I'm Scared
By Giggles88
@Giggles88 (542)
United States
April 7, 2007 8:29am CST
I'm sure some of you have noticed that I haven't been very active lately. I have a brain tumor that has been terrorizing me for the past two weeks. It can give me no trouble for so long and then out of no where it starts to give me miagraines and messes with my speech and also with my ability to think and remember things. I'm very scared because it's never been this bad. I can barely talk now because it's causing me to stutter horribly and I never get done with a conversation before I lose my train of thought and forget what I was talking about.
Have any of you had this problem or knew someone who did? It's starting to really worry me.
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24 responses
@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
7 Apr 07
I am very sorry to hear that. Just don't think too much about it and live like what you used to be before. I have someone I knew which having the same problem like you. He is my very good superior at my previous work place before. He also like you that everyday he will have pain in his head. Never a single day he release from this pain. But he is very hard working kind of person which he want to reserve enough money for his family just in case he will have to go early. But his memory did not gone easily as he is still very sharp in memory. Just try to find a friends who you can go with and have some outdoor activities. This will helps you to release some worry about this matter.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I am so sorry you are having this problem. Is there anything that can be done to help you with this medically? I can try to imagine how worried you are. I am sorry. I have known a couple of other people who experienced something like this and one of them did get better after some time. I think it just chooses days to act up on some people. i think there is a very good chance that you will overcome these symptoms. Just try to hang in there and hope for the best. I willpray for you. Prayer can bring about many great changes. I will keep you in my heart and I wish the very best outcome for you. May God Bless you!
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I haven't known anyone else like that...But I wanted to say that I'm very sorry. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Just try to rest and take it easy! And if you ever need to just chat, feel free to message me! Take care!
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
I am really sorry to hear about your health condition and I hope the tumor that you have is operable if not, could still be remedied without open surgery. I would also be scared if I would be in your situation and I so far I am lucky enough that I don't have any one close to have the same condition as you. I hope you would get well soon. God bless!
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
7 Apr 07
My friend, I am sorry to hear that... are you not going to remove the tumor? Or can nothing to done? :/
@cheezer (91)
• Singapore
7 Apr 07
I'm sorry to hear that and I'm not here to scare you more. Just to give you a brief rundown of what you should expect. When my cousin was first diagnose with brain tumour, I quit my job and move to stay with her for 2 months (we were very close and she's just 2 years younger than me)...so I kind of know what she went through. Her tumour blocked the brain fluid from flowing out of the brain. So the first surgery was to remove as much of the tumour as possible. However, they realised that it wasn't enough. The fluid still couldn't be drained. So the second surgery was to put in an omaya pump that acted as a reservoir for the fluid to accumulate before draining out from that area. The pump was necessary because as long as the fluid is not drained, she will continue to have headaches. With pump in place, she went through radiation (the doctor said that it's not necessary for chemo at this stage) and was prescribe steroids. And because they shaved part of her hair, she was quite conscious about how she looked. So she was pretty shaken both emotionally and physically. To cut the story short, at the 5th surgery, they put a shunt from her brain to her abdomen that runs under the skin at her arm (it's not obvious). But the sixth surgery (late last year), the pump got removed together with everything else. Today, she's living strong, happy and leading a new life. Although sometimes she tends to be forgetful, tired easily and frustrated, we all know what she's been through so we try to tolerate her abit. What amazes me most is her faith...I've never seen so much faith in my life.
There's really nothing to be afraid of. All you need is alot of good friends and family members who will stand by you and help you. You're gonna be alright.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Apr 07
Giggles why are they not removing it and giving you treatment I just do not understand how they can leave you like that with it
Surely they should be giving you treatments and that
I would be scared to I think you better speak to your Doctor how bad it is getting
Love and Hugs to you
@Darkwing (21583)
8 Apr 07
Awwww (((Hugggggs))) Giggles. I'm so sorry to hear your news.
It seems a bit hit and miss that you can be allowed to suffer this way. No wonder you're scared about it... I think I would be too. Is there no way they can curb the attacks? They might at least be able to numb the pain. It must be so difficult knowing it can come on any time.
I hope you get something sorted out soon. I know it's difficult not to worry, but please try because I'm sure it doesn't help the situation. In the meantime I would push really hard to get something done about it.
Brightest Blessings and Get Well Soon.
@dbeast (1495)
• India
7 Apr 07
hey there buddy i dont think you should be in front of the computer and straining yourself.you need serious attention man.you need to be looked into and taken care of before things out of hand.try doing a surgery or something.i am not sure what but with the latest technology out there ,there are so many things that can help you with it.hope you recover and get better soon.my wishes go out to you.take care.
