do u choose Best response for the replies?

@subha12 (18441)
April 2, 2007 5:16am CST
Do u always choose best response for te replies you get for the discussions you started. Very frankly speaking i do it rarely. What about this all Mylottian?
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6 responses
@ackars (1942)
• India
2 Apr 07
Most of the times yes..For the last few days I ve been very busy so thata I didnt get time to do so..So some of my discussionss are unresolved...
• India
2 Apr 07
I always select best response to all discussions that I start!I feel its good if you mark the best response then it will tell other users as to which of all the posts was very informative for the user who started the discussion so i generally always select best response for the discussions i start
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
of course, i choose the best response for the replies i get for the discussions i started. Since i am the one who started it , i would definetely choose best responses since i am very much interested in the topic.
@syain1972 (1011)
• Singapore
2 Apr 07
To me, it is only right to rate someone for Best Response... They'd put an effort in answering your discussion. They should be both rated and chosen for Best Response. I do rate most my replies.... I think they deserve it! :
@jencai (3412)
• Philippines
2 Apr 07
I choose my best response at least after one week. I do this so I can have more choices of responses. Whenever I found the right one, I would mark it immediately. But still, I have alot of unresolved discussions. It was around 100 plus, and I am still waiting for more quality responses. Have a nice day!
@mantiz (103)
• India
2 Apr 07
I just joined mylot yesterday, but i did do some hard work posting new discussions and replying to other's questions, (though my earnings still show 0), so i doubt if i will be of much help to you. But as far as i've read in this site, you have to work real hard (till your fingers go numb frrom typing, that is..), and that too sensibly to create a good reputation here and to make some real money out here. So far i haven't marked any best responses, but sure have marked some helpful replies as positive, hoping that'll help them.. :)