Should i change my job?
By jimhuo2008
@jimhuo2008 (572)
April 6, 2007 6:13am CST
am programmer, so I have to work in office. I have done it for over five years. Everyday I will repeat to do the same thing. I feel tired,upset and depressed. I wanna give up my current job, and look for another job like salesperson, driver, or even street vender so on. I am 26 ages now, I just hope I can do something different, which can let me get more chances to meet and know another people or visit more places----just try other occupation..And I think it will be useful for my future, because I think I will have my business one day. But my friends persuade me should not give up my high salary job! Maybe they are right; I have no experience to do other work. What should I do now? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
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21 responses
@Luciea (80)
• Canada
7 Apr 07
My brother was in the same situation as you. He was a programmer in a company and it was a decent paying job. He started right after college and stayed there for a few years. However, he decided to quit his job as a programmer to become a real estate agent. I can honestly say he's doing tremendously better because he enjoys his work now unlike before.
I think it depends on what you want to do and what your plans are to achieve it. Unless you're sure you can make a decent income, I would suggest that you take more time to think things over. Don't worry, it is possible for you to change occupations if you really don't like your current job. I just hope you make sure that you won't regret your decision. I hope you find out what's best for you. Take care.
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@jc_star10 (953)
• Indonesia
7 Apr 07
Hi, nice meeting you. I am also programmer, and i just felt the same way as you, well except my paid is too good anyway. So i am quitting right now, and i am selling programme on my own now. I think if you want to open a business, you should start to think about it right now !! with your high salary, you can earn money for open a business one day. So, right now is the best time for you to create schedule for your newly business. Nobody will stand to be an employee for the rest of their life, so you can start organizing your road ahead. And one day, i believe you will be able to open a business too.
I am starting it right now..Well,first if you asked me, it's not too good and it's kind of depressing after you leave your work and you ended up without work and money. Believe me, you will feel that way in 2-3 months. But if you keep on going on your schedule, everything will fall into their place.
@sensesfail (2251)
• India
7 Apr 07
Hey I'm a programmer too and i love doing it.I entered this field cuz i always had it for coding and computers.You give some work to do and i dont mind sitting all day doing it even without food.But its my thing thats the reason i am able to do it with my whole heart.
A profession is something thats very important to each individual.You cant just go into a profession that you don't like and brood about waisting your life doing something that you never liked.The very thought'd kill you.
So i suggest you try something else.Maybe you could do a course in Business Management and then get into the HR department.IT firms do require HR personnels and they pay them a lot too.Maybe you could change your designation within the organization that you currently work in.That way the company knows you and your skills and so will you know the company and its employees.Getting along wouldn't be problem at all.All the best!
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@denden (802)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
It depend of what you want to do, what really interest you.Because if your work doesn't interest you then you will not be successful in that job if thats so.You must think twice because your future lies on that.You must find a job that really interest you.It is important that you love also your job because its the important factor that you must do, to love your job so that you can be successful someday.
@collstarx (1177)
• Indonesia
7 Apr 07
We must have the high goal and maybe one day what that was wanted by you had effort personally will be reached.By the high pay that you could now, why did not try to open efforts personally ?
But you never left your job.
Best regards
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@imransyed (266)
• Pakistan
7 Apr 07
as u know programmer is very respectable and high salary job and shouldn't leave it. bcoz if you leave this job maybe you will never find another professional instantly. so i suggest 1st find another job or build your own business and then quite this job otherwise keep it up.
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@melody1011 (1663)
• India
7 Apr 07
Do what you want. but before leaving your job, do look at both the advantages and disadvantages of leaving a cushy job. If you find the advantages are more than just relief from bordome go for it but if you have a family that you have to support, think hard aout what you want to do. Find a compromise like doing something part time, something that you feel you will enjoy.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Good morning Jimhuo2008,
You've presented a very interesting question. One which I'll be happy to address.
Before I do, I wanted to offer a helpful tip: Posting the same question multiple times may dissuade some from addressing your question. So, to get the greatest response to a question presented, you might want to limit the number of times you submit it to just once. I looked among the three submissions of this question, and chose the one that already had an answer to try to help your answers remain more organized. Having multiple submissions will be more difficult for a respondent to find the right question to follow up with. I hope you find this tip helpful.
Now to your question. Human beings spend approximately 1/3 of their adult lives in their work environment. So, atmosphere and work scenario are a very important part of our shole being.
However, unless your work environment causes you significant stress, there are likely other ways to satisfy your need for variety, travel and human interaction.
For example: staying at your high paying job enables you to take longer, more distant vacations than if you took a lesser paying job.
Also, your need for more human interaction, which is very valid, could be satisfied by participating in extra-curricular activities like: charity work, athletics or sports teams, book clubs, garden clubs, even computer clubs. Or, you could take some classes at a local university for fun. They don't even need to be related to your profession. Who knows, you might find that taking a pottery class inspires and motivates your more creative side.
My point is that half of 'being happy' is in our attitudes. If what you're doing now is not fulfilling, the answer may lie more with other ways to elevate your personal level of satisfaction. This in turn will most likely have an effect on your performance at work, and ultimately how satisfying your work experience is.
If you want to be a driver so that you see more of your province, then perhaps you could volunteer at a local hospital to transport patients or hospital supplies after work, or on the weekends. See what I mean? There are other ways to gain a greater sense of well-being, that don't involve sacrificing your financial health.
Unless you make a concerted effort to fulfill your whole life: family, work, social, adventure, quiet time, you might find yourself in a lower paying job, yet be just as unsatisfied because you'll have money worries. It's all about balance and using creativity to develop a more well-rounded 'self'.
