By April
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
United States
April 2, 2007 1:25am CST
OK..what the hell is the deal with these so short shorts that you can almost see private parts front and back on young children? I was soo upset the other day i was spitting nails..,for my niece thats 8..all the shorts on the shelves and hanging up..are so short my 4 year old son could wear them and they would be short on him too!! its disgusting! They are making them look like Hoochie mommas..and ya know..its no freakin wonder that all the child molesters are coming out more and more..look at what they want our children to wear!! what are your thoughts on this? anyone as disgusted as i am?? Talk to me..
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28 responses
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
2 Apr 07
I agree with you, my cousin let her 11 year old daughter go to school with all her stomach showing. And when the school said they would not allow such dress as it was not appropriate for school, she argued with them. I just don't understand it.
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
2 Apr 07
i know! i forgot about the short shirts as well..but what im saying is that all the shorts in all the stores here are soo dang short..they are all just made that theer is just no way around it..if i had a girl..i would learn to sew and make my own lol..but i think something should be done the way clothing is being made for young children now..thank you soo much for your response!
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@skydancer (2101)
• United States
3 Apr 07
Several years ago, I remember when Abercrombei and Fitch had an idea for thong underwear for seven year olds that would say "eye candy" somewhere across the garmet. I find that especially inappropriate... My parents would never have even allowed me to have something like that at age eighteen or twenty-one for that matter. Even now, at 23, they'd never approve of or encourage such provocative clothing. I know I am legal age, but even still they'd die if they saw me go out dressed like that.
I think part of it is these influences of the pop culture. Kids look up to people like Britney Spears and celebrities like that and want to be just like them. When they see their idols dress a certain way, they feel like they have to as well (why the parents would approve, I've no earthly idea - kids are just getting so spoiled and over-privildged at too young an age these days for some reason... maybe it has something to do with this new generation of parents having grown up in this same era insofar as what kinds of role models are available and what's popular go and they're inadvertantly encouraging their children to live up to the same image... that's about the only explanation I can come up with but I am not a parent so I wouldn't know anything about this... my parents both grew up in the 50's and 60's, which bear much more stark contrast to my generation of the 80's and 90's than the 80's and 90's generation does the children of today).
I think the parents are definitely to blame and need to stop giving into these negative commodities and influences that the media exploits. I am not even sure I would allow my kid (if I had one) to listen to Britney Spears and some of these other pop singers until they reached a certain age. To make matters worse, I also don't think this current generation of celebrities feel any sort of responsbility as a role model to young people, and that's sad.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
2 Apr 07
I work in a nursery and the way some of the kids as young as 3 & 4 years are dressed by their parents is totally inappropriate.
The girls wear trousers with writing across the bum. It is there for people to automatically look at their backsides, which I find wrong. As an adult you can make the decision whether to bring attention to yourself by what you wear, but for kids its different.
The fashion industry has tried to sexualise childrens clothes to be the same as adults and to me it is just another way to make money without thinking about how these kids look.
Although the kids themselves do not realise what impression they are giving, parents should and take responsibility for what their kids wear. I would hate to think some perve was looking at children this way and I am sure there are those out there who will.
I have a daughter and I always dressed her in appropriate clothes for her age. I would never think of putting such revealing items on her, as it is very distasteful and quite worrying that there are thoses who will.
@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I am very much digusted and have this arguement constantly with my step daughter. I refuse to buy her clothes that I feel are inappropriate. Her mom let's her wear whatever she wants to the point that I can see everything that her momma gave her. I won't allow her to come over if she is wearing stuff like that. I have explained to my husband that we have rules in our house and they need to be followed if she can't then I am sorry. He agrees since we have other children that must also follow those rules and it would not be fair to them if we let her get away with it. It's funny that I came across this tonight. Because the weather just got nice and I got home to my daughter who is 9 wearing shorts from the year before. My eyes popped out my head. I told her to go change and to make sure that the shorts ended up in the garbage.
@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
2 Apr 07
it truly is disgusting! the stores and designers seem to think that dressing our little girls like hookers is the way to grow up right.
whatever happened to teaching your daughter how to be a LADY?! doesnt seem to happen much at all anymore. much less gentlemen.
apparantly dressing little girls like hookers is somehow NOT a big bright target for child molesters.
makes me mad thinking about it!
thankfully my 12yrd olds school district is enforcing school uniforms next year. now there will be no arguing about what she can and cant wear to school! or anywhere for that matter! lol
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
2 Apr 07
i agree 100% with what you said,.and i agree with the uniform thing..but what about what they wear outside school? they arent leaving any choice for them to wear..there should be a petition..
