Do you wear your watch on the LEFT or RIGHT?

Do you wear your watch on the left or right? - A picture of a cute dog wearing a watch.
April 3, 2007 3:01am CST
Left right left right left right left. Nope, we are not marching here. But I trust you know your left from your right. Well, your left is... on your left side, and your right is... on your right side. Goodness, how does one even begin to explain what is left and what is right? :P So do you wear your watch on your left hand or your right? I have observed that right-handers typically wear their watches on their left hands while left-handers typically wear theirs on their right. There is some rationale in this since the watch might possibly get in your way when you are writing. I am proud to be different in that I am a right-hander and I wear my watch on the right. After so many years, it would indeed feel strange if I switch hand. So is it the left or the right for you? To analyze the situation properly, you will need to share whether you are a left-hander or right-hander too. Or do you prefer not to wear a watch at all?
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255 responses
@mamakat0 (209)
• United States
3 Apr 07
Well I write with both hands. But mainly I am right-hander so I wear my watch on my left wrist. I know some people gave up thier watches and use their cell phones for a watch because they use the cell phone more than anything.
• Singapore
3 Apr 07
Another normal one. :P
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• Philippines
3 Apr 07
Generally, I do not wear any watch at all. However, there are times when it becomes necessary. When the need comes, I wear the watch at my left wrist. I am right handed and, I do not want any disturbance in my right hand whenever, I undertake some tasks. The left do not do much other than assist my right whenever, I do tasks other than typing.
• Singapore
3 Apr 07
Alright, so I guess you are normal lol. :P
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@paulnet (748)
• India
4 Apr 07
yaa you are right, its a disturbance while you working 'n i think generally normal ppl. do the same thing around the world like me 'n like you. Bye
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• Greece
4 Apr 07
hey man more than 202 responses.Keep it up. So what you fell now are you normal??
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
3 Apr 07
I wear my watch on my left wrist actually not on my hand!! just joking Wow really you wear your watch on the same hand that you write with but I really think that the reason for this is that so that the watch does not get damaged that much seeing we use that side not just for writing. So I am a right handed person who wears my watch on my left hand side.
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• Singapore
3 Apr 07
And guess what, even with the extra weight of the watch, the way I write is still very forcing. My friend used to joke that sometimes the table (those flimsy plastic kind) will shake.
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@ethanmama (1745)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
I am right handed and I wear my watch on my left hand. It's more comfortable for me since it doesn't get in the way of writing or other things I do. In fact, I also wear my wedding ring on my left hand (although the Philippine tradition is to wear it on the right) because it is very uncomfortable for me to be wearing it on the right hand. :)
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• Singapore
3 Apr 07
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@mskzalameda (4023)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
i am a right hander and i do wear my watch on the left. i am used to it and it will be kinda weird if i will put my wristwatch on the right.
@nanayangel (7878)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
You have a funny way of asking a question. I am amused. Hahaha. I am a right handed person but I always wear my watch on my right arm. I don't really know how to explain it but whenever I wear it in my left hand, it feels heavy and I feel really uncomfortable. It may sounds funny but I can't really explain why. But there are times before that I tried to wear it in my right side but I was able to do it for half an hour and moved it to my right arm after.
• Singapore
3 Apr 07
It's a habit thingy.
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• United States
3 Apr 07
It really depends on my mood for me. Sometimes I wear it on my left hand. SOmetimes I wear it on my right hand. Most of the time I don't even wear a watch. It's clanky and gets in the way.
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• Singapore
3 Apr 07
Guess it feels good to be different each day. :P
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@melanie652 (2524)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I'm left handed and don't usually wear a watch. When I do wear one, it's on my right wrist. I prefer not to wear a watch though. I have a small clip on watch clipped onto my keychain along with my keys. That's what I usually look at to check the time. I don't like wearing a watch. Having something strapped to my wrist bothers me.
• Singapore
3 Apr 07
As long as you have some way of telling time.. ;-)
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I very seldom wear a watch these days but years back when I did wear one daily I wore it on my left hand - I am right handed... I do know when and why I started doing that - I worked as a receptionist, then records clerk, then engineering assistant. All of those jobs I spent a lot of time taking notes, sorting through files, or plotting oil production on graphs - wearing anything on my right hand which I used more got in the way or hung up on things. I broke I don't know how many watch bands catching the watch on a file folder or drawer edge..
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
3 Apr 07
oh a little added note for this study - even though I don't wear a watch if someone asks me what time it is I will instinctively glance at - my right wrist even though when I wear a watch I don't wear it on that hand.
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• Singapore
3 Apr 07
That is so strange, Faith. You have *never* worn a watch on your right hand yet you would look there for the time? Hmm..
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• Canada
3 Apr 07
Hey there, I am righthanded and also wear my watch on my right wrist. I am told I do this is because I used my lefthand until I hit kindergarten and had a nun that made me use my right hand instead of my left. The left hand being the devils tool or some such nonsense. But that's another story.
