that say was on the founding of the Empire, the story of Kahless? With no humans in it?
The story of Surak, and how the Vulcans and Romulans parted ways over the choices of logic, or emotions? Again a story with no humans.
Would you watch such a movie? Can individual movies like this hold up or would only the truest fans go to watch them? And if only the die hard fans watched would it generate the revenue to be worth making?
Or should it be made into a Made for TV Movie?
Peter David did something that most authors of the Star Trek books didn't do, instead of working with the most established characters of Picard's, or Janeway's, or Kirk's crews, he used glimpses of some Next Generation characters such as Picard, and Jellico, and then using the character of Dr. Selar from TNG as crew memember he created a new Captain, and new crew, this series is great, I was wondering if another crew, captain, could be created, and if so would it be accepted either for movie or series?
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10 responses
@porkrind333 (288)
• United States
1 Apr 07
"Enterprise" was not the success it should have been because the studio just could not avoid all of the techo-miracles. She was out gunned and out classed at every battle but managed to "Target the Engines" of far superior ships or invent some new plasma wave gobbledigook.
Had they stuck with the original intent of a Das Boot feel I think they would have had a better result. In the end they used every technology that existed in every other show/movie.
Let's see the formation of the Federation or Earth's first war with another species.
@nowment (1757)
• United States
1 Apr 07
I think that Enterprise just veered to much from what star trek should have been, into as you said to much tech, and to much hype, since the star trek of the timeline they did shouldn't have had so much tech in it. It should have been about the fumbling, and mistakes more of finding their way.
The formation of the Federation sounds like a good idea though. hmm not sure how the Earth's first war would go, but sounds interesting.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I grew up on Star Trek, love watching the shows and the movies except for Enterprise. I just could not get into it. Add to the fact that they altered many things that were in the previous shows time lines did not help endear itself to me. I would love to see another series or movie come out but I'm not sure as to which way they should go. I think they should avoid doing a series on the past again, go for the future beyond the other shows. If they do that they won't have to worry as much about messing up time line or effects.
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I agree they need to avoid the past, since they have messed up the past so badly with Enterprise. I am an advocate of using the Peter David books and his Calhoun character and crew.
To me those stories have the best of the newer star trek, with the very best qualities of the original series.
When they started changing Star Trek's fictional history not only did they ruin the show, they to me any way showed disrespect to the creation of Star Trek.
Which is interesting. I worked in a book store for many years. There are strict very strict rules to writing a star trek novel.
If you don't follow the guidelines, and rules, and stay true to the story and show, then you can not write or get published your star trek novel.
It would have helped if someone had mentioned this to paramount, and the writers of the Enterprise series, it certainly seemed like they didn't care about any of that.
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@gaylordfocker615 (389)
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
After Enterprise, I think they should take a break and think looong and hard as to what fans would like to see. I don't consider myself a bonafide trekkie but I did watch the tv shows. Enterprise just sucked bigtime.
IMHO, if I were them, I'd go for a movie. One that intertwines the characters of the previous shows. Make it a full feature length movie (3 hours! I don't mind).
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
2 Apr 07
they are going to make a movie, and they are doing polls to see where fan opinions are at if you go to you can see one of the polls for what they should call the new movie which is supposed to be released by Dec 2008.
How they will manage to release it by then when they haven't written it yet I am not sure but hey should be interesting.
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@gaylordfocker615 (389)
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
After Enterprise, I think they should take a break and think looong and hard as to what fans would like to see. I don't consider myself a bonafide trekkie but I did watch the tv shows. Enterprise just sucked bigtime.
IMHO, if I were them, I'd go for a movie. One that intertwines the characters of the previous shows. Make it a full feature length movie (3 hours! I don't mind).
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Yes I agree Enterprise was full of mistakes, and there are still episodes I have missed of that series, it is the only one where there are gaps in my having seen the show.
They are re-running the series on sci fi and I am still missing episodes. I don't feel like I missed much.
Which is a shame, I liked the characters they created, I like Scott Bakula, but then the story lines were often such a waste of time, it was terribly disappointing.
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@porkrind333 (288)
• United States
8 Apr 07
Plain and simple Voyager wrapped up too many loose ends for any future based series. The Borg are gone. The time war thing explained. Going to another quadrant did give them more possible species to deal with but jeez. The Saurians?
Enterprise ruined the past since they jumped way ahead on the technological development.
Star Trek has no single seat fighters like Star Wars, Buck Rogers or Battlestar. The only fighter class ships I ever saw them use were the runabouts on DS9. The Defiant was their only true combat ship.
The human condition was the main plot of the shows. They really need to get back to that.
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I hadn't thought about the origin of the Borg, not a bad idea, I wonder if there is a book or possible movie idea floating out there for it.
It is hard Enterprise did kind of create a mess when it comes to the Star Trek realm, one that I suspect they are just going to ignore as though it didn't happen.