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@MsJessi (423)
• United States
3 Apr 07
Oh My God, I know!! It's horrible! I was talkin to this little girl at the park who was wearing stuff like that...actually, she was wearing a skirt that showed her panties and she was 5!!! Holy Crap! I mean, I'm all for being "in style" and being cute...but come on...if you start letting them dress like that now, how are they gonna know the difference later on when you're yellin at him for wearing it?
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@Stiletto (4579)
3 Apr 07
I totally agree with you - you know you can actually buy thongs for 6 year olds!! I see little girls as young as 4 or 5 dressed like older teenagers and I wonder what their parents are thinking of dressing young children in such a way. I just find this sexualisation of children at such a young age disgusting and extremely dangerous.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
3 Apr 07
Oh, I agree..what's more distasteful is when 30 year old women try to squeeze into them or the mini squirts then come to church a go on the altar to read and all you see is ..You know what..
Some people have no self - resepect.. or sense of modesty..
I think our children are being pulled by society's standards:(+
@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I completelly agree. These parents are dressing their children like little ho*es. Have you seen the skimpy little bikinis they wear? It's ridiculus. I do see why all these child molestation cases are coming about. People should learn to dress their child with decency.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
3 Apr 07
I agree with you totally, its absolutely disgusting. They want the children to grow up so quickly these days with all these seductive clothing, yeah no wonder why so many things are happening these days to little girls.
But in reality it is the parents fault. These are only children so the parents should get to say what they were to an extent. I have a 7 year old and there is no way on this earth that she will go outside looking like a cheap tramp or looking older than what she is. She wears pretty clothes for her age not trashy show off your bits rags (well there isnt much material in some) that some look like hoes. I suppose I'm old fashioned, but I have morals.
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@bad1981 (799)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I am with you on this one, some of the stuff young people wear these days is just sickening. I wouldnt ever let me daughter dress in half of the clothes that they make for her age. They have alot of cute clothes for girls that actually cover everything and thats what my daughter will be wearing. But with the stuff some of these kids see their parents wearing it doesnt suprise me that they also put this on their children. where is the respect for yourself and your child?
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@gadget_kat (412)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I have 2 girls, 6 and 7, and luckily, around my area, I haven't seen the real short shorts. But one item of clothing that is common around here are the sweats/pants with "cute" sayings on the backside. And I've seen little girls younger than my 2 wearing these type of pants. I think it's disgusting. And another thing that I'm apalled at are young girls wearing low-riders. It's a shame, and I think a big influence on these fashions are those Bratz dolls.
@tarheelnancy (1317)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Hello, Cloud_Kicker! Oh yes, I am as disgusted as you are! My daughter got very upset with me shopping over the weekend. She saw some shorts she wanted and I wouldn't get them for her, because just as you've noticed they were WAY too short! She said, "everbody has these" and I told her "well not everybody because you aren't getting any"! The only way to avoid the short, shorts is to wear capris. I actually did make her some shorts last year, guess I'll have to dust off the Singer and start making some more!
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I really paid no attention to it, because it is not a way I would dress my daughter. It really disturbed me though when out to a truck show a couple weeks ago several very young girls were wearing really revealing articles of clothing. And the parents were right there allowing their children to dress that way out in public. I admit I was rather p.o.ed and nearly told those parents off, but just went to another part of the show.
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@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
2 Apr 07
Totally agree with you. And it's not only clothes buat also body piercings and lots of make-up. I have seen girls of 10 with a navel piercing. Yikes.
And the photospreads for children's clothes in glossy magazines tend to be very suggestive sometimes also.
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@kylanie (1205)
• United States
2 Apr 07
I totally agree with you but it is not only the young ones I went to mcdonalds the other day and I would say that this girl was in her 20's and she had a really short dress on and high heels looked tacky to me but that is my opinion.
@sweeetkisses2 (269)
• United States
3 Apr 07
yes i hate it when i see little kids wear short shorts that you can almost see private stuff and makes me wanna say something,if it was my kid i wouldnt ever let her wear something like that if she evered tried she would have to deal with me and the thang is all these little girls thinks its the style to wear stuff like that,untill one day they will learn and i feel sorry for all of them.but mothers now a days let there kids do whatever they want to they need to start steping up and letting them know who the boss is and what happens to little girls who wear clothes that dont fit them.
@mickidmw (992)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Oh My God I agree 10,000,000,000%
It is sickening! All of the pervs out there are unreal. Any mother that would put their child in those needs to be smacked!or as gramma would say... spit in their ear and give them a new set of brains!
I am definately as disgusted as you are!