My neighbours lost their phone and now they want to use mine all the time
By linda345
@linda345 (2661)
April 5, 2007 9:32pm CST
My neighbours lost their phone and tv service due to none payment of bill. They have been coming over to use our phone all the time now. Last night the daughter came over grabbed the extension and picked it up. I was on the phone with the vet asking a question about the kittens and I said I am on the phone. She told me not to be rude. Today I got a phone call for them. I said to the guy I can;t go over there my granddaughter is sleeping. I told the mother that it was awkward getting calls for them. She said she would tell the guy not to call again but I don't believe her. They are all addicted to perkcets(sP). I want to move. It is driving me crazy living next to them. They fight over drugs, the mother and daughter. We can hear them and they even wake my granddaughter up. Don't you think this is crazy?
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43 responses
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
6 Apr 07
You poor thing. You have enough going on in your life without taking on the crazy neighbours problems.
Why are people so bloody minded and so selfish.
If I were you, I would have to tell them that I have just recieved my bill and I can no longer have them use the phone as the bill was too high. I am no good at confrontation, so this would be my way around things.
Also by keeping calm and not insulting them, they will not be given the oppotunity to have a go back as they will have to realise you have been a good neighbour even if they are very selfish. They will look the idiots if they continue to use you like this.
If all else fails I would call the police as some people don't deserve the help, for the daughter to come into your home says how horrible they are.
Hopefully if they can't afford the phone bill, maybe the rent is in arrears as well, so they may be moved on. I am speculating here, as they may own their property?
I wish you luck!!
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
7 Apr 07
Lets hope this is the beginning of the end for you and they will get be moved on. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Thanks for best response!!
@lossforredwords (3620)
• Philippines
6 Apr 07
That is really annoying and irritating! I can't bare with people like that I could get burst into flame if I feel that I'm feeling abused. I think with the neighborhood like that its best to change place especially if you have children in your home. those kind of people would be bad to grow up with... I know I'm a bit too harsh but I think if they have done it now they can do it again.
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@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
6 Apr 07
You are a neighbour not a message service. If they want to use the phone they should pay for it. This problem is not about them using the phone but imposing their rude lifestyle on you. If they had been polite and very nice and helped you too (for example by driving you to the vet or something) you would have no problem taking a meassage for them but since they are rude and irresponsible you should have no problem in refusing them to use your phone.
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@saseedharan (102)
• India
6 Apr 07
I agree that it would be a nuisance if you cannot put an end to your neighbours this kind of habit. Using others phone quite frequently and disturbing them and their privacy can not at all be allowed. You know that they have been denied the telephone facility due to non-payment of the bills. So they have to bear the brunt of the consequences, unless it is an emergency.
@ckaysung (27)
• Malaysia
6 Apr 07
Your neighbours sure is crazy...they taking advantage on you...well if they using your phone in case of emergency that is okay but using your phone all the time is very rude...they should be paying off their bill should stand up for yourself by telling them no more using your don't have to move...just be strict with them..if you not you will end up with more troubles cause by them...
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@jennysp8 (855)
• United States
6 Apr 07
No way would I have ever allowed them in my home to use the phone in the first place to make telephone calls knowing the type of people they are. You don't need to move - you need to figure out a way to deal with this. They are alot of crazy people out there. If you move to a nice quiet street - what's to stop another crazy person from moving next to you. You need to flat out tell them that you can't or won't allow them to use your phone anymore. And whenever you get calls for them...pretend like you have no idea who they are talking about. If you are fearful of a bad reaction from them because they don't get to use your phone anymore - pretend you got yours disconnected for non-payment. It's generally bad to lie but if these people are scary - you might have to. PLus, they will then find someone else to mouch off you since you'll be pretending to have nothing they want.
Best luck to you!!
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I am sorry dear. That isn't a pleasant situation for you to live near at all. I would just tell her that she cannot use your phone, and that's it. Tell her it isn't working.
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@greengal (4286)
• United States
7 Apr 07
Oops that doesn't sound good at all! I think you should talk to them and make it clear that they can use your phone only in emergencies and not all the time. It is not fair that they are being so ungrateful for your help and at the same time they are disrupting your current life. If I were in your place I would definitely talk to them and draw the line.
