help! what should i do?
By pisces24
@pisces24 (147)
April 8, 2007 1:07am CST
i've a friend who lived w/ my family for more than a year, then went abroad to work. 2 months later she was telling me of nasty text messages sent to her by my son's girlfriend. she said bec. of the text messages she tried to commit suicide once by overdosing, and her boss found her in time and brought her to a hospital.
actually it was my friend who started it all by sending my son's gf (by mistake) a text message implying the girl was immoral. my friend then kept forwarding to me messages that she said came from the girl, all of which put me and my family in a bad light.
i asked the girl about these messages and she denied it, even showed me her cellphone bills to show there were no messages sent to my friend. i believed her bec. she wasn't the type who would do it. also, there were several times i found out that my friend was lying to me about this girl.
my friend has been a little nutty since then and she would tell me things that seemed incredible, esp. in a place like the united arab emirates where she works. a lot of times her stories were inconsistent. she said she was sent away by her first employer and then she found another one. but she was also fired form this job bec., she said, the girl sent her employer an email saying that she's nuts and she's taking medication for her mental disorder. (she said she sent the school's email address (by mistake, again!) to the girl).
she then started threatening to kill the girl thru text messages.
according to my friend, she is being detained and would be deported next month.
i'm afraid for the life of my son's gf. my friend knew where she lives bec. she was invited by this girl to her home once. she also knew where the girl's parents work. if my friend is really nuts (and i think she is),then she might do the things she was threatening the girl with.
i believe that my friend has gone really nuts. even when she was living here with us, she would tell the girl when she phoned that my son was out with another girl when in fact he wasn't. she would also tell me that sometimes she would hear a voice in her head telling her to kill herself. i would then advise her to pray.
i don't know what to do. i would appreciate it if anyone here could give me advise/suggestion as to what i should do when my friend comes back to the country next month. thanks in advance...
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