By nic24uk
@nic24uk (571)
9 responses
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
2 Apr 07
People who are unsure of themselves on a subconscious level often times try to convince themselves through the act of convincing others.
So, when you see someone trying their hardest to convince everyone how great their religion is, often times they are trying to convince themselves.
According to this theory, there are so many people spouting their religious beliefs here because real deep down they doubt their own sincerity.
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@biznizman01 (581)
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
A theory is different from facts.
Theory is an unproven thing. Unles you have proof to support it it will remain only a theory.
This will be my only post on this topic. The reason why Christian want to convince other's for their/our belief system because of what was thought us about heaven and hell. It is compassion that drives us to sprout our beliefs.
Our duty to God is to spread the word. But its up to God to touch your lives and its up to you people to accept or reject it.
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@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
2 Apr 07
Apparently, theirpreacher or other religious leader told them that it is their duty to drive the rest of the world as crazy asthey are and try to force usto jion their religion. You should see whathappens when they find out you are an atheist! I've gone from a 7 star to a 3 because of those small minded bigots.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I think there is a difference between "spouting their beliefs" and discussing/sharing beliefs...Ppl who bible bash others is annoying wihtout a doubt...ppl saying that their religion is better than or the only true way is infuriating without a doubt and makes me crazy to no end....but discussing religions and various spiritual paths in a mature fashion is something completely different and I enjoy topics like that
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I wish more people would keep their personal religious beliefs to themselves, but a lot them believe that they have to "spread the word" in order to be in compliance with their belief systems. I personally don't care to worry about other people's religious views, but they do have the right to discuss them and talk about them.
If it upsets you or offends you in some way, just ignore those discussions. I find them rather interesting, but I don't take them too seriously.
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@Kythe42 (1412)
• United States
2 Apr 07
It really annoys me a lot when people do that. It makes me so tempted to argue with them and tell them how they've been brainwashed into believing lies. I don't do that though because it would start huge conflicts and there would just be know point to it.
People are going to believe what they want to believe, but I too wish they would just keep it to themselves.
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@cyndismith (9)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I think that they truly love their religion and just want others to share in their joy! Or they want to see who the true christians are buy annoying them....
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I would ask the same question of those who don't believe.

@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
3 Apr 07
And just what exactly does any of that have to do with people talking about their religion or lack thereof on myLot?
That is after all, the subject of the original post.
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
2 Apr 07
Oh, really, how many times have YOU been told that if you don't change your ways and join their non religion that you will burn in hell for eternity, or that you don't deserve to live in your own country or shouldn't be allowed to vote or have children? Not very many, I'll bet! Atheists are told this kind of garbage all the time. Did you know that in most American(the supposed home of freedom of religion)cities, and states an atheist isn't allowed to even run for public office or teach in a public school? now how is that not discrimination?

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Apr 07
Well, first of all, lets face it...even though it's often said one shouldn't talk about politics or religion, people always do--it's a hot and I do mean hot topic at times. It IS possible to have "civilized" discussions about religion without being preachy about it...basically no matter what religion a person actually is, we are all basically trying to find our own truths, our own understanding of why we exist, ...the who am I question. But I do agree that when a person is trying to cram their beliefs into someone's throat and acts as if ONLY their religion is the right and true one, then that's wrong. It's that kind of attitude that has created wars and hatreds...the extremists that just go to far...and unfortunately almost all religions have fanatical sects that go to far..All religions in their dogmas are beautiful..have wonderful truths to them...but unfortunately rarely are they ever practiced to the fullest extent....Christianity has its fundamentalist that want to save everyone's sole..the religion of Islam is a beautiful one too, but then of course you have their fundamentalist who are extremists...It WOULD be nice if everyone got their act together and realized that on the most basic level almost all of usl believe in some great divine cosmic force that is beyond us...for those who do believe in a God we ALL believe in a God no matter what label you give that god
As for why their are people who don't keep their religions to themselves?? Their been "preachers" spewing out their beliefs from the beginning of time--I don't think that will ever change.