Habe you ever smacked your children or being smacked by your parents when young?
By easy888
@easy888 (10405)
April 6, 2007 9:02am CST
When you were a child, did your parents punish you for your wrongdoings by smacking you ?
Which part of body did you get smacked? What was your wrongdoing??
If you have children ,have you ever smacked your children as a kind of punishment?? For what wrongdoings? IS it effective?
'I think smacking is may not be good, I think there should be some better way to teach your children.;
Do you guys have any good methods to teach your children or your parents have in fact made you have good upbringing? How did they teach you?
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66 responses
@TeeandMe (104)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I used to be when I was younger! If I smarted off my mom would smack my mouth... if I was bad it was my behind And I turned out just fine. The only time my kids get spanked is if they are doing something that might harm them and they have already been warned to stop and they continue to do it.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Same goes for me TeenandMe. My mom smacked my mouth if I was rude to her or said something nasty. The only time I got a beating (hard spanking) was when my younger brother and I were playing games in the hallway, and he fell and cut his head. He had to have 8 stitches. Of course I got blamed for it because I was the older one and I tell ya, it hurt like hell! I turned out ok I think and I do now and then spank my son when he continues to do things he isn't suppose to do. Nothing wrong with it as long as it is just a spank and nothing else!
My husband when he was a teenager borrowed his mothers car without asking and crashed it. Luckily he was ok and noone was hurt, but he totalled the car. That day was the worse day of his life and he got the beating of his life too, almost to the point of bleeding. That moment scarred him for life! I could never do that to my child and I am thankful that my hubby is not a violent person and would never hurt either of us.
@jynxypanda (394)
• Philippines
6 Apr 07
I can't remember if I was smacked (usually it was my brother who was getting whipped by my father with a belt whenever he did something that made our mom cry or something.. but we were so young) but I do remember getting my ears pulled whenever I don't listen to my mom. I know they do all these things because they want to teach us that we should never do it again or something more hurtful may happen. They do these things to give warnings. the most vivid memory of my parents punishing me was when they locked me in the bathroom for a long time. I can't remember what I did though, all I know was I was scared but I learned my lesson. I think it was good that they punished us. Parents should punish their children but they shouldn't ABUSE them.
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@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
6 Apr 07
i still can remember that my mom always punish me when i was kid. I am too naughty that time, can't stick at home. Everyday i just go out to play with my friends and only be back when it is almost fully dark. I find that they really working to me as i turn to be a success person due to those punishment. I know that those things is just a way to make me realize how they want me to be a good and success person when i am become adult. My father said that, now days the teachers can't punish the student, the parent will get angry. But during their time, the parent them self even asked the teacher to punish their children. This is because they know that what the teacher did is right, they are teaching the kids to be a better person. Now days, when you punish your kids you can get a charge on abusing them by the police. But when you not punishing them, the kids makes a thing which makes their life ruin.
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@ranjeetkolarkar (1595)
• India
13 Apr 07
My only daughter is just 8 months old, hence there is no question of my smacking her. Any way, I do not think I am going to smack her ever.
As far as getting smacked from my parents is considered, it happened to me a number of times while I was young. But I never remember my mother smacking me. I got smacking only from my father.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
6 Apr 07
when we were little we got smacked on the butt if we were bad, and occassionally maybe smacked on the mouth if we said something bad. we turned out fine. in turn, if my kids are bad they get their butts smacked. my oldest is 4, i constantly get compliments on how well behaved my kids are. we rarely even have to smack them.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
6 Apr 07
I was smacked as a child by my parents. When I was very young they would smack my rear end, then they changed it. My father would have us hold out hands on palm upwards and smack our hands. It hurt like crazy and he was never gentle about it.
I would never smack my children no matter what. There are far more effective punishments than smacking. In a way I see smacking as a form of abuse.
My parents brought me up to be polite, well mannered and caring about others. The fact that they disciplined me makes me respect them more, because I see other people my age that went completely off the rails because their parents didn't teach them right from wrong.
As for my own children, I will use a combination of timeouts, taking away certain privileges and grounding depending on the severity of the issue at hand. They know how far to push me and how far they can go before they will get punished.
For the most part they're good kids, but sometimes it is necessary to punish them.
