Being A Father and Working at the same time

My Life - With my wife, son and newborn baby girl
@bayenn (68)
April 3, 2007 5:28am CST
Recently my wife gave birth to our second child, a healthy baby girl, and it is tough to undergo the process of being a daddy to a newborn for the second time again. It's back to the waking up at night again, changing diapers again, and all those crazy stuff we fathers could sometimes not get the hang of. My eldest child is turning 5 this year. How does one really strike a balance between a career and fatherhood? As in my case I am a post graduate intern, barely in the start of my medical career and support my young family on a very meager income. It is one tough act, really, to balance a starting career and family life. Any tips?
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3 responses
@ethanmama (1745)
• Philippines
4 Apr 07
Hi, bayenn! It's a tough situation to be in. Having a growing family when just starting your medical career. At this point, however, I believe your parents are still very willing to support you. I feel that it's easier for you as father since your only problem is really to bring in the money to support your family, and most of the time, the grandparents (your parents) are more than willing to take on the burden. For a mother, it's a bit harder, because a small child, especially a newborn, demands a lot of the mom's time and attention. I should know, I'm a mom to a one and a half year boy. I married and had him when I was already practicing. It's a good thing that my husband is in the same specialty as me, so he can cover for my clinics while I was on maternity leave. I cannot imaging being an intern and being a mom at the same time. That's why I have a lot of respect for single moms. Oops, getting off topic here.... While you're preparing for the medical boards, you cannot get a position of MD because you aren't board certified yet. But in between studying for the boards, you may get a few sidelines. I've looked at the website you've made and you seem to have quite a talent for it. You may want to pursue that, even if it's on the side. Mylot is also a good sideline for you, since you get paid for your participation here. You'll get even more time to be online once you're done with your internship and are reviewing already. Just set aside a few hours a day for internet and make sure you contribute to mylot. I do also have a list of money making opportunities on the net that are free to join and applicable to us Filipinos. I have added you as a friend here on mylot. If you are interested, accept my friend request and message me. I will respond as soon as I can. I might not have internet connection during the holy week vacation though, but I will try to log on. These internet opportunities are NOT get rich quick schemes and may require a bit of work, but add them up and work on them and they mad add up to quite a tidy sum. Lastly, I would like to encourage you about the boards. Whatever you do, the boards should be your first priority for this year. You cannot practice as a doctor or enter any residency program without passing the boards. It will set you back on your medical career for a least a few months if you don't pass. So do your best! Good luck to you!
@bayenn (68)
• Philippines
4 Apr 07
Thank you for the encouraging words of affirmation, doctor. I am faced with so many stresses in life I really don't know where to begin. How do i get stressed up let me count the ways: 1. being a young father is one. one cannot really ignore the demands of family life and at the same time cannot also let go of a childhood dream. But if i am to make a decision, I would choose my family. And that is what i am most afraid of. 2. coming from a pioneer batch of medical students, the pressure is up for us. Unfortunately, the school is not as optimistic and supportive as expected. Even our own dean is not as encouraging as he should be. Anyway, i can only count two as of the moment so onward to a new challenging day as a father and intern.
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@ethanmama (1745)
• Philippines
10 Apr 07
Good luck to you! Keep your eye on your goal!
@ethanmama (1745)
• Philippines
23 Apr 07
Thanks for the best response!
@bowtieguy (5915)
• United States
11 Oct 07
It is tough epecially when you are a single father and have to go it alone, I took a higher ranking position at my company to conpensate fro my wife's income and I didn't like it at first but I grew into it and things are working out just fine now, all I can say for you is to hang in there and i'm sure once you get further along in your career you will have more money and get to spend more time with your family.
@jfpicard (179)
• Canada
15 Apr 07
It's not easy even if you have your career started. Try to reach your relative and ask them to help you. They will probably. If I can give you three tricks that works most of the time is theses one: 1) Try to exhaust yourself. Try to take a nap when the baby got a nap too (in the weekend) can help you to get a little more energy. In the long run it pays. 2) Don't be too hard on domestic task. Washing the dishes and the cleaning can wait longer before being done. Don't panic about it. It doesn't worth the energy being anxious about that. 3) Try to have your relatives gives you some time to yourself. If someone can take care of the child while you get some time on your own to do whatever - even just to take a nap - it will help you alot. I wish you good luck and take care. If you must remember one thing it's this one: it always help to take some time to yourself.