Would you call myLot a 'SCAM SITE', If ............
@lifeisbeautiful (479)
April 6, 2007 10:55am CST
I read a discussion on myLot, in which one member made an interesting point. He said that just because myLot is paying all of us does not mean that this site is not a scam! He further added, that if myLot stop paying us sometime in future, and then it too will become a scam!
I thought about the above point, and found it interesting. I would like to point out another point about the payments, which was made by the Administrator of a brand new website.
He told me that, he has no problem sharing profit of the site, if the site makes any. However, sometime, site might run in looses, and this can prevent its owner to pay its members. This, he said, doe not mean that the owner ran away with money, or does not intend to share profit with its members. He said that it’s just that he has not earend money from the site, so how can he pay the members!
Now regarding this new site, I have my own doubts. Although it’s new, but still, I don’t see any promising future for it, which can be basically attributed with the attitude of its owner.
Now, I would like to ask a few questions to my fellow members regarding this issue:
a) How do you define a scam site?
b) How much time would you like to give to a new site, before you decide that it’s a scam?
c) If an old and reputed site like myLot stops paying, for whatever reasons, will you call it a scam?
d) To what extent would you like to cooperate with the site by contributing to it, in case they pledge you to extend your support? This question is for both old and new sites.
Also, please share your individual experience on scam sites on interest business.
Thank you.
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33 responses
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
6 Apr 07
I would consider a site a scam if I made my alloted money and requested payout and never recieved it . I wouldn't allow more then a month or two , to even a new site to see how it worked before I decided it was a scam . When I do the work , I do consider to get the amount I was promised at the end of the time that I am due to be paid . Even new sites , if they were worried about not being able to payout the first month as promised should know this ahead of time and let it's members know ahead of time and then should be sure to let everyone know about this ahead of time as well . This would be understandable maybe the first month but not by the second month as you would assume if they were going to do well , then they should be up and running well by at least month two of being started .
If MyLot suddenly quit paying then I would realize that they were out of funds and this would mean the site was in danger of going down . I would expect something for what I had did even if they couldn't afford to pay out the whole amount but would no longer remain with them any longer . I wouldn't feel I was being scammed unless they neglected to notify me and let me know they were in danger of going down . If they just up and took off and didn't pay us then , I would feel I had been scammed at the end .
I would never agree to put in any of my own money as I don't put my own money into an sites but if they were in danger of not being able to pay and put up an option that we could buy something that would help us out later , such as buying referalls or something and then we could use some of the money that they owed us to be able to pay for it then I would be fine with this as it would give everyone the option of getting the money they were being owed or trying to make more later with buying referals .
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
6 Apr 07
hmm, thats quite n explanation:) all points covered well very; i na proper logical way, sensible as well.
however, one quest, would u call myLot a scam if they dont pay u.. i mean that it has paid all of us consistently till date, so if they dont pay us from now.. will u call it s cam site that was good for a few months?
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@darkness01 (1300)
6 Apr 07
Firstly, well done for creating a genuinly interesting topic with many questions that apply to all Mylot users.
I define a scam site as a site that says you will receive something after you have signed up and then fails to deliver on that promise. It may fail to provide a product, a piece of software, the high level of customer service is said it would etc etc. I do also feel that you can only be scammed by a scam site if you part with your money.
I would give a site a few weeks and then decide whether its a scam or not. For instance, here on Mylot we must wait until we are due for payment and then decide if its a scam or not. If we get paid then excellent its not a scam and we are getting paid for discussion. If we participate in discussion under the impression that we will be paid for doing so and then never get paid then its a scam. But, as we all know it takes about one month to see whether we get paid or not and so we cannot say whether the site is a scam or not. I think this applies to all websites where you are expected to receive something once per month, its very hard to properly judge a website in a few hours especially when you are expected to participate for longer than that.
If Mylot stopped paying its members tomorrow then it would not be a scam if Mylot informed the members of the fact it had stopped paying. If on the other hand Mylot just forgot to mention it was no longer paying for participation in discussions then it would be scam because we would all think everything was normal when in fact we are being mislead in expecting money in return for posts.
I would like to continue using Mylot because it has many great topics and its popularity is ever growing. Its a rare website where you do get paid for quality posts and discussions and long may it continue.