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@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
16 Apr 07
My parents used a belt to disapline us. However, they always went overboard after they had a fight and were looking to get rid of their anger. They'd nitpick on something (a dust bunny blew out from under a bed) and bang! the belt flew on our legs or behind. At age 15 I had enough and grabbed the belt in mid-air and tore it from my mother's hands. went passed her and threw it in the trash and left the house for a long walk. I had a long strap bruise across my wrist and arm for 3 weeks from catching that belt, but she never used it on me again. I never spanked my daughter. She got time-outs or loss of privleges.
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@diannebcrs (1549)
• Philippines
6 Apr 07
we grew up being disciplined that way and i think it's only fair that our parents did that. it was for our own good anyway. for kids, words don't really mean that much, pain does. when we did soemthing wrong we would be really guilty and afraid of the consequences coz when my parents would find out they would punish out. i don't think it's outright cruel as long as parents don't overdo it.
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@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
As we know, children do not always follow what their parents want. When the kids misbehave, the parents have to decide on what to do. All children need rules to help them learn the appropriate behavior. And once these rules are broken, disciplining them is a way to teach them what is wrong or right. Impart to the kids that discipline in the form of spanking or smacking is not a punishment rather demonstrating to them how you care and very much concerned to them.
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@lvap0628 (731)
• Philippines
12 Apr 07
Being raised in the Philippines where parents can be very strict, kids experience a bit of smacking. I did get smacked on my fanny when I was young because I had a stubborn streak in me. I liked playing with my friends so when my parents called I wouldn't come running as fast as they wanted me to. The fourth call is usually followed by my father with a slipper or stick in his hand and that's when I hightail it to our house.
With my son though I try to avoid the smacking. I usually reason things out with him. i find that he takes to reasoning better than the smacking.

@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
13 Apr 07
I think there is some difference in eastern and western countries in the view of smackign a child. Western people do not always smack their child because they do not want to hurt them ,but one of my asian friends told me their parents treat smacking as a kind of teaching and he was always smacked when he was young.

@MarkyB21 (1545)
13 Apr 07
I was smacked when I was little - I can still remember the times when I was smacked but I can't remember what I had done wrong.
When I have children I will never smack them under any circumstances, I don't think it's effective. I will explain the difference between wrong and right to my children and I think telling them off and letting them know I'm disappointed with them when they are bad will be more effective than smacking them.
I would no sooner smack a child than I would hit an adult for doing something wrong - I don't understand why people think it's acceptable to hit a defenceless child. I can just about (but only just) understand a smack on the hand when the child is putting themselves in danger - anything more is unacceptable in my opinion.

@Healthkeep (996)
• Israel
6 Apr 07
I think most children want to be like their parents. This is a good reason not to punish children violently.
Since they want to be like their parents, they will imitate a violent behavior. It misses the whole point, right? Lets say a parent punishes his child out of worry, because the child strolled by a swimming people all by himself. The child might learn that going near a swimming pool is bad (instead of dangerous) but he might direct it to violence (maby even connect water with violence) in the future.
In addition to that, if a child wants to be like his parents, he will not only try to imitate them. He will also have a need to make his parents happy and proud of him - that what they do is exactly by their parents' expectations. If we will tell the child that his behavior does not fit what we think of him, and tell him what we expect, it might do even better than smacking.
There is a great difference, but even my dog was trained succesfuly without any smacking involved. If with her it could be done, there is no reason why we should do it with a child.
I don't remember a time when my parents smacked me... I do remember times when they explained to me what I did wrong. It means, that was was left in my memories are words and not acts (if there were any smacks at all...).
Think about it...
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@borzack (597)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 07
Oh me and my brothers are so bad when we were kids, and very very naughty. My father used to scold us using his belt, we ran around the house like crazy hehehe. the one that i cannot forget is when we we're tied up with a chain hahahah. thinking about that makes me smile. children should be punished if not they won't listen, but the punishment should have limit, not very abusive. cheers
@Ed_Quis (36)
• Philippines
6 Apr 07
when i was a kid i was spanked lightly on my legs, the lower portion of my body is what usually was hit by the spanking! why did they do that? of course due to my misdoings and kiddie tricks that went beyond the limits! i took it as a learning experience--- of course i cried but there was always the ready acceptance from me that i made mistakes and that i have to be reminded not to do mistakes again through spanking which i believed has been effective for me. i am a disciplined man and now i am doing well in life, though not that much.i have 3 very cute and bright kids (maybe partly due to my way of discipling them!) and a very supportive and lovely wife!
maybe light spankings can help especially if we start while we are still young since doing discipline when we are grown up--- i believe, won't work anymore!
