How do you feel about people cutting in lines.......?????????
By vega83
@vega83 (6342)
April 7, 2007 7:11am CST
It is an all too common habit, and you see it everywhere from malls to ticket lines to school classroom to the buffet at a wedding, or the worst kind a line for the toilets!!
But first let's check out the history of the line-cutters. They have been with us since the dawn of time, since the beginning of humanity. Ever since they made the concept of the queue, right after they were done with the wheel, the line cutters came into existence. Where there's a queue there's a person who cuts into it and takes an unrightful place that might belong to someone else.
And you never know, at some point in your life, you might have been one too. So be honest with me, have you ever cut in line yourself? I personally don't remember having done so, since school, I cut in line a lot when I was in school, but shook off the habit as soon as I left. So what about you, do you or do you not?
And what about people who cut in line in front of you, do you confront them, do you stay quiet, do you show your disagreement by random noises like 'uff' or 'awww' or 'hey', or do you curse them under your breath, or out loud? Or has it ever become the reason for violence for you?
Share your experiences of line cutting here, please.
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26 responses
@Dumpertaker (1187)
8 Apr 07
I get rather vocal toward queue jumpers, and have bodily removed some on occaision as well. The bottom line is that if you want something and theres a queue, wait...queue jumping won't make you popular and for the most part does not save you time with the hassle you get either.
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@Dumpertaker (1187)
9 Apr 07
Would it make it worse if I told you I was a security dog handler and bouncer/doorman?
A big guy, manhamdling people on the door in a wedding dress!?!?!
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
9 Apr 07
Okay, now don't ask why I would do this, but while I was reading this response and imagining the bodily removal of line cutters I mixed up in my imagination, something you had said in one of my earlier discussions, about the wedding dress.
So, now you can guess what I imagined. A big guy in a wedding dress, manhandling queue cutters, ha ha ha ha ha =D

@sensesfail (2251)
• India
7 Apr 07
Nope i was never was a gate crasher.I always wished kidding.
I always used to gnash my teeth at them when those creatures do it.I consider the act inhuman thats why i have said creatures.I even picked up a fight with one.I feel so used when they do it.People don't try gate crashing these days.Even if they did, they could definitely get a piece of me.
They should leave a banner outside the queue or something which says "gate crashers will be penalized" .Atleast that would keep them from doing it.
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@sensesfail (2251)
• India
7 Apr 07
btw did you change your account settings? (the paypal thing?)
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@sensesfail (2251)
• India
7 Apr 07
It wasn't much.I gave him a mean mug he couldn't say anything cuz he was in the wrong.I just let out a few words and i was done with it.Cant really talk with those creatures.
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@annieroos (1845)
• United States
16 May 07
oh i hate when you get the people trying to cut.. AkA the cutters.. They suck.. I just hold my breath maybe give a dirty look but don't say anything.. Just once did i say something cause i was in line at the DMV and omg.. the line was so long. and i was there forever.. And there i was waiting patiently and getting so annoyed.. and then i saw this lady..slowly start moving into the line in front of me and i said . Excuse me the line starts back there i was in line before you.. And she said OMGGGGGG i didn't realize that you were in line.. OH i was so annoyed from standing there so long i just wanted to jump on her.. I am not a violent person.. LOL.. but i didn't do anything when she said OMGGGGGg i didn't notice you standing there i just gave her a crooked fake smile and mumbling under my breath. but all is well and i finally made it to the front of the line..
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@recycledgoth (9894)
15 May 07
This is one of the things that really bugs me hun. I hate queue jumpers of any kind. Young or old, male or female, we all have to stand in line and wait like everyone else, so what makes them think they are so special. Sorry but no way, you wait in line same as I have to. I guess I will have to be viewed as a grumpy old woman here hun but this really is one of those things that makes me so mad.
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
16 May 07
Yeah, I don't blame ya!! No one likes line cutters, and you're right, it's like they think they are special or that their time is more important than yours, well, I say, it doesn't matter who you are, if there's a line then you better get in line, right??....