Good luck resolving this issue. I hope you find great both balance and great happiness.
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@lhakt0s (29)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
well put ladyluna. since you're so helpful, could you help me with my predicament? i;ve been 2 3 different universities and tried 3 different courses, but i can't seem to find one that i want to finish. any suggestions on how i could find my "true calling" in life? thanks a lot..
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@jimhuo2008 (572)
• China
7 Apr 07
appreciate your so much good suggestion and comments.I think I will think it over and make my desicion.tks so much.
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@j27366 (293)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
you are lucky at young age you are doing a decent job and earning a high salary. millions of people are underemployed and continuously dreaming of a good paying job. with your money, you can offset depression by doing things other than going to work. one good thing to do is go to the gym. do workouts,say, on weekends. you can meet other people there with varied interests.or any other sports you might want to do. or, do travelling. visit local places you haven't been before. explore those areas - their culture, food,history etc. then, go abroad. explore other countries. and since you will be in business someday, as you travel, try to see if you can also explore business opportunities to those places you will visit. aw...there are so many things you can do if you have the money to use. :)
@babumohan (2)
• India
7 Apr 07
First u see your family background..then u think about this.. In your working time , you think about the work i,e. programming techniques...In other time you should not think about that.. you should think about the family and friends..and spend the remaining time with the family inpark and theatres.. For software engineers ,more than rest,mind relaxation is must...This is my advice..more than that your wish..This is your unknown friend babu
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@elisa812 (3026)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I honestly think that you should do what makes you happy. I know there are a lot of people out there who think that having money is really important, but what good is all that money if you aren't truly happy in life? I would rather have to make do with a little bit less money, but be doing something that I really love, then to have lots of money and be miserable. Of course, I don't think you should rush into a big decision like that without considering all the options first, but it's something to think about. I would suggest maybe looking around at other career options and seeing what is available before quitting your job. That way, if you find something you love, you can try to find an opening before quitting your current job, or if you don't find anything you like, then at least you still have your job. I wonder if there would be anything else in your field that would be similar work where you could use your skills in programming, but that would be a little bit different so that you wouldn't be so miserable? I'm not sure since I don't know much about that field! I've also known people who have made the decision to go back to school and get training in a totally new field, and it made them much happier, so maybe that could be possible. You are still young, so I think you have lots of options, which is the good news! Good luck!
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@skydancer (2101)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I beg to differ with those who have said that money should be your main motivation. Yes, it can be a very high paying job and a very rewarding one at times, however, if you don't like what you're doing even a little bit, and it is making you that unhappy you should probably consider doing something else with your life, especially if you truly believe you could never be happy if you stay where you are now. Ultimately, you have to go with your heart and not let those who have never lived your life and walked in your shoes tell you what to do. As for your lack of experience in other professions, it is never too late to start doing something you're passionate about. I suggest you start by developing a vision of what you want to do and where you want to go with it, and a plan to get there and work towards that goal... I also wouldn't quit your current job at the heat of the moment if you have any financial concerns, however, at least not until you are absolutely sure you have other options open to you. Best of luck to you!
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@moweiflying (31)
• China
7 Apr 07
Don't change your current job unless you are 100 percent in finding another job pay higher than your current job.before you could do something you are interested in, enough money is very important. first live, then your interset.this is realistic problem.
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@scents (3)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
having a high paying salary job is already an insurance that you won't get hungry and you can do whateveryou want and how you will spend your earnings. by the way how did you land your job as a programmer, was it your shoice or no choice? anyway i think you are suffocated in one place that's why you got bored. why don't you take a break as in a long vacation somewhere like in the carribean islands, have some fun and meet new friends. or go to a place that you have been dreaming of and spend it with some long lost friends and enjoy that break. then from there you listen to your heart if you still want to go back to your job, set your self free and make your decisions wisely.
@palina77 (1177)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I know programmer job is high salaried and honorable so why you want to leave it? Is job ob driver or steet vendor is more salaried than a programmer in China! I think what job give you more money with pleasure in mind that should take but without locating a new job you should not leave the present one. Are you computer programmer, if so you can build a website and start online selling.
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@Mithoo (255)
• Pakistan
7 Apr 07
I think you should not give up your current job because you have the good salary package from your current job as you have said. If you will try other occupation then you wiil be required experience of them but you do nto have any experience of other occupations and you will face lot of difficulties in them. So i will advice you, not to forgive your job just take leaves from this job only for a week if possible. I think you need rest! Dont think with your heart,think with your brain! Best of luck!
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@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
7 Apr 07
if you don't have any kids
and can live on less, just leave and do something else
I bet you could get a delivery job within a few days
Maybe think of how you could find something you enjoy, maybe go back to school, get some loans and just do it I think.
@ChrisRock619 (1040)
• United States
7 Apr 07
No, I wouldn't give up a great job like that if I were you. Programmers get paid a lot of money. If you are not happy with the job, then I'd ask the boss or who ever to find other or new projects for you to work on. That way you are not always working on the same things all the time. Also I know someone that's in need of a really skilled programmer for his business. Anyway I'd ask them about trying other projects first and if that doesn't work, then possibly try to find another computer related job that pays well. Then if you are still really unhappy then you might want to consider a job change. Best of luck to you!
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@newland (12)
• China
7 Apr 07
i thank you should not change your job. as i know everybody around me complains his job is boring just like you! so do i. i think if you do other jobs as you mentioned for some time,you will feel tired and upset again,and the jobs are not good payed as programmer.and if you want to start your own business,saving money is more go on!
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