The truth v.s Islam; Islam wins!
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
April 1, 2007 11:04pm CST
Once again Islam wins over the truth of history. When will we ever learn? Are we to sacrifice knowledge for fable for fear of hurting someone's feelings. Some U.K. schools are now dropping teaching the Holocaust because Muslim children might be offended.
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13 responses
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Part of what makes us human is the ability to have intellect triumph over emotionalism and instinct. To not teach all the facts of history as we know them deprives these Muslim children of the opportunity to be fully human. If they are not given the full opportunity to develop their skills of reasoning by being exposed to even the simplest of unpleasant truths, how can they be expected to deal with the world as it is, instead of the world Islamic fanatics pretend it to be?
In short, the U.K. schools are making a huge mistake leaving the holocaust out of history classes.
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@abijan (494)
• Malaysia
2 Apr 07
Whoaw, wait a minute. How will holocaust offended Muslim children ? I kind of confused here. If you said don't teach the bible to the kids I can understand but I don't understand if UK schools are droping teaching holocaust. Why must they ?

@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
2 Apr 07
Here is some trivia for you. The Third Reich forged an alliance with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
Moslem Mullahs, Muftis and bloody Ayotollahs view Hitler as Mohammed's apostle for exterminating the Jews. They formed an alliance with Hitler.
Today's moslems are parodies and mindless parrots of that behaviour. Islam is neo-Nazism in the garb of religion.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Because it seems that the belief that the Holocaust never occured is spreading through out the Muslim community.
So, in order to not offend muslim students, teachers are considering to kowtow to the will of a historically uniformed minority and not teach the Holocaust or Crusades.
Honestly, I'm all for religious freedom, but for some reason Islam gets on my nerves.
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@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
2 Apr 07
Wow blimey! The world is taken over by Orwell's Ministry of Truth!
This is totally unacceptable! I thought that letting the creationist drivel enter the classroom was bad enough, but this takes the biscuit. History is what made the world as it is today, with its good and bad, and everyone should be aware of the great deeds and atrocities of the past, in order to give rise to more great deeds while avoiding to reproduce past mistakes.
If it carries on, even science classes will ignore the theory of relativity because Einstein was a Jew, and that might offend Muslims. This is simply pathetic.
Human history was made of various events, and by various people. It highlights how wonderful, as well as how disgusting our species can be, and everyone should know about it. If we'd wanted to bury our heads in the sand, we'd have been born ostriches.
This Chris McGovern put it down really well when he said that "History is not a vehicle for promoting political correctness. Children must have access to knowledge of these controversial subjects, whether palatable or unpalatable."
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
4 Apr 07
Phew, thanks for setting that straigh Coffeechat. I was getting a little frustrated.
How can the UK of all nations deny the teaching of a part of history that so impacted them as a nation. I think those that gave their lives to set Europe free from the monster Hitler, must be turning in their graves moaning and weeping.
All religion put aside, you cannot avoid the fact that this happened. As Canadian school children, we were taught about the camps we had for German soldiers and camps for our Japanese citizens. Like it or not, and shameful too but it happened. FACE IT
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
11 Apr 07
Pogroms are a historical fact. The Jewish people havebeen victims of pogroms for many centuries.
Pogrom is a russian word meaning large scale violence against a particular group (usually Jews).
The pogroms at York Castle (11th Century), the killings of 1348, because of the hysteria surrounding the Black Plague, Jews were massacred in Chillon, Basle, Stuttgart, Ulm, Speyer, Dresden, Strasbourg, and Mainz -- 12,000 in Mainz alone. A large number of the surviving Jews fled to Poland, which was welcoming to Jews at the time.
Jews have suffered pogroms at the hands of the Muslims, almost since the very inception of Islam, i.e. the Hejira. Islam is the only religion that institutionalises murder, genocide and attacks on practitioners of other religions. It sickens me to see some of this sanctimoniusness echoed by semi-literate boors.
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
11 Apr 07
p.s. There were other pogroms in Russia, Argentina, Ireland and yes even in the US.
As for the wartime internment camps that you referred to, they were a reasonable precautionary measure, which however was injudiciously applied and thoughtlessly executed. You are right - the shame of such actions must make our future generations aware of and avoid the pitfalls of the past.
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
2 Apr 07
Moslems have been allowed to settle and live with no discimination in non-Islamic societies. They have abused the freedoms provided and seek to be a Trojan Horse as it were from within these societies.
Today if British teachers are petrified enough to avoid historically important subject like the holocast societies will need to systematically review a response to this mayhem.
Here is a link to a televised debate regarding Jihad, late last month, that will provide you with insight as to where these people are coming from:
Syrian-British Islamist Sheikh Omar Bakri, Shi'ite Liberal Intellectual Diyaa Al-Musawi, and Egyptian Intellectual Sheikh Gamal Al-Bana Debate the Meaning of Jihad on New TV
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
2 Apr 07
" They have abused the freedoms provided and seek to be a Trojan Horse as it were from within these societies. "
I am convinced this is completely true. However, here in America, I'm sure most school teachers and even university professors would fear for their jobs to say it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so.
