Easter & Family

April 4, 2007 5:29am CST
What do you all do for Easter? How do you celebrate it? I just thought i'd ask what everyone gets up to for this holiday being it's only a few days from now! Unfortunately my partner will be working so my daughter & i will be going to see my family for lunch - although i wish they weren't in such a rush to leave - it means i have to leave here too early (my parents live over an hour from here)! I would also like to leave later than my Mum would like coz i think it would be good for the 3 of us here to have some US time, you know? So what do you all do? How do you spend it? Do you have any family traditions?
2 responses
@engineous (396)
• Australia
10 Apr 07
Easter in 2007 was quite fantastic. We just went down to the local park and had a good old Aussie barbeque. The kids played soccer whilst the parents/relatives talked about various things and they set-up an Eastern egg hunt for the little ones. It was quite a fun afternoon, but the mosquitos started to get at us so we had to pack up quick-smart and leave. So, what did you do this time for Easter? Eat much chocolate eggs?
• United States
10 Apr 07
We usually have sometime set aside for my husband and i and the kids in the morning. So it is just family time. Then in the afternoon is when the maddness begins. We make the rounds to all the grandparents. This year it wasnt so bad because we actually spread the grandparents out over saturday and sunday.
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