is it right 2 murder?? why is homosexuality right??
@newbeginnings (51)
United States
April 1, 2007 6:45pm CST
I am assuming that most of u will agree that it is NOT right to murder. My point is, the same GOD who said thou shall not murder, thou shall not covet, thou shall not committ adultry (and those of u who are NOT married are not suppose to be fornicating )is the SAME GOD who said it is an abominiation for a man to lay down with another man and a woman to lay down with a another woman. Why do people pick and choose what they will obey?
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8 responses
@Starflames (261)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Your right! Homosexuality is against what God and the bible teaches.
You will see, as it appears that you already know, that people will always pick and choose to accomodate their own lifestyle and religious prefrences.
This of course, does not make it right! Sin is sin- no matter how you try and twist it around!
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
That is right. No matter what man will do and how much he may defend homosexuality, it will always be wrong. Just as murder is wrong, homosexuality is wrong. And nothing can do a wrong thing right.
@newbeginnings (51)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Exactly! That's my point. The audacity of people to think they have the RIGHT to pick and choose God's Word.
@pangeacat (619)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Well, the problem is that if you don't pick and choose what you will obey, you will have to contradict yourself all the time. If you murder someone, for any reason, then you are breaking the commandment, "thou shalt not murder", if you don't murder someone for worshipping a different god than you, or for any number of other reasons, then you are again deviating from the word of God. If you associate with "sinners" and unbelievers, as Jesus did, then you are going against other passages which tell you not to associate with those people, but you are still adhereing to the teachings of Jesus.
Since the Bible is filled with these kinds of contradictions, you have to use your judgement (or guidance from the divine, whatever) to figure out what is actually moral and what is not. You have to also use that judgement to figure out what God would actually want of you, and what he would not want of you.
@pangeacat (619)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Whoa, whoa, whoa... hold the phone. I do NOT believe that you are a "despicable Christian." If that is what you believe that I implied, please allow me to apologize for not being clear. I have nothing against the religion of Christianity. I believe that the Bible is filled with many contradictions, because I have read it and can see those contradictions. Now, those contradictions are very likely due to two things: 1)human interpretation of the words and 2) possible mistranslations, since we all know that when you translate from one language to another, something is lost. I also believe that a few things were intentionally left out by the men who put the bible together, which lead to some of the contradictions that I see.
I do NOT hate you, and I do NOT view you as "despicable" for your beliefs. You are aboslutely more than free to believe what you want to believe. And, I have said on another thread that I personally find your interpretation of scripture much better than the one(s) I grew up with or were taught throughout my life.
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@newbeginnings (51)
• United States
6 Apr 07
The Bible is not filled with contradictions. God does not contradict Himself. He's not a man that He should lie. First of all Jesus ate with the sinners to intro them to His Father. He wasn't kickin' it with them, consorting with them, lying down with them. He showed love and He mistered to them. He wasn't "hanging out" with them. So your statement is in correct. When people in the Bible were killed because of disobedience, doing things against God's people, speaking against God etc. Also, God showed those disobedient people love by continuously sending His people to them to heed His warnings but they'd continue to pat their behinds in His face until their last warnings. People of God didn't just walk up to someone and kill them because they worshipped false gods.
Heads-up next time u foolishly try and call God's Word contradiction, know what u are talking about.
When u have a personal, intimate realtionship with God, He'll tell u want He wants u to do and not to do. There's no such thing as "figuring" things out when it comes 2 God.
@pangeacat (619)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Flowerchilde, are you seeing this? I would seriously like to know where I ever said or implied that faith, Christianity, etc. are "despicable". I have said multiple times that your religion, when people take it in it's true context, is beautiful. I have said multiple times that I have infact read the Bible, in it's entriety. The first time I did so was while I was still under the impression that this religion was the only religion in world that had any validity what-so-ever. I didn't learn to read using "see spot run", I learned to read using the story of Lazarus. Jesus' words were my very first introduction to the written word. I went to a Lutheran elementary school. I attended Sunday school regularly. I attended church regularly. I understand that you believe in Jesus and the Biblical God because you've had a wonderful experience that led you in that direction. I do not believe as you do, because I have had a wonderful experience that has led me in a different direction. Even as a child, only just learning to read, at the age of four, while being told that there was no truth but that which was presented in the Bible ~ I still saw these contradictions. I still couldn't agree that this was the truth, even though I tried desperately to accept it. I have seen the Bible through the eyes of one that longs to excuse and justify all those contradictions. I could not. I am glad that you can/could. But, that doesn't change the fact that I cannot. Why do you insist that I must hate Christianity, or otherwise find it "despicable" simply because I have been led in a different direction, having had a similar glorious experience as yours?