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
7 Apr 07
Giggles, I had no idea! I'm sorry to hear this. Is there any treatment for your tumor? Is there an explanation of why you can be fine so ling and then all of a sudden have problems? I hope you get better and I will be thinking of you! :)
@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I've been praying for you over the cats thing. Now I will pray for you over this. I'm sorry though. Can the doctors do anything? Calm down a bit and relax. Dont worry too much about coming on here. If its that bad rest is maybe best?? I dont know anyone personally who has had one. I just recall on the show ER when Mark had them it was really bad sometimes. I'm sorry you have that going on inside your head :(( Prayers are with you as always! :((
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
7 Apr 07
Oh my giggles, have you consulted a doctor about your concern. Sounds like you have a brain nerve problem. You shouldn't be here mylotting instead go look for a doctor. I wish you more courage. I'm really sorry to hear about this. I hope I can be of any help though.
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@Emilie88 (143)
• Canada
7 Apr 07
It must really be terrible ..unfortunatly I don't know any one who had ever had a brain tumor or who has one right now ...I simply wanted to tell you not to dispear, there is always hope to be better ..If you believe in yourself, you can get through this. I really hope your family supports you in every ways..
I really suggest that you go see a doctor the sonnest you can because doctor's are really more able than anyone else to tell you more about it ...I really hope you will get better ! I will have a thought for you tmorrow when I will go to church for Easter..
Wishing you the best..
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@crepitante (79)
• Colombia
7 Apr 07
Big majority of brain tumors are beningn try to calm you, Pathologist are said this but you need operate. Maybe that problems are psicologics can exists people with a brain tumor all life and don't developed any synthomps just find it ocassionally.
I have some question:
- What's your age???
- How detected you that tumor??
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@mansha (6298)
• India
8 Apr 07
Hi giigles have youy seen the doctyor as yet. I know how scary it must be for you. my grandfather had something like that but it was due to bump on his head after an accident he met with. Not the tumor. It must be really confusing for you, what ios the prognosis and what do the doctor recommend. I hope they have a treatment for this one. Get well soon and I will pray for you really hard.
@marlyse (1056)
• Switzerland
8 Apr 07
awww giggles im sorry to hear that. did you see a doc for this? it sure should give a solution to help you through this rough time. i dont understand why noone helps you, the ^y should give you medication for it and help you. please go and see a doc. maybe they have a good way to get rid of it. today the medicine is fast, they find everyday something new. i pray for you and hope that all comes good.
@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
20 May 07
No I don't know anyone with a brain tumor. I am really sorry you are dealing with this. It is understandably scary! Is is inoperable? I have said a prayer for healing for you and for peace so you aren't so scared.
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
8 Apr 07
Giggles, I'm so so sorry to hear about your health worry. I'm guessing you've consulted a doctor already since you know what the problem is.
Is there anything that can be done medically to try and solve the problem? Or is it something that you have to live with?
If it's not been this bad before I hope that you will consult your doctor and tell him about your concerns. It must be terrible living with something like that and my heart goes out to you. Please, if you haven't consulted your doctor, please do it.
I wish you the very best of luck and hope that you start to feel better soon.
{{{Hugs}}} to you.
@biznizman01 (581)
• Philippines
10 Apr 07
I'm sorry to hear about your tumor. I did wonder where you were this past week. Most of the topic you started have my reply in it.
I don't know of any friends that have the same condition. Your the only friend online or offline that I know that has a brain tumor.
I will pray for your recovery. I wish you well my friend.
@contuletz2007 (734)
• Romania
9 Apr 07
Oh, honey, I'm so sorry! I don't even know what to say right now as I'm more than shocked...
When did you find out? How did it appear?
I don't want to scare you more than you are already, but isn't there anything that can be done to get rid of it? Maybe there are at least treatments for it... there should be...
I've never had something like this and none of the people I know have gone through anything similar, but my only suggestion would be to go see more doctors, I know it's more than unpleasant but you can find out tiny details from each one of them. I've experienced this myself with my ulcer, as there were doctors who either didn't know what I really had, or didn't give me the right treatment. I know my example is far less important than your situation but it's the only way I can explain what I know. So, my only advise would be for you to go see more doctors, because, after all, it's your health at stake here.
Don't get so scared because it will only make you feel worse. Try to be more optimistic and have more faith, give it many tries!
I'm here for you, although I know there isn't much i can do, but to support you and listen to you and cheer you up. After all, this is what friends are for, right?
I hope everything will turn out to be just fine and you'll feel better as soon as possible. please let me know whenever you find out something new.
Hope to hear from you soon,