Anyone else miss Rob and Amber?

United States
April 3, 2007 3:08pm CST
I have to admit that I was rooting for them. I know a lot if people hate them, but I love them. I was so upset they were out so early in the game. I guess I am rooting for Dustin and Candice now. Who is everyone else rooting for??
7 responses
• United States
14 Apr 07
I love Rob and Amber. I was really rooting for them too. It was sad when they ahd to leave. Now I don't have any real favorites. But it is still fun to watch everyone bicker at each other. lol Lilac54
• United States
5 Apr 07
I miss them soooooo much! I know we (the few that liked them) are a minority but I adored them! Personally I think people who think these sort of games are all about being fair and not lying are nuts!!! These games were designed to make people do just that. I do not know Rob and Amber in the real world so I can't not say how they actually are. On the game, however, I thought they were AMAZING! They did what they had to do in order to get ahead. I hated to see them go so soon and I literally shed a few tears that night. Oh well, hopefully we will see them again soon somewhere else!
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I loved Rob & Amber I rooted for them on Survivor-- on the first Race and here on All stars-- I'm very sad to see them gone- The show just isn't as fun anymore- To tell you the truth I'm not a die hard fan anymore- I loved the problems they caused- They were great to watch! Right now I'm rooting for anyone other than Mirna- I can't stand her!
@Anixie (89)
• Philippines
3 Apr 07
I missed them although I didn't like them. I wanted them to reach the final 3 although I didn't want them to win the 1 million prize. I didn't expect them to be eliminated this early.
@pismeof (855)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I'll miss Rob and Amber ;thought they would go all the way .He's extremely clever and she's definitely athletic .The two seem to have a great relationship .I don't know if I'll watch the show now that their gone .Then again maybe I'll root for the Blondes .
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
3 Apr 07
NO! I don't miss them but I was suprised they left. I loved the coal miners! Too bad they are gone. I am torn about who to root for now. I despise Mirna and Charla, and Eric and Danielle though, so pretty much anyone but them! The blonde's are ok, I didn't like them on last season but they havent been too bad this time!!!
• United States
3 Apr 07
I loved them too. I think they are great!! I was sad when they had to go. We want Uchenna & Joyce now, they are our favorites now that Rob & Amber are gone.