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
6 Apr 07
that was ver well explained, i agree with all of ur points, n don worry myLot has poaid all of us till date, n shows no sign to stop paying! in fact they have improved the returns, n i m sure u will make some good amount for ur first payout - especially by seeing the kind of reply u write, expect some really good payout for urself:)
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
6 Apr 07
to me a scam site is a site that, for whatever reason, does not do what it says it will do when you first join the site. So, if a site is only going to pay us if they make a profit, this should be made clear at the outset. Im quite happy for a site not to pay, or a site to only pay if they make lots of money, as long as we are told before we sighn up for the site. To me, if they change the terms of the trade after you have been signed up, then it may well be a scam, and if they stopped paying me on mylot i would tell everyone it is a scam, be3cause if thats what the next updates then, to me, a scam is what it has become.
blessed be
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
6 Apr 07
hmm, agreed, sites got to be cetain abt there dos n donts n should affirm n stick to the promises that they made at their commencement.
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@unusualsuspect (2602)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I think all the questions you asked have been very well answered, so I won't repeat the same things. One of the things I look for in a site is how well the owners communicate. Mylot keeps us up to date on changes, so I imagine if the site went broke or was in danger of going broke so that it couldn't pay us, they would let us know. Mylot seems to be one of the few sites of this type that is actually very successful, and I don't think they would want to do anything to give a bad impression. I've read many discussions by people who have had problems here and have gotten satisfactory answers when they appealed directly to the staff. That, and the alerts that mylot puts out with new information, makes me fairly confident that this site isn't likely ever to scam its members.
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
6 Apr 07
hmm, u r rite, even i look how well sdmin or staff of the site responds to its members, n yes myLot does act very promptly when it comes 2 responding relevent queries. this, i believe, is a trait of a responsable site.
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@taymouse (585)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I think a scam site is one that doesn't carry out their promises. If they say they will pay you and they don't, I think that's a scam. I wouldn't spend a lot of time on a site if I thought it was a scam or not promising. If it's suspicious, not more than a week. Yes, I would call it a scam if a site quit paying all of a sudden. MyLot says they pay, and if they stop, it is not fair. I would most likely leave if they quit paying.
However, I do trust MyLot to keep their promises. I don't this site is a scam as of right now, but if they ever quit paying all of a sudden, then I probably will turn against them because that's practically like cheating.
Have a good weekend and happy holidays! ~Taymouse
@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
6 Apr 07
hmm, thats fiar enough i guess. but don worry, we all here believe hat mylot wont stop paying:) cheers!
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@CinnamorollTK (263)
• United States
6 Apr 07
Any site that says it will pay and then does not is a scam. Now if myLot said that in 2009 it would stop paying its members for posts and would pay off the remaining amount to its member, then it would be a mean site instead of a scam.
I hope myLot will always pay its members!
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
6 Apr 07
haha! n what made u claculate that 2009 year?
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@annihilus (2181)
• Italy
7 Apr 07
MyLot is not a scam because until now has always paid on time. Scam are fraud sites claiming to know the secrets how to became rich and sites that want to be paid for joining! scams are all the HYPs (high yeld programs) and all the autosurf because they use simply Ponzi's schemes.
Scams are all site claiming to "get rich" or "make thousands of dollars in a week"! It is so simply!
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
7 Apr 07
for me, a site which i consider a scam is a site which does not give to it's members the things that they promised their members will receive.
i had been to so many new sites. too many promising facts to say... however, i never get paid. they did promise to pay me after sometime. but months had passed i never got a thing from those sites.
i am just glad mylot is still there.
i love this site a lot. for 8 months of being here, i say this site is the best. our moderators are active and they look for good ways to upgrade the site more for our convenience... and maybe, theirs, too. i never missed a single payment and never encountered huge problems with the site.
if mylot will one day stop paying, i will still be thankful since the time i had been here was worth it... atleast i know the moderators will send their email of apologies to us if one day they will no longer be paying us. i believe that there's a member-moderator connection in here which i like the best.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I've been here for months and I've gotton paid no problem. Mylot doesn't promise much and they do tend to send us a great deal of messages about what they are up to and I'm sure that if they were not going to be able to pay us they would let us know. I believe that they added ebay adds to help finance our pay. A scam is something that takes from you without giving anything in return at all. Even if you don't get much if you get at least what you are promised then it's legit. I wouldn't call mylot a scam unless they do not tell us they will not be paying people and then don't.
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@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
16 Apr 07
I did not hear from you long time so I just got into your profile to see what are you doing now a days and here I found what you are upto now.........lol
Again something new, you know friend, you should not be here on mylot, you have talent to become a journalist or a detective. It really surprises me how deeply you study things and come out with so much information. No wonder I call you my guruji...lol. About your discussion, right now I don't want to say anything, but if unfortunately mylot will stop suddenly without paying my money....I will come running to you for help.......untill then I am only going to thank you and appreciate your abilities. Have a nice day.