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@seagoddess28 (873)
• Canada
6 Apr 07
I think you have to put your foot down! No more Mrs. "Nice Guy!" Oops, you know what I mean. You were not put on God's green earth to be a doormat for losers such as your neighbours. Stand up for yourself and lock your doors so that vermin can't come in. Those people have no business coming round and pestering you, especially bothering your darling granddaughter. You did them a service then because you are kind but now that has to stop. Right now. I know that when you are a nice person scum tend to take advantage of your good nature, BUT all good things must come to an end, and you do not owe your neighbours anything. So repeat after me: NO! You are persona non grata! Stay off my property or I shall call the police! (This will be your script when those losers come to your door.) Take care and stand firm. You do not deserve this aggravation. -- :-0
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@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Yes that is totally crazy!! When they get loud enough to wake up your grandaughter you should call the police! Don't feel bad about it they seem to be a little too comfortable with you and your house! I would keep my front door closed and not answer it when they come over.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
6 Apr 07
I'm sorry but I would lock my door to prevent then walking in and doing that. What the daughter did was absolutely shocking and so so disrespectful it's not even funny!
Lock your door and tell them that you can't allow them to continue using your phone. If you get calls for them, I'd suggest changing your number, even if you have to pay for it. It'll at least give you some peace and quiet.
I'm sorry that you're experiencing neighbors like these. It's never nice but when they're loud to the point of disturbing your granddaughter, something needs to be done.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
6 Apr 07
I can't believe this! I think you are too nice to them. They are taking you for granted and infringing on your privacy. If I was you, I would stop this right away. Tell them to go get their own phone. No more of this monkey business!
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Not only is it crazy is rediculous! Inform them that you will no longer be taking messages or allowing perosnal calls unless emergency services are required and stick to it. These are not he type of people that you want to be around your home and granddaughter! I am sorry that you are having to live next door to such behavior...they should move! Not you! It sounds like they are abusing your kindness and are not in the least considerate about the inconvenience that they are placing upon you. Do yourself a favor and stop it now before it gets worse! Good luck.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
6 Apr 07
What a mess for you. Unfortunately, they are probably addicts and this is why they have no money to pay for their phone service. It was nice for you to offer them help, but now they are stepping out of bounds. If I were you, I would have the phone number changed to an unlisted number and tell them to bug off. You don't have to put up with their rudeness or their unwanted phone calls. If you can get yourself out of there, then do that too. It doesn't sound like a real safe environment for your granddaughter anyway.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
6 Apr 07
Of course it is crazy. If they lost thier services because of non-payment then that is thier issue. They are just using you and it sounds like being rude about it too. I would just tell them that you pay your bills and you would rather they not use your phone anymore. They can always find a payphone I'm sure. It is a shame that they live so close to you...but I would stay away from them as much as possible because it sounds like they have real problems...and you don't want to be involved in that.
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
6 Apr 07
This is a bunch of hoopla! and noo your not crazy..but they sure in heck sound like they are,,and they are totally takig advantage of you.and this needs to stop right now before it gets worse and they start taking more advantage of you in other ways,,I would deff tell them no more calls that you arent an answering system..that only in case of an emergency will it be used ..other than your dang bills on time! lol..or you can just change your number and maybe say your phone is no longer on lol..but whatever you do..this has to stop hun..lots of luck!
@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
6 Apr 07
It is time to put a halt to that behavior. You are not the phone company and they are moochers. It sounds like you live in an apartment. Report them for the noise. It is a public disturbance. When people phone for the neighbor, tell them you are not taking calls or messages for the neighbor. Tell the neighbor that they need to find another source of service or pay their bills. I would definitely let the landlord in on the problem. Good luck!
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I know how you feel my neighbor does the same thing. Her son also comes to my house after school alot because his mom is never home. They drive me insane ive had to call the cops cause her kids came over here once crying that dad was throwing things. Her oldest son has a violet streak and has hurt my boys. They are a bad family and I finally had to talk to my kids school about the problems so that mom would be informed. She has said sorry to me but i dont think she is sincere but one good thing is now she and her kids stay away from my family. I try to always be a good neighbor but when my kids get hurt by it im done bing nice. And by hurt I mean one held my 7 year old son while the other kicked him in the junk many times. And once her son punched my autisti five year old in the mouth. That was way to much. And all this started because i let her use my phone lol so be careful dont get in the middle of their life.
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@Impervious (1147)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Oh linda I feel your pain I used to have a neighbor that was just like that. She was up at our apartment all the time using our phone. Then the moment came when I got an incoming call for her and that was it. You know the person wanted me to go get her. I said pal you have got to be out of your mind This is my phone and while I let her make some calls don't bother calling here. Sometimes you have just got to say NO. I know that it will be awkward for you but just tell her NO not now , not today, not ever.
Hey people fall on hard times and it is good to help them out but when they over extend themselves then it's time to cut them off.
@amontz (28)
• United States
6 Apr 07
You must be awfully generous for them to use your stuff like that; not saying it's wrong (it's not, it's very kind), but you have to realize that their services were shut off for a reason; in this case not being responsible enough to even pay their bills. You should just tell them that they are no longer allowed to use your telephone.
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