@aweins (4199)
• India
27 Jun 07
HI vega83, breaking rules, be it standing in a queue for a bus or in a buffet of your friend or a relative's wedding , people have taken that their birth right, for which they can fight with anyone. i just hate that today also there are so many uneducated people in our country who do not understand that everyone has equal right. he they are standing in the line for something the others are too. if they are wit6ing for something, others are too waiting for that. why should one break the rule. i hate , i literally "HATE" THOSE, WHO BREAK LINES. people who are standing for more time than you , you push them and wanna get infront, how uneducated and uncourteous is the behaviour. if i could do something, i would have passed on an order to punish them severly.
i hate people go to the doctor's clinic and then make adjustment with the girl on the reception giving her something , so that she can take them first. what is that??????????????????????. dont the others are also sick, or you are the only person on earth who is sick, or cannot stand, or cannot sit. if you are really suffering badly, you will automatically be taken in, but i hate when people suffering from just cough and cold and then breaking the line and wanna get in first as if they are dieing of a heart attack.
its sooo disgusting, people pushing others, elbowing them, making problems for the person who is in front of them, sop that he allows them to come infront........
i would really confront such people be they be old or young. obviously if a person is old, one gives him/her the way or chance to move infront of them as they cannot stand for long in a line or a queue. but if they wanna act smart, then i would be more smarter than them. i will never allow anyone to break the line and come infront. when we through a certain line, who are they , "GOD'S ESPECIAL CREATION ON EARTH OR WHAT?" i was very particular about this since my school days. and i never broke any line in my life ever, nor will i ever do that.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
28 Jun 07
Wow, that clinic thing you mentioned is a shame. I mean slipping some money to the receptionist and getting ahead, that's a new low. I haven't seen that here, but there is some of that going on in hospitals for beds, when my bro-in-law wanted them for his chemo, they would give off the beds to people they know and stuff. It's really pathetic!
@soulgurl (153)
• Malaysia
7 Apr 07
Queueing does not exist in my country. To the people of my country, the word "queue" does not even exist in the dictionaries! No matter where you go,you will definitely run into one of these "queue bullies".And its no suprise that most of them are educated ones! I dont cut queue's because I believe in not doing the things I dont like others to do to me. Once I was waiting in line to get my food and this line bully just butted right in front of me almost tipping my plate! And she didnt even apologise! I just snapped and I said oh come on! the food aint going anywhere get back in line and wait your turn! She was so embarassed! I mean i dont like putting people into a bad situation but please this is just not acceptable! besides she asked for it. These are just one of the things ive encountered in the past. there are many more to come. And I have no doubt about that!
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
8 Apr 07
ha ha ha, that was a good one, "the food ain't goin anywhere, get back in line", you sure showed her, I know, this always happens at those weddings with buffets, the women attack it like they'll never see food again, and the food at weddings is not even that good, I always stay back and go get mine when the line thins out and everyone's got their share, and the desperate, line bullies have gone, because I don't want any unfortunate accidents happen like the plate tipping over and ruining my clothes or something.
he, he, 'the food ain't going nowhere,.....' good one.

@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
8 Apr 07
i dont remember too..i always respected other people in line..if ever someone have to cut pass me and shes a senior citizen maybe i will consider it since i know that older people cant hold it..while if it is younger than me then i have to tell her that she should not do that..unfair to me and everyone too..
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@lols189 (4742)
8 Apr 07
i dont cut through the queue anymore and have not done for a long time. it is annoying when someone jumps in front of you especially when you have been waiting for a long time. i would usually tell the person there is a queue and to join behind it and wait for what their reaction is
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@hacker85in (43)
• India
8 Apr 07
i just hate when people do it. i think it reflects their pathetic state of mind and the ignorance they have for other people's time
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@Tenerifelynn (575)
8 Apr 07
No I havent done that kind of thing. Just think it can be rude,
I was in Blackpool, Lancashire the other month waiting for a train to get back home after a good stage matinae show and then came a buch of lads, looking as if they had been to a football match with cans of larger and bottles of cider guzzling, Graham and I was near the front of the que as we had narrowly missed the previous train, well those guys insisted we should let them go, they litterally barged me and Graham, I was eventually knocked to the ground as these drunken guys insisted in kicking my crutches from me.(There was 14 of them) So Graham stood no chance against all those. I can rememeber the whole episode! Not nice! Eventually security came and removed the offenders from the station.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
8 Apr 07
oh that sounds really bad, what kind of people are these, obviously drunken fools who have no respect for anyone and think of nothing but themselves.