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@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I DOUBT MyLot is a scam. I see you are truly new at 77 so you havent gotten paid. I have and its NOT a scam. Okay lets answer your questions:
1. A scam site takes money from you and doesnt give you what you paid for or promises something (say money or something else) and then doesnt give it to you
2. I would give a site a few days maybe few weeks to see if its real (therefore I have been on here almost 3 months and know its NOT a scam!)
3. I wouldnt call this site a scam unless they told us they were paying us and really werent. See my reply for #1. It would be one thing for them to say they are paying us and not. Another thing to tell us they arent paying anymore and then not pay. If its there a warning and told to all then its not a scam just a change in rules!
4. I dont understand the last question sorry!
Hope this helps you out. Work hard on this site, and they truly DO pay!
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
7 Apr 07
hmm, first of all, i have been paid once by this site, n i have also qualified for my second payment :)
last quation that u didnt got meant that if mylot says u that they r facing a tought time, n asks u to cooperate in this low phase, as they might be inconsistent with their payments, or may b might not pay for a cpouple of months or so.. would u like to be with mylot, or for that matter any other site, as they have been good to u in the past.. thats what i meant.
n that '77' posts has nothing to do with my 'newness' i may b older than u on myLot :D
cheers for you, n mylot!
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
7 Apr 07
I would define a scam site as a site that promises to pay, but then "folds" near to payout time.
As for time given to a new site to decide whether it's a scam, I would have to say that it would depend on each site. I think it would be a case of waiting to see if they do actually pay out. Thats what I did with Mylot.
I wouldn't call Mylot a scam if they stopped paying. I would however, if they promised to pay and then don't. That's luring innocents into believing they'll get paid when they won't.
I would support Mylot if they pledge us to extend our support. Given that the payouts are decent, I would do whatever I could to keep the site running.
I've been lucky in that I haven't joined any scam sites. I just wasn't into making money online, and in fact I'm only a member of Mylot and Blogsvertise. Given that I make over $120 a month combined, I don't feel I'm doing too badly.
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@domesticengineer (576)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
A site could be considered a scam when it promise you to give you money or put you into earnings then when you join you can't get anything from it. That's what scam program is for me. Specific example would be the high yield investment programs that are out there. They will tell you that they are earning from stocks and other offshore and offline investments then because they promise to give high interest a lot will be tempted to put in their money there hoping that they're telling the truth when instead they're a big lie. Internet is a world of scams and we should always be aware of that. I hope in this case mylot will have lots and lots of income so it will be able to share its earnings to the community it has already created.
@lilyoungfella (1196)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
I think they have already posted the answers on my mind.. one things for sure.. MYLOT is NOT A SCAM SITE...
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@lossforredwords (3620)
• Philippines
6 Apr 07
This topic capture my attention for you ahve done such a well made questions and I think I will find it hard to explain since I don't have enough experience regarding makng money online but I will try my best to answer this.
For me a site is a scam if he tries to input something unwanted to my computer second if they promise something and not make it happen with no apparent reason and explanation and third is if they don't deal with there members to its proper way cause not knwoing your forte means you will get down soon and all you have promised will be blown away.
I think for me to say that a site is a scam is when they have so much promises and they offer too big for such a small effort, I think I just need enough time to read all the rules and offers they give for me to be able to detect my standards of being a scam.
I think a reputable site like this will not just go and run away without a proper and intelligent explanation for what happen that something so bad will make the iste go down. Whaever reasonable explanation they have I think it will be fine cause I know I had alot of fun in this iste plus the money.
I think I will cooperate to an extent that I can really deal with the site, but if dealing with them will cost me alot of money and time that it can make my life dysfunctional then I guess I have to quit it.
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
7 Apr 07
u have tried very well indeed:) those r very well justified n properly explained answers.
@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
6 Apr 07
I was thinking that mylot should have made a post for April Fool's Day saying they would stop paying. It would have been hilarious people saying that they were leaving after saying they would stay.LOL My response would have been so what? I would do less posting I guess but would still want to keep up with some of the people her!
Mylot is not a scam. If they had to stop paying they would be mature and professional enough to give us an alert about it.I also think they would pay what we were owed if it came to it. The ones that just do not pay and say they will are scam sites. It may not even be intended as in Duno.com/ I think they were just not prepared for the venture.
