PONTIUS PILATE. How many "Pilates" are there in our National leaders today?
By cloudwatcher
@cloudwatcher (6861)
April 8, 2007 12:24am CST
We read in the Bible that Pontius Pilate believed Jesus Christ was innocent of charges against Him, but "WANTING TO PLEASE THE PEOPLE" he delivered Him to be crucified.
The question I am asking here, is how many of our National leaders and politicians determine policies "wanting to please the people"? In most cases, these "people" are minority groups but very vocal groups.
I am thinking in particular of cases which are deemed to be "Political Correctness". I am thinking of cases where legislation has insisted that immigrants and visitors to our country must not be "offended" by such things as Christmas trees, Santa Claus and nativity scenes, so these shouldn't be placed in town squares or public buildings; schools and kindergartens can't have Christmas or Easter concerts for their parents or related activities in their classes, and shopping malls and department stores should be discouraged from displaying them.
I am thinking of cases where anyone making a little remark or a joke about certain "other" religions face charges of vilification, but anything can be said against the Christian God, or Jesus Christ or the Bible, without any action against them.
I am thinking of a case where it was alright for one religious head to liken Australian women to uncovered meat in a butcher's shop, with no retaliation, but an Australian lost his job as a teacher and was forced to undergo PC counselling because he likened a child's behaviour in class to terrorism, thus offending a religion.
Don't you think that if remarks cannot be made against one religion, it should apply to all religions - or to none? After all, don't we still have religious freedom?
In what ways have your National leaders "wanting to please the people" bowed to the very vocal cries of the minority?
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7 responses
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
8 Apr 07
The one I dislike with a passion is our London Major Ken Livingston. A complete turncoat who has given into the champagne socialists and has become one himself.
Political correctness is not the word with him, he has gone completely overboard. He makes my blood boil and I hope he does not get re-elected.
It isn't the true liberals who cause this idiotic PC rubbish. Its those who do not live in the real word and actually insult minorities as they do not understand them at all.
I work in a very multi-cultural school and all the parents from all over the world embrace the Englishness without any prejudice or protest. Its the stupid idiots who control the council who say we cannot celebrate St Georges Day by displaying an England flag or really go into too much detail of the christian faith. We have to have halal meat in the school and we are not suppose to favour one culture over another? The arguments that occured once because a parent made some food that contained pork. You'd think it was laced with anthrax!!
What about those who do not agree with the way the animals are slaughtered, or want to tuck into a pork sausage, their rights have been taken away. Religious beliefs should not enter schools. It is a personal choice and should stay that way. I am an atheist, but I would not expect everyone to believe the same as me, so keep religion seperate from education it does not have to be there.
It puts alot of people in the firing line for racial and religious abuse because of these stupid politicians pandering to the very people who may not even want it. How can people grow and be part of a country if we are always seperating them in one way or another.
In the UK they even have a different department for black on black crime "Operation Trident" it is called. Is it not possible for a black person to kill another black person without it being made into a seperate type of crime. We do not have the same for white on white crime?
Its the same when Asian women have been murdered by their families due to them disgracing the family name. Over here its called "Honour Killings". What the heck does this mean? It is murder and nothing else. Many women from all walks of live suffer this fate, but it is not named this. For fear of offending, they have to give it its own name. Absolute madness!!
I could go on forever, with all the stupidity that goes on and the tokenism that is suppose to make minorities feel they are part of this country. All it is doing is dividing communities even more.
There are too many Pontius Pilate's nowadays. Make them live in the real world and just leave us alone to get on with our own lives. It would be a happier place!!
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
9 Apr 07
How refreshing and yet disturbing to read your response! Thank you.
I say refreshing, because it is good to see that someone has a good grip on the way things are going and who sees the inequality of things that are happening.
I say disturbing because it is always upsetting to read of misnomers like "Honour Killings". How can ANY killing be called an honour killing? The two words cannot be put together.
"Absolute madness" are the words you use, and they have to be the best description for what is happening.
One responder here seems to think I am trying to make this a Christian thing, but that wasn't my intention. I wasn't trying to bring religion into the subject. I used the Pilate introduction because, being Easter I was thinking of his action in going against his belief in order to please the people - a minority group of people.
My intention here is to show the INEQUALITY of so many regulations, and you have shown this point in your reply. Thank you.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
9 Apr 07
PS I do know the World Cup series is on but I haven't been able to follow any of it, so I don't know what is happening. I am English born and very proud of my English heritage. I love England and everything it has achieved over the years - but I want Aus to win the cricket.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
8 Apr 07
By the way I am going to be totally un PC towards the England and Australian cricket teams now. We are playing right now and you have already got our captain, useless Vaughan, out already.
i'm sure a few insults will be flying around the room if we do badly!!!LOL
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
8 Apr 07
one thing we can never accuse George Bush off !He is completly ignoring the will of the people with his insistance on pursueing his illegal war of occupation in Iraq!let no one overseas be decieved this is Bushes war not the will of the american people
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
8 Apr 07
Actually, it is Clinton's war.
We have been at war in Iraq for over 10 years.
I just thought you should know that.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I get it from the fact that it's the truth...
Clinton’s policy towards Iraq set the stage for the invasion of Iraq. In 1998 Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act, which made regime change in Iraq official US policy.
Clinton repeatedly bombed Iraq throughout his term. In 1998 Iraq stopped cooperating with weapons inspectors, claiming they were being used by the US as spies.
