how can people just walk by

April 5, 2007 8:44am CST
and not help. i was walking to the store, the pathway was pure ice on the ground. there was an old man with a cane who could barely walk and was scared to go becasue he might fall and get really hurt. i wasn't close enough yet and i could see people walking by him and not saying or doing anything just look at him and walk right by. when i got there i said wait here i'll help you across. i brought my daughter across the ice to the other side then went back and took him under the arm and slowly made it across. he talked about how he has no one to talk to and he was tired of sitting home alone and had to get to the cofee shop, his daughter hasn't even called in a month and he was so lonesome. i got his address and i visited a few times. i just don't get how these people just walked by an old man with out helping him to avoid him falling.
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35 responses
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Apr 07
People are so rude and just don't care any more for any one. I can't stand to see poor old helpless people who are in need. I go out of my way to help them every time. I can't stand for them to ever be mistreated either. I have met quite a few elderly people and they do not know how to act when someone treats them kindly and shows them that they care about them. i hate to see what it will be like when I get old. I already get ignored now.
@5000ml (1923)
• Belgium
5 Apr 07
I've wondered that a lot myself the past few years. A couple of years ago my mother tripped and fell very hard on a concrete ground. We weren't with her at the moment that she fell, but we joined just minutes afterwards. As she was trying to cope with the pain she told us that 2 people had been standing close by when she fell and had even STARED at her as she tried to get back on her feet again. They apparently refused to help her or even ask if she was okay and just walked away. We didn't see them again even though I had asked my mother to point them out to me if she saw them (we were in a zoo) just so I could go over to them and share what I truly thought of them. Despicable human beings, it made me so angry.
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• Canada
5 Apr 07
that's sad. i'm angry when it happens to strangers. i couldn't imagine what i'd do if it happened to a family member that needed help and everyone ignored them. was she ok?
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@5000ml (1923)
• Belgium
6 Apr 07
She was in pain, but it was her pride that was mostly hurt.
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• United States
5 Apr 07
it's very sad how people treat other people--especially how people treat the elderly. Seems we forget that we will be old one day. I had a smiliar experience the other day at Walmart. An elderly lady was trying to reach a box of cereal on the very top shelf and couldn't. THREE grown men walked right by her and she was obviously trying to get this cereal. I was so mad at those guys. I walked over and asked her if she would like me to get it down for her. She was SO grateful. She was a little embarrassed, but I told her not to worry. Those shelves are so high and the boxes were pushed way back. I just do not understand people. I am teaching my kids now to respect their elders and to watch and be mindful of all people. Sounds like you are setting a great example for your daughter, too.
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• Canada
5 Apr 07
yes i hope my daughter learns to have respect for others and especially people in need like the elderly. it just baffles me how people can ignore what is going on around them. one time i saw and older lady carrying a box, she could barely see where she was going, people were walking by her, going around her. i was heading the oposit way of her and i stopped and asked if she needed a hand. i walked 3 blocks out of my way to carry the box for her and people going the same way she was going did nothing. i hope my daughter grows up helping out instead of ignoring people.
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@mrsturner (518)
• Canada
5 Apr 07
I'm so glad that you stopped to help him. I would like to think that someone would do that for my Grandmother is something like that ever happened. People are so used to being ignored these days that they are grateful for gestures that they should be able to expect. Old people are so lonely, and they love young people. I used to go to the senior's home and play the piano for the residents. They always wanted to hear the old hymns they used to sing and many would sit there with tears running down their faces. It doesn't take much time to bring a little bit of joy to another's life. Thank you for being an example of what a person should act. Someday your daughter will be a kind woman by being brought up by a kind mother.
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• Canada
5 Apr 07
it's so true that just a simple friendly gesture brings so much happiness to people. my mother is a nurse and works with the elderly who have elzheimers (not sure how to spell that) and i remember when my mom used to call me from work and they'd sit in her office just not to be alone and want to talk on the phone to someone. so my mom would hand over the phone and they would talk about the old days and living on the farm and stuff like that and it really brightned up their day to talk to someone. i remembered my mother taking us to visit some of them once in a while when we were little and she even would take some elderly women home for a sleep over to get them away from the nursing home for a night to have a good time. i beleive she taught me well in that sense to care about other people and i want to teach my daughter these things as well.
