My husband has taught my daughter a very bad thing....
By Stephanie5
@Stephanie5 (2946)
United States
April 5, 2007 7:17am CST
My daughter is 2 years old. She's starting to repeat everything she hears and guess what my stupid husband has taught her to say?!? EAT ME!! I am FURIOUS!!! And she WON'T stop saying it!! How could he do such a thing????? He thinks it's hilarious. How am I supposed to put her in daycare when she walks around saying "EAT ME" all day long. The man just doesn't use his head.
Now how do I get her to STOP??? I don't want to punish her because it's not her fault, but she has to stop, that is SOOOOO INAPPROPRIATE!!! I don't even say that!!! I wanna just pull my hair out!!!!! Help me please!
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37 responses
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I know exactly what you are saying. That sounds like something my husband would do also. He don't use his head when it comes to things like that either. He taught my daughter some things when she was younger and he had her doing things that really got on my nerves. He didn't have to deal with it. I did. I would just sit down with your daughter when he isn't there and tell her she cannot say that even though daddy thinks it is funny. I would tell her that other people do not think it is funny and she will get in trouble for saying things like that. My husband did things also that made me want to pull my hair out. Sometimes they are so childish!
@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
5 Apr 07
LOL I don't mean to laugh except I can just imagine this cute little 2 yr old walking around saying EAT ME! LOL Yes, sometimes men just don't think. They don't seem to get it that little children are parrots. Unfortunately, if you have tried telling her to stop and she only keeps on and keeps on, you are going to have to get on to her. Let her know it's wrong and NOT funny. At 2 she won't understand any sort of reasoning...just "don't say that". She probably keeps on because someone at sometime laughed at her and kids love the attention. LOL But, your husband will have to back you up and stop laughing at her when she says it and all. Good luck to you and just make sure you write this down in her baby book. LOL
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@loved1 (5328)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I have to start out by saying that is not funny at all. What is funny though, is the picture of her with the caption "my daughter, the potty mouth". lol Does your husband want your daughter to be happy? Does he understand that she is going to be punished in daycare and preschool for saying those kinds of things? Maybe you should explain it to him in that way. Would he think it was funny if his sweet girl had to sit in time out several times a day because of something he taught her to do? She looks up to him! He should be a better role model. I told my husband (after my daughter said the F word at four years old) that if she ever cursed again I would put white vinegar in both of their mouths. He got the picture.
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@magnet (2087)
• United States
11 Apr 07
When she says Eat me don't react,even though you will be tempted to. She probaly enjoys watching everyone react to that and thinks it's funny. Instead find something else silly to say and then laugh and make a big deal out it. She will start repeating that instead and think it's funny. She just has a sense of humor and like to see people react to what she is saying.
@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
5 Apr 07
don't pull your hair out
get him to be more sensible next time, to use his head better and talk things out more, maybe pull on his hair instead when you get annoyed at him
she has found a weak point that you have, perhaps some deeply seated psychological need. She is just capitalizing upon that.
Maybe she needs a boyfriend too possibly, someone her own age who is nice. And maybe a dad to check him out first, or to kick his butt.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
5 Apr 07
Unfortuantely little ones will repeat everything they hear..the good and the bad. You could go 2 ways with this. First you could tell her that that is not acceptable and she can not say that. Tell her it is not a nice way to talk and if you hear it again you will have to punish her. Give her a specific punishment. The next time she says it, follow threw with the punishment.
or~ you could go in the other direction and not make a big deal when she says it. she might be saying it because your husband is laughing at her and you are getting mad. If your husband and yourself just ignore it when she says this, the novelty of it getting her attention might go away.
Your daughter is only 2 so you want to make sure she understands what is acceptable and what is not. My daughter is 6 and I am just now going threw this with her.
good luck.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I agree, usually the more attention is payed to them when they say something the more they will say it.
I have a nephew, now a grown man, but I will never forget that he was really into He Man Masters of the Universe, only he wouldn't say Masters, he would say, B*stards instead. He wouldn't even say it, he would yell it at the top of his lungs, and if you paid attention to it, he would say it more and even louder. We all just stopped paying attention to it and he stopped because he wasn't getting any reaction from it.
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@birthlady (5609)
• United States
6 Apr 07
UH-OH. Big time uh-oh. You are in for a pack full of trouble, I'm sorry to say. Your husband must be the one to teach her not to say this. He's the one she is seeking approval from, she makes daddy laugh, and in that way is being a "good girl" in her 2 yr old mind. Daddy needs to put a stop to this!! Try talking to your husband about him making her stop without punishing her. How about this: Think of another phrase to teach her, then OVER react to that phrase!!! She'll forget about eat me -- and she's way too young to know what it means.
I'm sorry to say this, but this is a serious red flag about your husband's maturity and parenting skills.
