do you usually...

@fox123 (285)
April 5, 2007 4:20am CST
accept visitors in your house? what about if it happens un announced during meal times? or a surprised visitors... here in the phil. if visitors come un announced and it happens during meal times even though they are not included in the preparation of the food we still do accomodate them and offer them some food even if it is not enough for show them our genorosity and hospitality among guests/friends/relatives..its our culture to welcome every about you how do you deal your visitors.. any comments plss..
1 response
@yasaran (788)
• India
5 Apr 07
Well if a visitor comes to my house at odd times, i try to be casual and invite him in. If I am having dinner, I politely ask him to join. There are some who apologise for coming at such moment and retreat, but some are stubborn.