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
7 Apr 07
hehe, yes that would have been a god april fool joke.. what abt duno.com? r they not paying..?
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
6 Apr 07
Oh no of course mylot is not a scam site. Well this would apply to any site if they run into losses and sometimes sites find that they have to pay out of their own pockets. Well once you reach payout then the site should pay within a certain time. If for example mylot run out of money then they should notify all members concerned. Some internet business are scams so it is best to check with Better Business and that way you will know if it a scam.
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@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
7 Apr 07
agreed - pay in time, or let us know that u cant pay us anymore...
@vampirestonez (1181)
• Pakistan
4 May 07
Well in my opinion mylot is a safe and a reliable website and I speak that from my experiences from trying various online income programs.
My definition of a scam site is only when the owner (admin) does an act that affects the members negatively or cause a loss of their funds by running away with everyone's money.
When a site admin promises that this is the absolute true and a legit online income program where as the intentions of the admin are different.
When a site promises to make you millions and billions of dollars that is definitely as scam as if it was true then most of the normal people like us would have been billionaires and millionaires and then no one would want a job when they can earn a life time income from online. Everyone is not Bill Gates.
Well I am usually open to all new sites though wary of them and who can blame me with all the experiences that I have had and to be honest when I first came across myLot, I thought of it as a scam and at that time there were less than 600 members! and then I chose to ignore mylot ( bad move, i know, but there was no hard evidence that it was legit) and then I came across myLot on another forum and I was surprised to see such positive remarks about this website that I instantly joined it.
As long as the new sites continue to be honest and live upto their word, i consider them legit even if sometimes they have problems with processing payments from E-gold, i just wait for them to resolve the issue, though I would also like to add that this is the time when you can truly judge the admin as if the admin as positive intention, the admin will try to resolve this issue as soon as possible where as this is also a cue to many experienced online make makers that the admin is going to dissappear.
Well if myLot informs before hand that they will stop paying due to some reason well then it is definitely not a scam in my book and as long as they process all the recent payments in the member's account and inform of a date when this change will take effect.
But if myLot is running as normal and then they just dissappear, well then that is a scam in my book.
Well I think that as long as they are honest and legit, I am sure members won't mind putting in the extra effort but if they have a bad reputation, most definitely people will have second thoughts.
Well forums are good for earning money online but the real money actually lies in the HYIP's (High Yeild Investment Programs) LYIP's (Low Yeild Investment Programs) and Autosurfs but then again there is a very very high chance that you will get scammed and even the most seasoned investors cannot guarantee that a certain site will last for a long time.
If you are interested in reading a little more that I wrote about it, please visit the forum I replied at: http://www.goldage.net/hyip/24282-how-avoid-losses-online-investing.html and the nick is vampirestonez
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
6 Apr 07
To me a scam site would be a site that lies to you.They offer you money or prizes but after you get in there you have to full fill a bunch of obligations.I have been into many scam sites that offer you jobs online and offer you 2 or 3 thousand dollars per month,then they want you to pay out the nose..also all those lotto sites are spam too...I do not believe that mylot is a scam at all.they have paid me and i already have money put into my account.If for some reason that Mylot goes nose down then I think they would be up front with us and tell us.I don't believe it would be a fault of theirs if that happened.there is no guarentee to anything you get into.So far Mylot has been fair ,and until they prove otherwise I will continue to stay with Mylot..
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@ag_abscruzmd (2283)
• United States
6 Apr 07
That member has a point there, as you've said. That's why I look at reputation before joining any site. When I joined this site, I had to do my own research, observation, inquiry, and waiting by actually trying it out for a few days before finally making a decision if I'd stay or not. When I first entered here, there are around 50,000 members already. I think some people use their "gut" feel before becoming active to a site. As to your question, I would define a scam site as one in which there are so many doubts as to its management, and when it cannot uphold its standards and what it stands for. I believe myLot is not a scam site because it has already proven itself, is still growing, really pays, and makes it a point to try to address questions and try to find ways to upgrade, satisfy and meet the needs of its members. Should something unfortunate happens and myLot stops paying, at least I'm sure that we would be informed about it even before it happens because it has already proven itself (as I said). It's not a scam, then. For that, I would still be willing to contribute even if it would stop paying, in all honesty. There are a lot of scam sites out there, and I can say that myLot is different from the others. Happy myLotting!
@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
7 Apr 07
hmm, nice points there, yeah, mylot sure is different, thats y its so successful:)