By angel68
@angel68 (138)
United States
April 1, 2007 6:58pm CST
In your OPION is abortion right or wrong. What are feelings on this subject and what do you think should happen if one aborts a child? In my opion i dont believe in abortion unless it was a rape! Killing a child because you didnt use protection is wrong.
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9 responses
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Abortion is wrong. There are other alternatives, even in the case of rape.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
21 Aug 07
As opposed to murdering an unborn child merely for the sake of saving the mother the inconvenience of an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy....after all, why let a little unwanted pregnancy stand in the way of having fun when some simple infanticide will solve the problem?
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
21 Aug 07
First and foremost, abortion is NOT infanticide. Infanticide is the killing of an infant offspring. An abortion is performed on embryo/early fetus. NOT an infant.
Secondly and just as important: An unwanted oregnancy is not simply "inconvenient", it is traumatic. Pregnancies are very difficult and come with dozens of possible pains, complications and permanent side-effects that can be horrible to endure even if you want the thing in the first place. You have absolutely NO right to force a woman to go through that against her will just because you disagree.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
21 Aug 07
Life begins at conception and abortion is murdering that life....end of story.
If women want to go out and party and sleep around then they need to take responsibility for their actions regardless of whatever inconvenience to them that might create.
You are the ones who need to grow u[p and learn to take responsibility for your actions.
If you don't want to get pregnant then keep your damn legs closed...it is that simple.
Just because the law says that abortion is legal for now, does not make it morally right, and that is the main problem in the world today...the absence of morals.
Abortion is the taking of life...even in the instances of rape.
There is never a good excuse to have an abortion...ever.
Learn to take responsibility for your actions, and stop murdering children.

@men82in (1268)
• India
23 Aug 07
Believe in abortion or not. Knowing the revealings we made the mistakes then abotioning is the thing doing by only the sathans . In all the ways abortioning is the wrong attitude, give birth then grow with you or anybody the needy . abortioning is the wrong decision.
@tinacaps (66)
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
Abortion is a very sensitive topic. It clashes with a lot of other concerns whether religious, medical or personal happiness. In my opinion, you just can't assume it to be wrong or right just by hearing the word. In medicine, it could be considered if a possible fatality arises or have risen. Some people who have been raped choose to keep the child. Some just simply made a mistake and could not afford to keep a child at that time. There are many possible reasons but all could not be exactly assumed as right or wrong. But, if a person chooses it, they should not be judged. Who are we to judge, we have our own faults too, right.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I believe that abortion is taking the life of another person and for me it's not right but it is legal in the country(USA) so it is up to the individual to make decisions and they will have to live with them.I spent years marching,sitting,roadblocking for causes..trying to cram my opinions down others throats but I have realized that when I stopped shouting and started whispering that others have quieted so to listen.I can only hope to take care of the decisions for me and it's way too much to persume I can make decisions for others.
Funny about people when pushed they dig in hard but when taken by the hand respectfully they will walk with you.My opinion is it's never ok to take another life
@aprilsong (1884)
• China
2 Apr 07
Well,in my opinion,abortion is wrong.Anyway that is a little life.But nowadays more and more young people are not take the situation seriously.I have read a piece of news about a young lady who have even aborted for four times.I think it is aweful.There are lots of women who can't give birth to a baby because they have aborted too many times.I do hope young people take abortion seriously,it is no games it can influence your whole life.
@destinyisntfree (50)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I personally do not agree with abortion, and it is not an option I would ever employ, but it is an option that is available for some people. I do not feel that it is my place, or that of anyone else for that matter, to force their opinion on others just because we do not agree with a choice they have made. I think that it is a very personal choice that no woman enters into lightly, and who are we to tell them it is not right. Just because it is not the right option for me, i do not know the circumstances surrounding what led up to that choice for another woman. This has been battled out in the supreme court and the court gave the right to have this option available. While I would never choose to do this, I would not shun someone else because they did, nor do I believe that they should be punished criminally.
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
2 Apr 07
every day someone else starts a discussion on abortion why not look up everyone's answers . However, I feel abortion is an issue concerning the woman and her doctor.Period! Its nobody else's business, especially religious groups and men. Nobody has the right to tell anyone else what they should do wih their body. that is equivalent to making women have the genetal mutilation they call female circumcision/ If we all minded our own business about abortion, things would go much smoother for those who have the need for one. You have no right to look down on women who have abortions until such time as you are willing and able to support EVERY baby that was not aborted because of religious interference but the mother considered it
@malouasuncion (555)
• Malaysia
2 Apr 07
Even if abortion will be legalized I think it still morally wrong. If the mother doesn't have the money to support the baby, she still has the option to put up the baby to adoption. Women must be responsible enough to her actions.
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
2 Apr 07
i personally dont believe in abortion unless the motheer life is in absolute danger and even then i myself would just leave it up to God to decide...i feel life begins at conception and it is never right to take another persons life...