Does Anyone Have Any Food Allergies??

@cabergren (1181)
United States
April 3, 2007 11:55am CST
I just found out recently that I have an allergic reaction to wheat. If I eat too much I get a very bad stomach ache. I have never had this problem. Do you get food allergies as you get older?? Does anyone have a bad food allergy?? How do you handle it?
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7 responses
@LeeLow (116)
• Ireland
3 Apr 07
I react to anything with acid in it such as tomatoes, soft rinks etc, all i get is alot of stomach acid but still!!! I'm not supposed to have dairy products either but some things i just can't cut out of my diet, reactions or not! lol
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
4 Apr 07
I ate kiwi for the longest time. Then allof a sudden one day and right out of the blue they started to make my throat scratchy. Not thinking much of it, I ate another a couple of days later. It felt like my throat was closing. Thank goodness it is the only allergy I have and I just don't eat them anymore.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
3 Apr 07
No not that I am aware of The only thing I have ever had is Food Poisoning but I am not aware of any Allergy
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
3 Apr 07
knock on wood so far no food alergies only medicine ones
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
4 Apr 07
I found out I was allergic to cantaloupe on our summer holidays we'd stopped for a picnic. There was three of us kids and my parents didn't have a lot of money so eating in a restaurant wasn't an option. My mother and dad really liked cantaloupe and for a treat they had bought some. As soon as I smell that stuff I get sick to my stomach and vomit every time. I don't even know if I like the taste of it I get so sick from the smell.
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@ratburn (939)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
i am very fortunate that i don't have any food allergies. i can eat whatever i want. i have noticed, however, that my stomach easily turns bad after drinking milk. i know it's not an allergy. i was thinking of the same question as you are, do we get food allergies as we get older? or do we get accustomed to the food that we eventually don't get allergies anymore? is there just a thing as getting used to the food that nothing happens anymore when we eat it?
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• United States
3 Apr 07
I personally don't have any, that I know of, but the rest of my family is allergic to walnuts, there toungs swell up, so they just stay away from them. My father was allergic to bananas when he was a kid, but grew out of it. I have heard that as some people get older, they do develop allergies to different things. I'm sure it's hard for you, as wheat is in a lot of things!
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