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• Singapore
3 Apr 07
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@gegegelay (933)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
Want to hear something weird? I'm right-handed, but I wear my watch on my left hand ;) Cool? Weird? I don't know.. but i'm more comfortable wearing it on my left hand. The thing is, i'm supposed to be left-handed. I was forced to be right-handed when I was a kid, that's why I use my hand more in doing hand activities such as texting on the cellphone, snap my fingers (I can't that much on the right).. and more.. hehe ;)
• Singapore
3 Apr 07
No no, you are "normal" if you are right-handed and wear your watch on the left. But you said you are supposed to be left-handed? I know of people like you who were forced by their parents to become right-handed.. don't know what to make out of your case though. I suppose we should consider you right-handed though. :P
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@feliniti (875)
20 Apr 07
I don't usually wear a watch, but like the OP, I also like to be different, I am right handed but I like to wear my watch on my right hand. It just feels right, right? lol. ok. Glad thats sorted out.
• India
3 Apr 07
i wil wear in the left..i usually girls wear the watch on their right hand..!
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@borzack (597)
• Malaysia
3 Apr 07
I've not been wearing a watch for so long now. i just use my mobile. But earlier when i use the watch i wore them on my left hand. i dunno why because i tried using my right hand, it feels awkward. but now, i don't use them at all. and by the way, i'm right-handed.
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• Singapore
3 Apr 07
If you remember to charge your battery. :P
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@DeaXyza (577)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I am a right handed person and I have always worn my watch on my right wrist only. I also found that I am one of the monority in this trend, nearly nobody wears (pardon my english) their watch in their right wrist. and I wear it with dial facing outwards, don't know why, where and when I got to the habit of wearing my watch on my right side but as long as I can remember I wore it on my right wrist only; maybe I feel it must have been during my school time, when a boring class would be on and whilst I am taking notes I could slyly check on time left for the class to get over, without bringing attention to the task got me stuck to the habit. :)
• Singapore
3 Apr 07
Isn't that like me? Or is my mind not functioning again?
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@DeaXyza (577)
• United States
3 Apr 07
absolutely like you.... but it is such a rare occurence like the eclipse nah not the eclipse like the haley's comet once in a lifetime. not many people wear on their right wrist!
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@Darkwing (21583)
3 Apr 07
I am right-handed, so I wear my watch on my left wrist. To be quite honest, I don't think it's because it gets in the way when I'm writing, because I wear a leather band on the other, but I feel really awkward with my watch on my right wrist. It seems much easier to glance at the time when it's not on your power hand. A strange thing that, but true! Brightest Blessings Wizard... yet again, an excellently thought out discussion.
• Singapore
3 Apr 07
Hey I am still waiting for your PM reply! :P
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@afreddy (182)
• India
3 Apr 07
I wear my watch on my left hand. I remember when I was a kid and my father bought me a watch for the first time. I wore it on my right hand because I was comfortable having it there. My father insisted that I wear it on the left had because he said that I would damage it more on the right hand than on the left. Actually that didnt help much. That poor watch saw more of a watch repairer's shop than my left hand. ;)
• Singapore
3 Apr 07
Fathers... :P
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@stateroad (730)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I always have to wear a watch or I feel like I am missing something and do not feel right unless I have my watch on my left wrist. I have always worn a watch since I was in high school. I know some people do not wear watches anymore.
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• Singapore
3 Apr 07
Same here. I think it has become a habit. We just need a watch. :P
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@socorban (650)
• United States
3 Apr 07
Im ambidexturous. I cant write and draw with both hands. I also switch up which sides i wear my watch on depending on what im doin. Although i can write with both hands perfectly fine, i find myself reaching for things more with my right hand, hence the watch gets more banged up on my right hand so i usually wear it on my left. You are correct though, most people put it on the weaker side thats not used as often, like wirting and all that. My pinky cramps up everytime i try to write with the hand my watch is on. You know they say the the left half of your brain controls the right half of you body, so only left handed people are in there right minds. Were does that place me? hmm.
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• Singapore
3 Apr 07
LUCKY you!! :P
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@femimi (872)
• Indonesia
3 Apr 07
I only weared my watch when I was in school (hmmm it's been almost 8 years ago), now I don't use it anymore. But if I wear watch, I wear in my left hand, and I'm a left handed :D, I think nothing strange in that (just like you, right handed, and using watch in right hand) By the way I don't use my watch again because seems that I'm kind of person who won't bother my hand with accessories (like watch, or rings or something in my wrist), and if I using accessories in my hand only can stand about 2-3 hours, after that seems my hand is to heavy get those burden hahaha... I don't know why I have that feeling.
• Singapore
3 Apr 07
When you get used to it, then it won't be so heavy. :P
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• Philippines
3 Apr 07
I have noticed that a lot of right-handed people wear their watches on the left-side. The left-handed people on the other hand, wear them the other way. I do wear it on the left-side as a right-handed person. However, there were some instances where i transferred my watch on the right just so to make space for other native bracelets i wore. I used to get uneasy at first but later became accustomed. Now I wear them anywhere I'm pleased at the moment. =)
• Singapore
3 Apr 07
For it is Mon, Wed, Fri left hand; Tue, Thur, Sat right hand. Watch-less on Sunday. Yea? :PP
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