@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
2 Apr 07
murder ends someone else's life, homosexuality doesn't. its a simple as that. so, murder is a crime in any society. Homosexuality is only frowned upon in small minded religiously repressive societies where a few make the rules and the many folow whether willingly or not. If it wasn't for religion, people would be living happier more fulfilling lives. And what goes on in someone else's bedroom is really none of my or your business
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
2 Apr 07
What "shame"? There is no shame in being a homosexual. That's a sick thing to say.
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
Murder means taking one's life into our own hands after having planned to do it. In this context, it will never be justified to commit murder. When one kills somebody as a result of doing his job, it is not murder because, the thing has resulted in line of duty. There was no intention of killing anyone there. When one kills somebody in the course of protecting one's self from an aggressor, it is not murder either, as it was done to protect and preserve one's life. No need for justifications in these cases except when one will have to prove his innocence in court.
Homosexuality will never be right either. Remember that Sodom and Gomorrha were wiped out from the face of the earth because, they had been into the acts of homosexuals. What is wrong before will never become right just because, men have given the go signal for it. They say 'drink, dine and be merry for tomorrow you will die', yes, those who do these will indeed die for they shall not be saved in the afterlife.
@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
As you can see, newbeginnings, topics like these are really too hot to handle. I just found that I had already posted a response on this topic when I tried to read the previous ones after having posted this. I hope you find it to be just okay.
@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
People had always been hardheaded and find all sorts of excuses for not following all of the rules laid down by the Lord. Just like Eve did when she was confronted for her wrongdoing. Just as Adam did when he was confronted for his lapse of judgment. But we all know that all the excuses will never be honored. Punishment shall be on the way for all those who are transgressors of the law. And mind you, there are no exceptions to it.
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@newbeginnings (51)
• United States
6 Apr 07
EXACTLY!!!! There will be NO exceptions as to why some chose 2 turn their heads away from God's laws. They'll have plenty of time to think about those decisions they made. More time then they really wanted.
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@magicalmerlin (1623)
3 Apr 07
A very pertinent question. A shame that the first replies jumped down your throat and seemed not even willing to allow you to have such thoughts. I am so glad that the later ones are more open-minded. I suppose that in a society we have to go with the majority view but although I live in what is supposed to be an open country I feel that I am not able to speak my mind about questions such as this without being pillioried. My country is being overrun and I am not even allowed to offer dissent. My middle class friends seem to think that they can choose which laws suit them also and brag about speeding in their cars and use mobile phones whilst driving if it suits them. I am trying to make a living from the internet so that I can stay peacefully at home.
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@newbeginnings (51)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Yes it is a shame that people act like we don't have a right o express ourselves. But I learned Magic that those who just come out and out right act u are just convicted. That's their way of showing how guilty they are and how bad they really feel about themselves and the choses they've made.
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@kiwimac (323)
• New Zealand
6 Apr 07
The word 'abomination' here is 'Toebah' & in this context means a 'ritual impurity.' If you are going to keep it here then you must also not trim your hair (if a woman) nor the corners of your beard, you must neither eat pork nor shellfish, must not mix fabrics in your clothes nor yet the plants in your garden.
Do you keep these other instances of 'toebah?'
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
6 Apr 07
do nothing on saturdays, do not touch a pigskin(anyone who has ever thrown a football has committed an abomination), do not touch or talk to a woman while she is on her period; I believe there are about 300 levitical laws which people do not see when quoting Leviticus 18 and 20.
@ReyM21 (281)
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
God created man with free will-- he can decide and choose for himself whatever he want. And God set a certain rules for man to obey because God loves His creation. God created human in 2 opposite yet complementing types: a male and a female. He created man for woman and woman for man to reproduce humans (which should be done in marriage because God deeply honored marriage) that's one of His purpose and will. If man would laid on man and woman the same, it did not meet God's purpose.