The dreaded word "no"...

United States
April 5, 2007 7:28am CST
My little girl is 14 months old and she's picked up on the word "no". I've tried very hard not to be one of those moms that is constantly screaming "no" at her. I calmly say "no" when she is doing things like throwing her food or hitting the dog. So now she will say "no" and then toss her food, or "no" and she'll hit the dog. She knows what the word means because if I offer her something that she doesn't want she says "no". I must say, she says the word very politely, but I don't want it to become such a regular part of her vocabulary. So far I've been dealing with it by saying the word "yes" when she says "no" at inappropriate times (such as if she tells me "no" when I'm putting her coat on or changing her diaper"). This will usually get her to say "yes" back to me. This doesn't work all of the time and she's still overusing the word quite a bit - should I ignore it?
1 response
5 Apr 07
Tell you what-that word,the bane of my life, became part of my daughter's vocabulary since she was 20 months old.back then she would just nod her hadi but now she openly says "NO" in a very commanding tone.she is 3 now.I did not spank my child until she was 2 yrs old.But after that my patience wore really thin.She would say No to any food that I offered she gets an occasional spanking(not more)if she does not eat.But yes,kids do pick up that word very easily and you have to battle it for the next 17-18 yrs,I guess!:)I say,just ignore it.If you make a big deal out of it,she will get the impression that there is something really important attached to that word and that is why mummy gets angry.She will then begin to use it more and more.Just leave it, and she will forget saying no everytime.At this age,I am more inclined to think that it is more of learning and practising a new word from the child's point of view.My daughter is still like that.The moment she learns a new word,she is very keen to use it and she uses it in every sentence possible!:)
• United States
5 Apr 07
That's true, a few weeks ago it was "pepper" - that was the word for everything (it's our dog's name). I guess I'll ignore it unless it really becomes a problem.