People can be so stupid sometimes, and so mean. Good thing security came in time, I'm sure this is something you'll never forget.
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
8 Apr 07
I always try to queue and wait patiently when I am waiting, no matter in a supermarket or in the bank, people in our countrt generally do not cut in lines in these situations,but it does happen in the bus stop because no one is actually is queuing, people just wait around teh bus stand, when the bus arrives, people will try to get to the door of the bus ,sometimes, I may be the first one waiting for the bus, but because those guys suddenly cut in, and the bus is full soon after, either I may not be able to get on the bus,or I will have to keep standing for the whole journey. May be it is not their faults because no one is actually lining up, but it is not fair that I cannot get onto the bus even I am the first one waiting there.
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
8 Apr 07
I wouldn't know, I've never been in a bus queue and now I know from you, that there are not queues in bus stands. So as I said in a comment before, if there is no queue, then there is no point of queue etiquette, and I guess since you're the first one at the bus stand you should really step it up, when it comes to getting on that bus, because even if you're a little aggressive with getting on, it's still your right according to the line rules, as you were there first.
@ally_melody (40)
• United States
8 Apr 07
i'd rather curse silently than telling the fella to go line up. i don't want to make a scene. however, if i failed to manage my anger that day, then, sorry to say, "hey butt off mister!!"
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I absolutly hate it. The last time it happened to me, I was 8 months pregnant and waiting to get a drink at the costco snack bar. There was a couple ahead of me ordering, and this older guy (40's) pushed right in front of me so at first i thought he was with the couple, so i waited and then he starts ordering! I couldnt believe this. Since I was pregnant and hormonal, I called him a name, and started crying, dropped my change for the drink all over. Luckily my husband was with me and got me calmed down, but sheesh, I mean really. Butting in front of a pregnant person? thats just lame!
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@hottie0728 (1732)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I don't remember cutting someone in line. If a person cut the queue...I will politely say that I was on line first but some people especially the old ones...they can be really grumpy and rude. I would end up letting it go since I may look as the bad person because an elderly get upset on me. It's just hard to deal with people at times...most especialy on holidays!
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
8 Apr 07
As I said before, if it's a really old person, then I probably will let it go, as they don't have much time left to do most things to stay in line. Plus it would look bad, people might think you're mistreating the elderly and no one would point their finger at the old person, plus I would say old people could be an exception to this one.
@melissacus (441)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I hate when people cut in lines. I know it might be a bit "childish" getting so upset about it and complaining, but it's even more "childish" cutting in front of people who have been waiting patiently much longer than you have. Even at school, in the lunch lines, kids just gather in big groups, pushing and shoving to get as close to the counter as possible, it's a bit ridiculous really. I must admit, I have cut in line. The only time I have cut however, is at school, in these chaotic lines. I try not to, but sometimes I find myself getting so irritated and impatient I just push myself through. errrgggggg.!
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I don't cut in lines, I do find it rude, discourtious, and just shows lack of manners in general.
I don't accept it I will politely point out to someone that there is a line and point them in the direction of the end of the line, and usually being vocal, polite but loud enough to be heard is enough for people to move on.
Some will try to "shame" me into thinking I should not have bothered to said anything at all, I find this rather amusing, since this type of manipulation doesn't work well for me. I instead point out to them that while it may not seem like a bit thing it is in fact showing signs of a person with a cheating personality who is willing to take advantage of others as well as a form of a theifs personality as they are stealing time from others the time that the others put in when they did in fact wait their turn.
This is usually enough to cause the person to move on.
I don't see where there is a need for violence over this type of rude inconsiderate childish behavior, but it doesn't mean I will allow others to behave badly around me.
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@coachflaps (683)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I despise line cutters, if i have to wait then everyone else should have to wait the same.
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@faythlyn (94)
• United States
8 Apr 07
Oo yes, I hate it when people cut in line! It is so annoying, and selfish
A few years ago I was at Six Flags waiting to get my seasons pass. The lines were really screwed up anyhow, but we had already been waiting in line for about 30 minutes, and talked to the people behind us. Well, the next thing we know, they're 3 year old daughter is just pushing foward in the line, and the parents are following her and just plain old cutting in front of everyone! I couldnt believe that these parents were essentially teaching their daughter that it is okay to cut in front of others.
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