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• Canada
5 Apr 07
It breaks my heart sometimes to hear these stories. An old man needed a little help, but his daughter hasn't called in a month. Thats just shocking. I remember actually holding up traffic once because someone in a car in front of me and my partner decided to be an assh*le. We were stopped at a set of lights. they were on green for us to turn left, but people also had the walk signal to cross the street where we made the turn. There was an old man crossing the road. He had 2 canes and was shuffling as fast as his legs could carry him. The driver of the car in front was a female, on her PHONE no less and she was inching closer and closer to this man trying to hurry him along. I saw red and before my partner could do anything, I was out of the car and running towards her door. Before she knew what was happening I had her door open and yelled at her like a crazy woman about how inconsiderate she was towards others. I told her the elderly gentleman had right of way and that if she carried on, I was going to drag her out of her car and run over her legs so she had problems walking too. To say she was shocked and upset was an understatement. She stuttered an apology and I slammed her door shut and strode back to my partners car amid a volley of horns honking and people cheering. It's the only time I've ever done that LOL, but she deserved it. She was rude and inconsiderate to an elderly man who was doing his best to get out of the way of her. People are so inconsiderate of elderly people these days, yet what most of us fail to remember is that we wouldn't be free if not for them. Many of them gave up their lives in the wars, so that we could live as we do today.
• United States
5 Apr 07
Typically people are so worried about themselves, that they ignore everyone around them.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
5 Apr 07
That's very sad. It's good that there are people like you who are willing to help. I will sometimes look at people and not be sure whether they are having trouble or just being slow. If I can see they need help and I can help them, I will. I haven't had that many situations where I have been able to help but the most recent one was when I had just gone to the toilet and there was a man in a wheelchair trying to get into the disabled toilet. I could see he was struggling so I opened the door for him. I couldn't have just gone past knowing he was struggling. I couldn't imagine why anyone would. It's not difficult. I was only giving up a few seconds of my time.
@pinokkio (352)
• Bahrain
5 Apr 07
Ok, now you are officially the nicest person on the internet. Cause any other one would say "Why would I help him? I don't even know him!" But you are truly a nice person. Even his daughter hasn't called him and you expect strangers to talk to him and keep him company? That's not how society works these days. Although it was awfully nice of you to help out an old man, caution must still be taken at all times..
2 people like this
• Philippines
5 Apr 07
what! that is a very very very sad scenario. How hopeless a baby is how they are too. Seriously, before I used to hate my grandma because of her mean mouth but whenever I see her hardships because of old age I always try to help her now that she is in a comma and I can't do anything to help her. Some people this days are becoming totally numb with and totally forgot or thrown out there compassion to other people.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
5 Apr 07
I don't understand how anyone can live with themselves by treating other people like this. I could never in a million years just walk by someone like that. I can't explain it, but I just have something inside me that will not allow me to ignore something like that. Good for you for helping him out. It's people like you that make the world a better place.
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• United States
5 Apr 07
That is really sad and so very true of people today. I wonder if these people ever think about what they would do in a similar situation. It doesn't cost anything to help someone, just a little bit of time and the rewards can be so great if you just take the time. I always help others, young, old, or in between because time means nothing to me if I can't use it the way I want to. You never know but sometimes you can really make a person's day with just a simple kindness, it is so rare now a days that people notice.
@taymouse (585)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Aw just reading this makes me want to cry. I can't believe how young people treat old people - by just not helping them or ignoring them. Thank you, though, it is great that you helped him and visited him. At least he knows everyone is not mean and some people actually DO care. Around Christmas we visited the nursing home and brought presents for people who didn't have any friends or family. It was so sad, because they were just so happy to see you and reaching out for you. The elderly get lonely too and they're mistreated and it's just so sad. I don't see how people can just walk by either. The world is so rushed and busy these days, people live busy lives with hectic schedules. But I still think there is NO excuse to treating another human being like something that's stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Thank you again for helping him, I'm sure it meaned so much!