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@pilbara (1436)
• Australia
2 Apr 07
I think it is silly for truth of any kind to be neglected just because certain segments of the population may be offended.
No matter what anyone says it is very clear that large numbers of Jews, Gypsies and others were killed in horrific ways by the nazi movement. It is an insult to their memory to deny this. We may not like it, and there are many things that have happened in the past that we don't like, but that is no reason to cover them up or allow them to be forgotten.
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@GergOnline (399)
• United States
27 Apr 07
EXACTLY! Thank you!
We have to teach history, the good parts, and even the bad parts! otherwise we would never learn from other's mistakes! No matter who it offends!
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
12 Apr 07
Ignoring history is no victory. Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Has it never crossed your mind that muslims would have also been exterminated in the name of "racial purity?" Do you feel a need to defend a generation that would murder anyone who isn't aryan, or do you just hate jewish people so badly that you would gladly step into Hitler's shoes and exterminate people based on your own biases and hatreds? Really, what purpose are you getting at here?
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
19 Apr 07
Muslims are more offended when somebody blow their own people and buildings up and blame it on muslims.
Muslims are more offended when they are called terrorists while they themselves are subject to theworst terror and nobody is even ready to realize that.
Muslims are more offended when their women are not allowed to wear veil in public because the British people are not used tosee veiled ladies.
Muslims are more offended when people make such threads having partial knowledge of the affairs.
I, being a Muslim, do not see any reason why holocaust should not be tought in British Schools if the British government wahts to teach it to their children. Did any Muslims ever protest for doing that? Not to my knowledge at least. It is simply ridiculous to think the British government has acted because they were afraid any Muslims would be offended. Neither was Hitler a Muslim nor did any Muslims support killing of any innocent civilians.
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
25 Apr 07
As this thread is about holocaust, it reminds me of a news I have read few days back and would like to share it with my fellow MyLotians.,7340,L-3373013,00.html
Please keep in mind, it comes from a Israeli source, so It justcan not be labelled as Muslim propaganda. Holocaust during the WWII took place or not. If it took place, was it really aimed against the Jews or not, If only Jews were targetted, the number of victims really equals to the one told to us today by the Jews or not. These are all questions about an incident that took place in the past. What this news reports, is a Holocaust that is taking place today, and we are not even ready to believe things so sad are being done to people, right under our nose and the international media fails even to report it. I really feel sorry for those poor Pelastanians who are made so helpless that they find its better to die than to live. Yes I am talking about the suiside bombers.
@urbandekay (18278)
23 Apr 07
Except that doesn't happen. Muslims committed the London bombings and 9/11
all the best urban
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@j27366 (293)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
i don't know why the issue of Islam has gotten into the issue of Holocaust. Hitler (he was Catholic)did not kill the Jews to spread Christianity; he killed them because he wanted "PURE GERMAN RACE" to exist in the entire world. had he been successful, if we would have been alive today, we'd all be slaves of Hitler and his successors. so how can Islam win in this issue when it has no place in it?
@urbandekay (18278)
7 Apr 07
Yes, it is a disgrace and our shame to have given into Islamofascists
all the best urban
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
24 Apr 07
but why will the muslim children get offended! The crime has nothing to do with the muslim, has it?
I wish other people would also be given the freedom of say things and practise things in Islamic countries like the way immigrant muslim enjoy freedom in western democratic countries. I think the immigrant muslims need to do a lot of soul searching business in this regard.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
25 Apr 07
If you read the article you will find that they are not teaching the Holocaust because Muslim children are being taught in their Masques that it never happened. That is why they will be offended.
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
26 Apr 07
ok. It never happened according to them? So that Jews will not get the world's sympathy. And if we sympathise with the Jews then the Palestinian will not be given fair treatment... I think that is the way the logic works.
I think, however, we need to teach about Holocaust and and at the same time listen to the plight of the Palestinian too. To let the two keep on killing each other is too bad.
@anonymili (3138)
23 Apr 07
Going back 25 years when I was in high school, we were studying RE. Only 7 of us were being entered for the O level exam and the school randomly picked two religions for us to study for the syllabus which were Judaism and Christianity. 2 out of the 7 people taking the O level were Muslim, 3 were Hindus and 3 were Christians as far as I recall and the 2 Muslim students' parents complained to the school that if Islam wasn't on the syllabus they would refuse to let their daughters take the exam. The school was concerned about only having 5 students taking the exam so Christianity was dropped in favour of Islam. I was quite amused at the time because my Hindu parents didn't care that I was doing an exam in RE and concentrating on Judaism and Islam... Times they don't change much... Oh by the way, it was the only exam I ever got a U for ("unclassified" LOL)!
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
2 Apr 07
What a stupid thing to do. Let's dumb down our children in order to make sure other children aren't offended.
History shouldn't be treated like dirt that could be swept under a rug to avoid offending your guest. What happened, happened, and if Muslim children are offended by it, then that's just too bad. They can either get over it, or be homeschooled.
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