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@Drakhan (240)
• United States
4 Apr 07
What about doing something light and fun with minor characters? A lot of Enterprise's problem was that it had good characters who were trying far too hard to be serious. There was too much of a feel that they thought they were important figures who were making history.
A spinoff series using Vash as a sort of futuristic Tomb Raider? Ensign Rho's adventures after she left Star Fleet?
I'm thinking more of a 30-minute non-linear "Tales of the Federation" show that doesn't have a persistent cast or a ship or space station as a fixed feature. Just use the Star Trek universe and explore what life might be like for non-Star Fleet types who are just living their lives.
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
4 Apr 07
That is a really great idea, it leaves so much open to explore, and while you can have some consistancy with some characters, you are not locked into anything, so that if there is a completely fun fluff show it is not that big of a deal, so long as it is consistant with the idea and history of the star trek universe, it doesn't necessarily have to be anything major.
That is really a great idea, thanks for sharing.
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I was thinking about this, you could do even sort of mini series with say Ro after star fleet, or what about that time Vash spent in the Gamma Quadrant after she left with Q. Or what has happpened to the Continuium since the whole Q revolt against the status quo? John De Lancie certrainly has the flair for it, and his episodes always seem to have some great lines. Wesley's travels with the Traveler.
And Barkley is a great character to work with plenty of comedy to be found in him, with Dwight Schultz talent it would be good.
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@Zoidz21 (16)
• Puerto Rico
4 Apr 07
I think they should make the next movie with the Next Generation crew and Q. It should have been done a long time ago. At the end of TNG, Q told Picard that he would see him again somewhere out there. The great thing about making a movie with Q is that you can do anything. They are free to create almost any kind story they want. They could even combine the crews of all the shows. With that kind of freedom they should be able to come up with an amazing story. Here's hoping for a great movie.

@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
28 Apr 07
If they want to do something in the past, what would probably work for me would be something like a current crisis in The Next Generation / Deep Space Nine era (maybe right where Nemesis left off) with glimpses to the past.
It may contain more action if they use Klingons. Something might even be good for fans who like Vikings type of stories. I'm thinking more in the lines (as you mentioned) maybe Surak's story. Keep in mind that Nemesis left off with the Romulans without a government, being that Shinzon killed off the governors, & then he, himself was killed aboard that ship. I'm thinking maybe something involving the Romulans trying to get some kind of leadership.
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@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
29 Apr 07
If anything, it seemed that in TNG, Deep Space Nine, & Voyager, there has always been "The magnificent Seven" of the main characters. While we have seen the Next Generation crew in the subsequent movies, we know that they're alive & kicking, along with Worf, who also became part of the Deep Space Nine crew.
On Deep Space Nine, we saw the demise of Ben Sisko (who in the end, became one of the prophets himself). Odo, Chief O'Brien, Worf, & Garak all left the station for various reasons. I cannot remember if Dr Bashir opted to stay on board. I'm sure that Kira would probably have became the new station commander. I also cannot recall what Quark did either. It would be good to see how everyone got on with their new lives.
In Voyager, they probably had a certain time frame to fit in as much as they could. I never really felt that the ending was complete, with it ending with Voager arriving back in the Alpha Quadrant to be greeted by a fleet of starships to escort them home. If I rememebr, Admiral Paris led the fleet, & I would have loved to see how father & son dealt with each other, being that Admiral Paris was disappointed in his son, Tom, 7 years before. I'm sure those 7 years really changed him, not to mention that the Admiral was a grandfather. Then how would have the former members of the Marquis (Chaktay & Torres) been dealt with. Then what other changes did the other crew walk into? It is true that we saw Captain Janeway promoted to Admiral in Star Trek: Nemesis, so we know that her career is indeed on track.
@nowment (1757)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I agree, I mean I knew they had to get home to end Voyager, they couldn't leave you hanging that much in the air, but I still felt like so much more could have been done for the final episode, And what if any effect would it have on the baby being born in what a worm hole, or whatever it was that caused Voyager to get home, since Tores supposedly delivered in between the Delta, and the Alpha quadrants,
How did Tom's father, react, and how would he have felt knowing his son designed and built a special ship specific to the needs they had in the Delta quadrant, I mean it was Tom who designed the Delta Flyer, Would that ship be obsolete in Alpha quadrant?
Would those members of the Maquis who earned their ranks etc, while on Voyager maintain those ranks? Remain in Starfleet? retire honorablly from Starfleet? Face charges for previous maquis acts that took place prior to everyone ending up in the Delta Quadrant, there are so many unanswered questions, and I am sure that eventually one of the authors will address this in the books, if they already haven't but while I think some of the books are fantastic, and I know they have strict rules to follow when writing a Star Trek novel, to keep things plausable and within the Star Trek realms and story lines, it is not the same thing.