Clinton had the inspectors withdrawn and launched Operation Desert Fox, a major bombing campaign against Iraq much larger than his previous bombings of Iraq. Afterwards the US continued bombing Iraq on an almost daily basis until the invasion.
A later UN investigation found that Iraq’s allegations were true; the US was using the inspectors to spy on Iraq. Bush merely escalated Clinton’s aggression against Iraq from a low intensity war to a full-fledged invasion, an escalation that probably would not have been possible had Clinton not been laying siege to Iraq for his entire term. Clinton’s bombings of Iraq were completely unilateral, without UN approval and carried out solely by the US and UK.
Now do you understand?
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
8 Apr 07
The one Bush Sr. was involved in was when Iraq invaded Kuwait, and was at Kuwait's request for aid.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
8 Apr 07
Cloud to be honest I don't even think we have our Freedom anymore
All the points you have madewas our Freedom and it is being taken away
Is there going to come the Day when we are not allowed to put the Christmas tree and decorations up in our own Homes anymore? And when will the Day arrive when the Towns and Cities are not allowed to have the Lights and trees anymore? This is what it will be heading for, our Freedom is slowly being taken away from us. I think it is about time that the National Leaders sit down and start thinking what they are doing to their own People. I will be honest though I don't think they ever will until or unless something drastic happens.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
9 Apr 07
I agree with you Gabs. Our freedoms are being eroded: even our freedoms regarding our own children.
There have been cases where the Government has interceded in family situations. In one case the parents refused to allow a 14 year old daughter's boyfriend to sleep over with her. The government stepped in, gave the girl an allowance so that she could move out of home and live with her boyfriend - and SHE IS UNDER LEGAL AGE. They were, in this case, actually helping her and her boyfriend to commit a crime, as well as denying the parents the right to bring up their child in their way.
One respondent here talks about Christmas decorations on government buildings. Well, I guess they have that right, but do they have the right to legislate against public places, where the general populace wants the opposite?
Personally, I would like to see much less commercialisation of Christmas, but I am here talking about justice and equality. Why should the government bend over backwards to satisfy a small minority - especially since most of them are not Australian citizens anyway?
Thanks for your response, Gabs. You might have a go at yourself for being blonde, but I think your response makes more sense than some others I have heard.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
9 Apr 07
Oh thank you Cloud
I am a bit shocked though about that 14 year old, I mean they are complaining how Kids are turning out today well there is a prime Example who is to blame , The Goverment because they are taking all authority away from Parents. So why even bother half the time is what most Parents will think
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
9 Apr 07
AMEN to these comments! I've been astounded at the number of times that the MAJORITY seems to be cast aside for the rights of the "minority" simply because they become the squeaky wheel! I for one am tired of PC. The two letters together make me cringe because what it means is that if you don't agree with something that the minority says you're WRONG and have no right to voice your dislike for their ways. I'm tired of having to weigh every word you speak, always fearing if you will make the others angry. Since when did our human nature become one of such thin skin that we take offense at anything and everything that anyone says against us?
And our world leaders? I'm not sure if they're leaders or followers.... followers of the all mighty dollar and the feeling of power. Forget who puts them there... we want to make sure we make our money fast and get out to reap the benefits we've created for ourselves. That's their motto.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
9 Apr 07
Well said!!!
Have you thought of writing to your politicians and telling them how you feel? You'd do a good job! I think it is about time - if not past time - for the majority to become a squeaky wheel!
Is there anyone who has a GOOD word to say for political correctness? I very much doubt it!
Thanks for your response.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
8 Apr 07
This seems to be a world problem instead of just one country.
Between the tolerance for other religion movement (as long as it isn't Christian), the don't spank the kids movement, and the anti-smoking movement, plus whatever else is popular these days...it makes me think that there is a Pontius Pilate Training Academy For World Leaders somewhere.
It seems that every country has the same politically correct agenda that every other country has.
It is getting time that the silent majority rise up and take back what has been stolen, and run the vocal minority back into their holes.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
9 Apr 07
Three cheers for you. Now I wonder if there really IS such a school. It certainly appears as if everywhere - or at least all Western countries - are doing the same.
I agree it is time for the silent majority to get more vocal, before everything is eroded away from under our feet. We all need to take pen and paper - or keyboard and printer - and write to our politicians letting them know where we stand.
Thanks for a good response.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
9 Apr 07
All politicians have a little Pilate in them.If they don't look like they are pleasing the people, they won't get elected.With the "political correctness" and religion, I think as long as it isn't a government building, you should be able to display a Christmas Tree ,Santa Claus,a Memorah, a Budha, or any other religious figure.And isn't right or acceptable to degrade any religion.
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@JillianBillington (92)
• Australia
9 Apr 07
I am in total aggreeance with you on this one. I am thinking in particular about a person who from a very outspoken rock band, (they have always been outspoken on environmental issues). One of them is now a political figure and was put in a position which made it difficult for him to support the party veiw and hang on to his true beliefs as well. For a little while there I thought he was selling out for the good of the party and his new job. He has since found ways to still voice his personal views and work with the party. But I do think he finds it difficult at times to work for a political party and still ensure that he is true to his person beliefs as well.
I strayed from the path of discussion slightly, sorry but felt I needed to say this as your article brought it to my mind.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
9 Apr 07
Welcome to myLot and welcome to this discussion.
I think I know the person of whom you are talking. I don't watch TV but he was on explaining something the other night as I walked past. I think all politicians have problems with toeing the party line. Most would like to voice a different opinion but cannot do so. I'd like to see an end to Party Politics, but I don't have an alternative, so I can't object.
Thanks for your comments.