Can the American Left Wing think for themselves?
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
April 3, 2007 9:55pm CST
Ok, I know that is a pretty broad statement, and I know that most on the Left wonder if people on the Right can think for themselves. The question is probably more like, "Can the far left think for themselves", but the question still stands.
During the Clinton administration there was little love loss on the right towards Prs. Clinton. However, even those who hated him with a white hot passion agreed with him at times.
On the other hand, I never remember the left disagreeing with a word that came out of Prs. Clinton's mouth. Even as his actions were causing liberal groups to totally abandon their causes where he was concerned, they just kept on grinning and showering him with support.
Now we have a Republican in the White House. We on the right helped Prs. Bush become a 2 term president. We still have "Bush/Cheney" and "W" stickers on our cars.
The difference is though, when we disagree with him, we let him know it. We don't change our views so that we can continue to back him no matter what.
In the media it's the worst. The left can't even come up with words or phrases on their own. It's like on sesame street when they said, "Sesame Street was brought to you by... the Letter "A" and the number "8"."These Weekend of Talking Heads was brought to you by, 'Gravitas' 'WMD' and 'Culture of Corruption'".
Once the word is out, all of the sudden it's on the lips and blogs of ever left winger out there... even the ones who have no idea why.
While we are very vocal and willing to support Prs. Bush when we feel he is in the right, we are just as vocal when we disagree with him. Securing the border, Harriet Miers' SCOTUS nomination, Iraq war strategy... etc
In the last election, conservatives felt they needed to send a message to House and Senate Republicans. They pulled their support and pretty much handed Pelosi and Reid the leadership seats they hold now.
I'm betting that, no matter how many times any Democrat in the House or Senate stomp on the Constitution, ignore the voters, pack the pork, and play their slimy little corrupt game, there will never be a group in the left wing willing to pull their support for anyone with a D after their name.
"Anybody Baa-ut Bush" right Lefty bleaters?
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3 responses
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
4 Apr 07
If itdoesn't fit into a 30 second sound bite it is too complicated for them. many of them can't even understand what they say. Senator Feinstein complqineed to the AG the US Attoryn Lam was not doing her job and should be fired. Now that the AG wants to fire her, Seantor F wants to keep her. She is doing a very good job. Senator Clinton wrote in her book that all through HS she was a Goldwater Girl. Now she says that she was a follower of martin Luther King. If you notice they are very good at name calling. When you try to argue facts with them andthey start to lose the will resort to name calling - Raisist, homophobic, Global Warming denyer.
They ran for election on an anti Bush message and now they say they have a mandadate to end the war, no talk about troop pullout during the election, and they are preparing a very large tax hike, no talk of raising taxes during the lelction, and they are spenidng like crazy, they did talk about fiscial responsiblity during the election. Not only can't the liberals comeup with an idea they can't even remember what they said 6 months ago. All they can remember is Tax increases, Spend more money on the problem and don't ever let the military win a war.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
4 Apr 07
There is no doubt that the left wing, despite any differences that they have, are pretty much always in lockstep with each other because they want to win and have control no matter what any personal feelings on an issue might be.
At least that's the way it usually works.
While we may not all agree with Bush on everything he does, and say so...the left is guaranteed to always disagree with everything he does, even if they supported and voted for the very issues that they are disagreeing with.
We hear a lot about Iraq, and how Bush should have not went there because that isn't where bin Laden was.
What we don't hear is why we are really there, and why Saddam had to be removed.
The Democrats know, and they knew before we ever went to Iraq. So did the Republicans for that matter.
To hear them tell it, this was all Bush's idea, but it wasn't. It was Clinton's idea, and they are purposely blaming Bush when they know better.
Clinton’s policy towards Iraq set the stage for the invasion of Iraq. In 1998 Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act, which made regime change in Iraq official US policy.
That is when the invasion of Iraq was decided, and it was Clinton who decided it.
Since Bush is the one left holding the bag after 9-11, and went ahead with the established against Iraq, he is an easy target for the Democrats who are only trying to score political points.
The voters are being sucked while the liberals play politics, not caring that they don't know the truth.
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@Smith2028 (797)
• United States
4 Apr 07
The Problem with the American Liberals isn't that they are not capable of thinking for themselves, but rather they can not.
The liberals have positioned themselves as the party of the people which is fine. But the problem is, they have also become the Party of the People's emotions.
They have now set themselves up to support or protest issues solely based on what the American Public thinks. WIthout having a solid factual basis on which their party platform is built.
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