when can i start solid food to my 5 month old baby???
By thanuarun
@thanuarun (290)
April 3, 2007 7:51am CST
here a big discussion is going on in my home.. my mother is saying that you should start solid food on the 5th month and my husband says 6th month... i tried looking in the net(babby care sites) there they saying only after six month...till that only breast feeding...i dont have enough milk to give...what to do??? he's only 5 month(6th month)...i need a remedy for this matter to solve the problem because, anyway my baby is suffering...!!!!
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9 responses
@ackars (1942)
• India
3 Apr 07
I think its the right time for you to start solid food on..But first start by semisolid...Then gradually change on to solid food if the baby is not feeling much of difficulty with it...
@thanuarun (290)
• India
3 Apr 07
thank u ..i'll try to give this month itself...i think he's ready...because thats how he's looking on our plates when we r eating......lol...!!!
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@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
3 Apr 07
It depends on the baby and the pediatrician recmmendations. If you are drying up then I would suggest supplementing with formula. If your baby seems to be starving, always crying a lot after a feeding, not willing to let go, he is indeed needing something more. You may have something lacking in your diet causing you to dry up. I would check with your physician. Try very thin, almost runny, baby rice cereal as a supplement if you feel you need to.
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@thanuarun (290)
• India
3 Apr 07
pediatrician said that after 6 months is good for baby if there is no other way u can start cerels on this month...and gave some medicines for me,i took three injection for increasing the milk..increased but not enough...
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
4 Apr 07
I started my children on baby rice when they were 4 months old. It made my life so much easier, because they definitely were wanting food at that point.
If your milk is drying up and the injections didn't work, then I would suggest starting your child on solid food and supplementing with formula if you're still not producing enough milk.
I don't think there's any set time limit as to when you can start your child on solids. My health visitor told me any time after 4 months was good and because my children needed it, thats when we started. Go by what your child is telling you, not what your husband and your mother tells you. Your child is the best indicator of what they need.
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@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I know the modern thing is not to give a baby solid food until they are about 6 months old, but take it from grandma! First, that is a guideline, not a law! Second, every child is different.
Third, what is the fashion today won't be tommorow. I gave my babies cereal in their milk long before they were six months old! When they started acting like the milk wasn't enough, then I gave them something a bit more solid.
I know doctors know more about a lot of things now, than they did years ago, but they are also finding out that some of the old mothers' methods (like chicken noodle soup for colds and honey for coughs) were right on!. Grandma says give that some food! Add a little rice cereal to that milk!
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Amen to that. My mom used to mix the rice cereal in the bottle for both myself and my sister when we were babies. She told me to do that with my son too, but I was afraid he would choke so I just used a bowl and spoon.
My son's doctor told me to give him prune/apple juice at 4 months because he was having such a hard time going poopy. When he wouldn't drink it, my doctor told me to put a little corn syrup in it to sweeten it. It worked. Most doctors won't let you start juice or water until the baby starts solid food. But I was giving my son very weak chamomille tea after each feeding from birth to help sooth his gassy tummy. It was something my granny told me to do and I just did it.
When my son got colic, as most baby do, my granny told me weak peppermint tea would help soothe him and my mother-in-law said night air would help too. I gave my son the tea and we slept with the windows open. It worked. He would calm down and go to sleep. So, if your granny tells you to try something, trust her. I trusted mine. After all, my granny raised 5 kids back when you had to boil your glass bottles to sterilize them. I figure she knows what she is talking about.
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@thanuarun (290)
• India
4 Apr 07
i don't have a grand mother.so here we have to take a decission,till now what doctor says i'll do..but now i think the doctor passed the ball to my court;so i have to take decission...!!!but here one more thing i have to do.. before giving any rice cerels to the babby here is a custom to give rice in the temple(religious).sometimes it will a function...any way good advises i'll keep it in mind,now itslef we aresleeping with the windows open..doctor gave one cyrup for colic somtimes i'll give...thank you susieq and vokey.
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@bad1981 (799)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I started my son on solids between 5-6 months and he did fine with it, but I also started him earlier on cereal at 8 weeks so thats why i started earlier with the solids. Id start your baby on them if your milk supply isnt enough, the baby will do great with it. Just be sure to start your baby on vegetables first so they dont like just the sweet stuff down the line.
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
4 Apr 07
Very true. But be careful about which veggies you start with. I started with corn and sweet potatoes and carrots. My son loved them. They were sweeter than the other veggies but not as sweet as the fruits. I should have listened to my mother about the veggies. She says start them with green beans, geen peas and things like that. Save your orange and yellow veggies for right before fruit. Othewise they may be really resistent to the other veggies. My son to this day adores carrots, sweet potatoes and corn, but absolutely refuses to eat his peas or green beans. One the plus side, he adores broccoli and cauliflower and always has. I got lucky there. :)
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@thanuarun (290)
• India
4 Apr 07
oh! i can give carrot sweet potatoes etc.. also thank you i'll try giving..what about fruits..only ligid form juce or little thicken...!!!thanks a lot..both bad and vokey.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I nursed my son for a year. At four months he was still just barely making it 2 hrs before he was starving again so my doctor suggested I start giving him a little cereal mixed in one bottle a day. It can be a little inconveniet because you have to pump and stay ahead of the system a little and my little guy was just always so hungry that I felt like I cut him off in order to pump when he would have actually eaten more. But it was a wonderful thing I did for him. He even started sleeping through the night when I started it. Then at 6 months the doctor okayed me to introduce yellow veggies to him.