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• Canada
6 Apr 07
that is sweet to bring presents to people in the nursing home. thanks for the great idea. i will be doing that next christmas as well. i will get my daughter to pick out some gifts and help me wrap them and drop them off.
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@taymouse (585)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Thank you. :) We just checked in with the nursing home to see what the people needed. Just simple things like lotion and kleenex. They were just so happy to see us even though they had no clue who we were. They just wanted someone to talk to. Happy holidays!
@ozzydee70 (465)
• Germany
5 Apr 07
very kind of you to do those things, your family are really blessed having you!! May your tribe increase... Keep up the good deed
• India
5 Apr 07
yes now adays people just walk away, they just see people in truoble and simply go. There are no feelings, people have becme heartless. But toatally we should not become pessimistic, as poeple like u and still there. Really w feel good that still some humanity is left. People do not care for others, i have seen like u said own sons and daughters are also not taking care ot their old parents. They feel that they are burden and of no use, so then just neglect them.In this era loniless is the biggest illness.So many old couples are just living to die. This pictureis really pathetic. I hope u agree with me. Thanks
@Stiletto (4579)
6 Apr 07
I know it's terrible - I think too many people are just so preoccupied with themselves and their own lives it makes them really selfish. I especially feel sorry for the elderly - I think western culture in particular just doesn't value the elderly nearly enough and we forget that we'll be elderly ourselves someday (well, hopefully!) I also think a lot of parents don't emphasise the importance of helping others nearly enough to their children. When I was younger if you saw an elderly person carrying what looked like a heavy shopping bag or something like that it was expected that you would offer to carry it for them whether you knew them or not. In fact I still do that - just habit I guess. I'm glad your daughter was with you at the time - you set her a good example of how to treat others which hopefully she will remember.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
6 Apr 07
thats a very noble thing youve done to an old man...thats a christian act...only few people are like you now a days...whose always concerned towards other people in need...
• Canada
6 Apr 07
You have a very kind heart to help out someone in need . I would help someone also if I thought they needed some help , but it is amazing how many people will ignore you and walk by . I am not sure if I could have been like you and get his address to go visit as I am not very good talking with people I don't know and wouldn't know what to say but I bet he appreciates your being there for him so much . You took the time to help someone out and take the time out of your day to help someone in a way that so many others wouldn't :)
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• Canada
6 Apr 07
i'm really good at talking to strangers but with the elderly i find it really easy cause some are so lonesome and they love to do all the talking and talk about the old days so usually i don't get a word in.
• United States
6 Apr 07
i think that is one of the saddest things in the world. How can people just pass him by like that? The elderly should be cherished...not ignored! i am so glad you stopped to help him. You know, my mom and i always talk to and help the elderly. Even though i have a not-so-inviting look to most of them (i have black hair with blue in front and i dress in all black), most of them are very kind and talk to me and are more than willing to hold a conversation. i know how it is to feel so lonely. i really feel for the elderly. It saddens me that this poor old man's own daughter wasn't even calling him. You are a wonderful perso to go visit him, and i am so proud of you, for lack of a better word. This poor old man's day obviously was brightened by your kidness. Thank you so much for heloing him and then continuing to be his friend.
@Connie1013 (1098)
• United States
10 Apr 07
People just don't want to get involved anymore. With the way people sue now a days it is understandable. You are a sweet person for being the only one to step up to the plate. You are one of the few that do what you say in front of your child. How is he doing?
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• United States
6 Apr 07
You are to be commended for what you did. I would have done the same thing. It is sad how people today are too busy to help out a poor sould or they just don't care. I was always raised to respect and protect your elders. And I hope that I raised my children to be the same way.
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