Though several of the books are so true to the series' that they should be incorporated either into film, or even special one time tv movies, And I still think that the Peter David New Frontier books would be the best series if they stick to the basics that the author wrote, then they have a first class series. It also is key that those particular books are written in a part of space that is some what isolated, so they have more of the alone out there feel of the original series. No quick calls home for help.
I have got to see Nemesis again I can't for some reason remember much of that movie. I don't know why.
Should be interesting to see what if anything they can do,
@nowment (1757)
• United States
28 Apr 07
The Romulans are not a bad idea to go, the books that started with My Enemy My Ally are great that delve into the Romulan people, Not sure if you read any of them or not. There are five of them I think Rihannsu series of books that sound so good, it makes you want to know more about the Romulans. See how they evolved. That maybe they are not the big bad villians, that they were once thought to be.

@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Personally, as long as the 11th film is well-written and well-done, I'm not picky about its content. Considering that prequels do work - within reason - a film about young Kirk, Spock, and McCoy would be okay; seeing Star Trek when Starfleet was still all about exploring unknown parts of the Alpha Quadrant and with the Klingons still the "Soviets" to the Federation's "America" would be really nice. Trick would be getting young actors who resembled the young Shatner, Nimoy, and DeForest Kelley, but otherwise, it's a do-able project.
Of course, if Trek XI were to show a new crew, ship, and captain in the 24th century, it's fine with me, too.
@nowment (1757)
• United States
1 May 07
Sounds like you are really open to what ever new Star Trek movie is going to come out, I kind of miss having new Star Trek stuff myself.
I don't think finding actors who look like the originals is as much a problem as it is to have talented actors who resemble the originals, and who could copy some of the mannerisms.
I am often surprised how it is possible, and no doubt there are plenty of actors and actresses available.
My only issue would be that if they did a Star Fleet Academy and tried to put Spock there with Kirk, and McCoy, because it wouldn't be true, Spock according to the Gene Roddenbury time line was in Star Fleet for years before the other two and is in fact much other than they are.
It should be interesting.
@jessigirl116 (848)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I suddenly feel like I am in the wrong room. Sorry, Trekkies, but they need to give it a rest. I am a bona fide Star Wars fan, and I think Star Trek is ridiculous. I have ever since I was a little kid and my grandma would make me watch the movies and show with her. The only movie I almost liked was "The Wrath of Kahn", and that's only because the bad guys put the helmets on the good guys so the bugs would crawl in their ears. I thought that was pretty cool. At 4 years old, I had a good idea that I did not like that as much as I liked "Quint" getting bitten in half on "Jaws". Sorry "Kirk" but "Han Solo" is my guy. "Chewie" is a better co-pilot, too.
@lifeluver (743)
• Canada
4 Apr 07
I would like to see a Deep Space Nine movie and/or a series talking about what happened after the Dominion. I really enjoyed that show because of the great characters and the "raw" type of situations they had to deal with. Although a "young" Kirk might be interesting, I don't think that it would appeal to this generation. Many people haven't seen the original series so the only reference they have to Kirk is the movies. In general, I thought Voyager sucked and so did Enterprise so I really don't care one way or the other about these two. The great thing about Deep Space Nine is the series overlapped Next Generation and Voyager so that means anyone from these three series can be used in either a movie or a new series.
@nowment (1757)
• United States
5 Apr 07
It seems most people feel that the whole time wars was what ruined the Enterprise show. Whic I do think had a nice potential since I liked some of the characters a lot. I did like some of the episodes, such as the one where Meriweather went back to see his family, the one where Trip got pregnant was funny, and the one when the Ferengi try to pirate the ship.
It is just that the whole Suliban time war thing messed up some big time.
It seems a lot of people are interested in seeing a new story from a Cadet or early Kirk perspective.
I think they need to make sure the character stays true to who the character was, they need to be careful.
Sometimes new writers who while fans of the show, put to much of what they personally would have wanted to happen, and forget to look at what did happen, and keep things in context.
One author who was able to blend a new idea, while keeping faith with the original ideals was A. C. Crispin in Yesterday's Son, and Time for Yesterday.
due to the age of the actor's these stories couldn't be made into movies now, but maybe people trying to write for a story line for star trek should read something like this to see how keep the integrity of the story and Star Trek history when introducing some new twists.
Another idea was that someone wrote about the Eugenics wars while not Star Trek's prettiest time in history would be interesting to explore.
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@lifeluver (743)
• Canada
5 Apr 07
Thanks for this excellent comment.
I, too, did enjoy episodes of Enterprise and some of the characters did develop well (T'pal, Trip...). And, I'll never forget the drunken Lt. Reed's statement "She's got a cute bum".
I also agree with you that if a Cadet Kirk were to be developed, it would be extremely important to keep the character intact. There could be some really good story lines there.
As for the age of the characters (actors as well), because of the "open" timeline available in Star Trek and the fact that humanoids live quite long, old characters could make appearances to intertwine the storylines while new characters could be introduced and developed.
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