Some moms worry that introducing a bottle or food from a spoon will make them no longer want to nurse...... I have never found that to be true among all the nursing moms I know.
Pumping in order to supplement with cereal will also help increase you milk production.
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@thanuarun (290)
• India
3 Apr 07
he needs somthing more i think thats why he's crying...i'm hearing this first time...thank u.
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@sarahkskeeters (235)
• United States
4 Apr 07
My baby is 5 months old and I started her on baby cereal last week. I knew she was ready because she would stare at us while we were eating and make chewing motions while watching us! She would also try to grab food off my plate and put it in her mouth when she was sitting on my lap. When I asked her pediatrician about it at her last appointment, the doctor said that I could give baby cereal at 5 months if I wanted but to wait until 6 months old to give pureed fruits and veggies. I've given her a tiny little bit of mashed banana twice now though, because she wanted it so badly and wouldn't leave me alone! She really enjoyed it and I don't feel like there is anything wrong with starting to give tiny little amounts of pureed foods at this point. She is clearly ready. And don't feel bad about not producing enough milk, I've had the same problem, although I'm pumping and feeding my milk from a bottle. By the time my baby was 3 months old I wasn't producing enough, so I had to start supplementing 1 bottle of formula per day and it killed me! I was absolutely guilt-ridden, but I've come to realize that we do the best we can for our children and feeding your baby formula or solids a few weeks before the doctor gives you the okay wont kill your baby! As a parent, you know what's right for your baby, so trust your gut. It sounds like you think your baby is ready, so I'd go for it. Good luck!
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@sarahkskeeters (235)
• United States
4 Apr 07
My daughter enjoyed the banana WAAAAAAY more than the cereal I've been giving her. I really think that cereal is an unncessary step between milk and solids. I plan on stopping with the cereal and giving tiny little tastes of pureed veggies instead. She's not interested in the cereal like she is in real food. I don't blame her! I tasted the rice ceral I've been feeding her and it's got no flavor whatsoever and a really disgusting texture. It's Gerber Organic Rice Cereal, if it makes any difference. If you want you can start with cereal and then slowly introduce veggies, it seems like that's what people are most comfortable with, but I really think you can skip it if you want.
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@thanuarun (290)
• India
17 Apr 07
thanks u very much as u told i started cerels banana and raggi..he likes both first i gave it in spoon..but very difficult then bottle but its also difficult then again changed to spoon now ok ...
@Gumball (793)
• United States
3 Apr 07
Mix a little baby cereal like rice in your baby's formula bottle. It won't hurt them a bit but you might have to cut the holes in the nipple a little bigger so it won't clog up. That way they can get used to a solid food before you have to switch to a jarred food.
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@Gumball (793)
• United States
3 Apr 07
My daughter is now 7. I gave her cereal in her bottle when she was 5 months old and it didn't hurt her at all. She loved it and drank down every drop. I never said to add a lot, just a LITTLE BIT. Make it a THIN liquid, not thick enough to choke on. It will come thru the nipple just fine if you make the hole a little bigger using a metal skewer, like the kind used to shut the flap on a stuffed turkey. I told her doctor about giving her the cereal in her formula and he didn't see anything wrong with it. She's a happy & healthy 7 year old now, and taller than all of the other kids in her class.
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@thanuarun (290)
• India
3 Apr 07
in case of baby everybody have opinions...here also happening the same,5 month,no six months..thats why i thought to ask my lotters...there also i stuck in bottle or spoon...i'm happy i'm getting advises from experienced one....any way my son is ready to eat anything if i gave chicken leg he's ready to eat that also,like what he's looking and bitting....hehe...lol(my sweet naughty)..!!!
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@thanuarun (290)
• India
3 Apr 07
thank you gumbal and teresak....my pediatrician also said so if u give cerels dont give it in bottle give in spoon,it will confuse him..
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@wendee (359)
• Canada
11 Apr 07
Wow after reading this I feel kinda shocked.
I put some rice cereal in my sons bottle when he was about 2 months old. Just a half a teaspoon to start anf now he is upto a whole teaspoon in a 6 oz bottle. He gets this about twice a day, including once at bed time and he sleeps from about 9:30 - about 6:00 every night.
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@thanuarun (290)
• India
19 Apr 07
may be i only have this type worries.. because somany of them are saying like that do or don't do..i confuced...anyway i started thank you for sharing...