@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
6 Apr 07
Yeah that is a bad thing to do to your own daughter to put in her mouth words that are not pleasant to others ears. I guess what you can do is teach your daughter another word that would stop her from saying the other word since it doesn't sound nice at all...maybe she will find interest in saying another word and forget that word she is presently using...try might just help..good luck.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Your daughter is adorable- I would just try ignoring it- If you constantly tell her no she might just keep on doing it to get you to say something- I think she is too young to tell her how inappropriate it is to say it- Smack that husband of yours- what was he thinking? I've seen alot of men do this- Most of the kids are great kids.. Have your hubby take your daughter to daycare and pick her up-- Let him deal with the looks from the daycare workers when your daughter says Eat me-
Really I think it will just pass over if your hubby stops!
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@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
6 Apr 07
Iwould suggest everyone just ignores her when she says 'eat me." She only repeats it because of the attention it brings her. She will soon forget it if there is no reaction.
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@astromama (1221)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I have to share... my next door neighbor has a daughter who is four. She has two boys, one who is ten and the other six. One day all three of the kids and their mom were sitting outside cutting up a watermelon and enjoying their snack when I start to hear the little girl get fussy... she was in a VERY bad mood that day and wanted a different piece of watermelon. The situation escalated to the point I thought the little girl was going to start crying, but to my surprise she kind of growled really angrily instead and yelled 'F*%#! IT!' before slamming the screen door and retreated to her room to cry. I was in SHOCK for a minute or two... I was in my own home, reading on the couch... then I just couldn't help but laugh! Who knows where she had heard that phrase, but she knew it was something to say when sublimely frustrated! Kids say the darndest things, and you're right, we can't be mad at them. After all, it's the adults who coin such inappropriate and rude terms to begin with. I say, have your husband tell her himself that she isn't allowed to say it anymore and if she does she'll be in trouble. HE is the one who caused the problem... make him be a parent and correct it!
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@eshuniki (132)
• India
6 Apr 07
Men r always like that,do all that they dont hav to and then blame it on us.I think all u can do is explain it to her that it not funny to use such words,and even ask ur husband not to encourage her anymore.There is no way u can punish her and hope that she will stop doing it,it might even get worse.
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@tajinder_18 (324)
• Malaysia
6 Apr 07
you should talk about it to your will follow whatever the parents teach your husband should actually teach propriate things.i know you do not want to scold her since it wasn't her fault.but if you do not scold her she will not stop saying that because she didn't know it's a bad things.if you scold her definitely she would be scared to repeat the same word again.but do not scold her so harsh or beat her.if you tell her nicely with giving your reasons i do not think that will help.becaue she's just two years old and she would not understand it.unless she's older enough then she would understand why it is a bad thing
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@sweeetkisses2 (269)
• United States
6 Apr 07
i really do agree with you he dont need to teach her how to say that you should knock him up side his head the only thing i can think of his tell her not to say it and if she does she is going to be in big trouble.tell her thats a no no.
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@mpvanwagner (165)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I can completely understand where you are coming from, because a lot of people get offended when kids say certain things, and of course it looks like a reflection on the parents, and it can be embarrassing, but I cannot say that I have never wanted to teach my kid to say that I thought was so hilarious. At least it is only EAT ME and not a swear word or something even more vulgar. It can be amusing at times, but you are right. It is disrespectful to others, and putting her in a position with other children, where she might repeat the word to others, who might then repeat it, could get you and your husband in trouble also! Just keep working with her and sit down and have a serious conversation with your husband explaining how it reflects on you as well.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Oh, my. Yes, you have a problem. Of course, your daughter isn't the problem!
Did he really teach her by coaching her to say it? Or did she just overhear him saying it? If he meant to teach her, that is a problem you need to work out with him.
I unintentionally taught my first child to say "S--t". She heard me say it when I was frustrated. So she started saying it. I was mortified! It certainly cured me of using any bad language.
The best way I found to deal with it was to not react in any way. Of course, that means your husband has to not react, either.
You could also make a game of it. Every time she says it grab her up and pretend you are gobbling her neck or hand and make her giggle. If it is taken out of the "nasty" context, it really isn't that bad. Sometimes when I played with my little ones I'd be hugging on them and say ":You're so sweet I'm going to just eat you up!" Maybe you can turn it around.
She's too little to know the "nasty" meaning. Pretend you don't know it either.
@jjwatson28 (572)
• United States
6 Apr 07
LOL that funny. Just tell her thats a naughty word every time she says it. My husband taugh my 1yr old the s#$t word.
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@spasm061568 (285)
• Philippines
6 Apr 07
Hi, this sure is funny but totally troublesome for you. my suggestion is to first of all, get rid of dad! lol...or let him know how that he did something really stupid. Then as for your daughter, i agree that you can ignore her and she will eventually get tired of this, or try to explain to her (if you can) that saying that phrase in unacceptable and is rude or not nice, etc. But truly, it is not her start with the source of the problem...DAD!
@bad1981 (799)
• United States
6 Apr 07
While I can see why you dont think that is funny, it made me laugh. I have a son that is 22 months old and he is a ltitle recorder, they poick up on things so easily and repeat them. You cant punish her for his actions but when she does say it, you can tell her No and keep telling her this. Tell her thats a naughty word. That usually works with my son if I keep doing it, and then when he says it sometimes he will follow it by no he knows its naughty and he shouldnt say it.
I hope you can get her to stop saying it, because Id be embarrased if my kid said that in public too.
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