When you got married, how did you know it would be forever?

@pusiket (1756)
October 19, 2006 9:38am CST
why we always hope that our marriage will last forever? when everything in the world is indefinite? when you got married, how did you know that it would be for life?
6 responses
@maddog108 (3435)
• Australia
19 Oct 06
i thought it would be for ever but i was so so wrong.oh well single again.
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@pusiket (1756)
• Philippines
19 Oct 06
oh, i'm so sorry to hear that! i do hope you're okay now and staying happy.
@maddog108 (3435)
• Australia
19 Oct 06
yes it was very hard for the first year or so but now ive got used to beeing single again and im likeing it not sure if i will give it another go maybe one day who knows
@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
20 Oct 06
I knew my marriage would be forever because I knew that if I made that committment I would be in it for the long haul, and my husband feels the same way too. In fact when the marriage gets challenging, as it will inevitably sometimes, we have even said to each other that we're both too stubborn to call it quits!
@pusiket (1756)
• Philippines
17 Jan 07
I wish all married couples are like you guys - be too stubborn to call it quits !
@jhannon (1406)
• United States
19 Oct 06
cause my husbadn looked in to my eyes and told me there is no one else in the world for him and he loved me more than he could ever express.I felt the same so i knew it was meant to be..
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@pusiket (1756)
• Philippines
19 Oct 06
how romantic. wish it'll last forver.
@maferick (1583)
• Brazil
14 Jan 07
i don't know,we just know..i felled it in my heart and try to become true everyday..and he too :)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Well nobody never knows what the next day will bring. But marriage is about working out problems and dealing with issues when they arrive and staying strong for each other during the ups and downs and the good and the bad
2 Jan 07
Im getting married in a year and i know it will last forever because its going to cost so much that i will never be able to afford to do it again, so its got to last forever. Plus i love him deeply and cant imagine life without him.