chain letters are they really for real?

April 5, 2007 8:53am CST
hey guys, im so fed up with this chain letters. saying this and that... that something will happen if you do this and that.... well, i hate it and so, i follow what is instructed to that chain letters. but yeah, are they really for real? are we really gonna loose something if we dont follow it?
2 responses
5 Apr 07
They're all utter rubbish. Just bin them - nothing bad will happen to you. I sued to offer to my friends to take on board all their chain emails and letters and break the chains for them if they were too worried to do so. Don't let tehse sort of things have any influence on your life - they're meaningless.
5 Apr 07
OOPS! Where I typed 'sued' above I meant 'used'! Apologies for my dreadful typing.
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
its okay baby. apology accepted. maybe you're typing so fast... tahnks for the response.
@krayzee (1160)
• Romania
5 Apr 07
Of course they are not real. You shouldn't do what is instructed in them (sending them to x friends) because in this way you help both their spreading and the clogging of your friend's inboxes.