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@toonatoons (3737)
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
come to think of it, i might have been a very good and obedient child, lol, not to have given my parents the opportunity to smack me at all.
seriously, i don't believe that spanking children could get the parents' message across.
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@patootie (3592)
12 Apr 07
I was smacked as a child .. it never did me any harm .. it was never more than a stinging smack or slap and it was more humiliating than painful ..
I am GLAD I was smacked .. it gives you boundary's and makes you understand very quickly 'rights and wrongs' .. however I wouldn't advise anyone to hit hard or often .. that doesn't work at all ..
I suppose I did feel badly done by if I didn't deserve the punishment though .. then again it made up for the times I 'got away with it' hehehe
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@mayenskie (1307)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
Oh this brings memories! I must have been a real hardheaded growing up. Would you believe if i tell you i've been smacked by belt, wood and broomstick when i was 7 - 11 years old. I've also been hanged by my mother when i was 8 in display to everyone inorder not to repeat what i did and for my sibling not to emulate me. She got really angry when she saw me playing cards with my cousins since we are beating some money. It was actually not much ( few pesos) since we were just kids. The funny thing was my sister, got envious, thinking it was fun being hanged inside a sack went up and got into the sack as well.
There was also an incident where my grandmother almost threw me into a well because she got angry i went swimming in the sea. That time we live near the sea and i normally go swimming with my cousins. But that day, my parents went somewhere and grandma don't want me to go. But i was stubborn, i sneaked out.
When she can't find me at home, she went to the shore and brought me home smacking my butt with a broomstick. At the back of our house then was a well, she took me upside down and strike to threw me inside the well. I was shrieking and shouting of course, good thing my father's helper in his junk store came to my rescue. whew!
There was also one time i was 11 then my father smacked my head with a hardbound volume of encyclopedia.
My siblings never went through that thing ever.. when we talked about those stuff now, we just laugh about it.
I don't have a grudge to my parents or even my granny. But it was one hell of an experience.
In the future when i'll have kids of my own, I don't think i prefer to use an iron hand, im not saying im totally opposed to punishment. If i punish them i will make sure they get an explanation for them to understand better and not repeat an unbecoming action.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
7 Apr 07
Hello easy, well yes i have smacked my kids quite often when they were older and had a smart mouth.I agree it is not the best way,but i had five little ones and I would lose my cool sometimes...I usually smacked them on their hinny,or the arm ,sometimes whatever I could reach.Yes there is a better way,i have to agree,but kids can push you to limits you never thought you could reach.They all grew up to be pretty good kids though,but they got smacked ever now and then,i guess it never hurt them much,as far as affective,I don't know but they are all ok and we have a very good realtionship and they have smacked their kiddo's too..If i had it to do over i would have probably taken TV,or something away from them as punishment,but back then we did not have all these Xboxes and stuff to take away...I think we have all did things that we regret,but hey kids don't come with instructions and we do what we do sometimes we don't know what to do..But i was always home with my kids and I loved each one and they knew i loved them,even though i made some mistakes....
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
7 Apr 07
no. i have never been beaten up by my parents
or any other human being and i am sure that when i will have children i won't 'smack' them, i do believe that there are other ways to explain teach and show your are angry with somthing sombody did without hitting that person.
i know that alote of people that were braught up in an abusive environment tend to repeat that behaviour when they have children and it is an neverending circle
i will explain the child that it is not a good thing what he did and that it can bring to some results that he would not want to face in his life.
from experiance chidren do understand us, usually it is us that do not understand them..
@dpauli (407)
• Indonesia
7 Apr 07
My father is quite hard and raugh person. But usually he only yelled at us when something was wrong. Never got so violence 'smack down' by parents.
We should not do such rough things to our children because it'll become root of bitterness in their heart and will bring bad influence in your relationship. They will do the same to their children and so and so, like a never ending story.