Will you ?

United States
April 5, 2007 8:45am CST
Will you smile at a stranger in your own neighbourhood? Or at your own neighbour to whom you havent talked ??
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6 responses
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
5 Apr 07
Of course. This is what a friendly neighbor does. Smiling at a neighbor you don't know gives that person the sense that you are approachable. Eventually, you may end up being great friends and it all started with a smile. I try to smile at everyone who passes me. Try it. If you are having a bad day and someone smiles at you, it may turn that day around. Smiles are contagious...try to catch one.
@faraza (159)
• Malaysia
5 Apr 07
yes. it's the best way to make everyone remember you. u don't even have to talk to them. your smile speaks volume, u want to be your friend. those smile will come in handy later on if u got involved in some troubles. they may ust be the one who will help you!
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
5 Apr 07
Oh I will smile anyway at anyone. I think its good to smile at people. I rather see people smile then see some grouchy looking person. And if a perfect stranger smiles at me I will smile right back at them. Have a great day and keep smiling.
• Philippines
5 Apr 07
Why not?! =) it's one way of making friends. Iill be more than willing to that, not just with my neighbors but also to those I bumped into as I walk around. =)
@ganwn071 (1116)
• Singapore
5 Apr 07
Most of the time, I will smile and greet to only the neighbours that I know in my neighbourhood. In the area that I lived, smiling and greeting is not usual but I do it since I will see them very often, I would rather have a friendly than a hostile enviornment.
5 Apr 07
I try and smile at as many people as I can when I'm travelling around - smiles cost nothing, and they do seem to give people a boost, so I'm happy to exchange smiles with people. And, amazingly enough...some of them smile back at me! The important thing is to mean it.