By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
April 8, 2007 4:21am CST
I have thought of this Discussion while reading a dear Friends Response in one of my Discussions
She says how much she misses her Dog and will not be able to ever replace him.
That is so true
I have grown up with Dogs and I have had Dogs for as long as I can think back.
I have lost a lot of dear Pets in my Lifetime, Cats, Dogs, Chinchillas and Hamsters (more for the Kids lol)
Each and everyone has had their own little Personality
You can never ever replace a Pet that you have lost that is so true
But when you give another one a loving Home, this one will have its own little Personality and different ways to bring Joy and love into your Life. My last Dog had to be put to sleep as he had cancer and he was to old for treatment, it broke my heart, I was with him when he died in my arms and I stayed another 10 minutes with him crying and calling his Name until my Mums Husband and the Vet prised me away from him. The Kids where heartbroken specially my Son as it was more his Dog. I decided then no more. I missed having a dog around specially because I was not able to work anymore. The Kids decided to get me one for my Birthday, originaly a Puppy. I was ok about it but was not sure, we went to the Kennels, I lost my Heart to a little Fellow that needed a loving Home (my Friends all know him lol)
I took him, no he was not Max, but he was another loving little Man that needed a home and he has his own little Personality
So you see, Max and all my other Dogs are in my Memory and my heart and always will be, but here is another little Dog that needed Love and that is giving Love
The reason for this Discussion? I just want to say, never think you are replacing a pet, when you loose your loving Pet, always think that you are opening your Heart and your love to another Pet that needs it. You are not betraying your Pet, by getting another one, if anything you are honouring your Deceased Pet as it would be happy that you have love and joy again from another Pet, that needs you
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26 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
8 Apr 07
It is very hard losing a pet I have said three times now after the deaths of my pets...No more, I didn't think I could go through the loss again but then another little cat will come to me and there I go again, he needs me I need him....we are a perfect match....
@marlyse (1056)
• Switzerland
8 Apr 07
that is all so true. and you are right, we dont replace them. i think the new ones are snet to us by our lost ones. every of my pets had his own personality and lovely sides. i never forget any of them. but i have to agree, i cant have a new one just after the pet had to die. i need a bit time to recover and to open for a new one. i could never be without one of these cheeky dogs. it holds me alive too, because i have to go out of the house what i sure would not do without a dog. so it seems we have both a big gain.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
8 Apr 07
I love animals too and I was brought up with dogs, now because it is getting harder and harder to have dogs in flats here in montreal, I have cats.
I miss dogs so much and I love my cats. As I get older every time I lose one of them it is harder and harder on me to bounce back, no matter how many new pets I have, there is still that ache in my heart for the pet that has gone.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
8 Apr 07
Awe almost made me cry. I couldn't have said it any better myself. I think Charlotte was given to me to help ease the pain of losing Charlie and then she was born with a disability and I was almost devestated. But Charlotte taught be alot. She taught me that she could adjust to her condition and with lots of love and hard work you can reach your goals. Charlotte is so much like her father in many ways. I have many animals and I feel so blessed to have them.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
8 Apr 07
Yes Sweet I saw the Vidio and I was happy with you she is doing really well and it is all because of your Love and caring for her
I have been following your Posts on her and of course where you lost her Dad and they have certainly touched me
Well done on teaching her to walk and loving and caring for her
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@linda345 (2661)
• Canada
8 Apr 07
I know the feeling. But you are right. It is not replacing the pet it is loving another pet that needs a new home. I personally will need a home for 4 kittens in 6 to 8 weeks times. I would love to keep them all but that would be a bit much. I lie on the floor with my hand in my chin looking at the kittens and my husband catches me, he says they all have to go to good homes. We have 2 cats already.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
8 Apr 07
Yes, I do miss my dog and life does not seem the same without the love I had for my pet, but on the other hand this is right what you have said here that every pet deserves a loving home and they definately do have their own personality and it will only be time when I get another pet and give it the same love I gave to the one I lost. I also believe that when I get another pet that it will give me love and joy back into my life. So once I have decided exactly where I will be living then I will of course go to a home where the dogs are and get another pet to give love to so that we both can be happy again.
@ausnikki (4054)
• Brisbane, Australia
8 Apr 07
That's so true Gabs,none of my beloved lost pets could ever be replaced.I loved them all so much and my heart broke every single time one has passed away.It is truly devastating!.I'm more of a cat person,I have always adored my cats,they are like my children,and when I lose one it truly rips my heart to shreds.I have always opened my heart and my home to other cats and as you say they all have personalities of their own.The three cats I have now are gorgeous and totally different personalities.Sootie,I have had for six years and he is a big black fluffball and so loving.Blondie is a bit more reserved but when she decides she wants love,it's bliss.Crystal,my kitten is always into mischief.I wouldn't be without any of them.Then there is my little Maggi,my dog I got her from the animal shelter and adore her too.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 Apr 07
oh boy I do remeber the day you lost Max what a day we had on the puter IMing back and forth. Then I remeber the day ya got Gissi and how he has filled that void in your heart.
I remeber when I lost Wee Willie cute little feller. Was the day they brought my grandson home from hospital . Hubby and I had gone to buy something and he thought we were going to the dtore well he raced through the woods to beat us to the store but he had to cross the hyway he didnt make it. My son saw it happen and brought him to the house for some reason bathed him then wrapped Wee Willie in his shirt and buried him. When I go t home and found out , I cried so hard I couldnt even hold mygrand son that day I didnt want him to feel how sad I was. and I said no more dogs.
Well about 4 years later my duaghter wanted this Spitz so we went and bought it for her named him White Fang that was 14 1/2 years ago still have him but for some reason he ended up my dog not hers
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
8 Apr 07
Hi Gabs you are so right on that one. I do know that feeling of losing a pet and I know so many of us have experienced it. I too didnt want to get another pet when mine was gone. I realized I needed another pet when it was so silent around here. I couldnt take that so I got 3 little kittens and now they are huge.LOL Pets give us so much and we dont realize it till they are gone.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
8 Apr 07
Thank you gabs, my sentiments exactly and I couldn't have said it any better. My life's experience with pets follows yours just the names are different. I think you know my love for my pets and I understand your love for Gissi and Max. xxxxxx
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
8 Apr 07
Dogs are usually man's favorite pets. There are three dogs which I can never forget and how I wish I can have them forever. My love for dogs always kept me doing everything to find another one whenever one left me for good. It seems to me that the house will never be as happy if I don't have one around. The one I have now is a lady, she's white with black and brown specks. Every morning is more beautiful since she will jump joyously whenever anyone awakens and comes out of the bedroom. Coming home from anywhere becomes exciting because she will be jumping and slurping at everyone who comes home. These pets, they give us so much joy in life.
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
8 Apr 07
Hi gabs dear, I know what you're saying here. I, too, lost 3 adorable dogs in the past. I raised them, fed, bathe, played and practically slept with them. It was not easy to see them go. It was a long time ago and I only had their pictures to keep as a remembrance. :)
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
8 Apr 07
You are so right.
I also have had lots of pets through the years and miss them all.I have some that I got closer to then others..But each while they were here were the best.
It IS honoring your deceased pet to get another..
Your are telling your passed loved one that he/she did such a great job as your pet that you can no longer live without one..And I know my passed ones would want it that way.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
8 Apr 07
What you write is very true. You can never replace a pet as they have distinctive personalities and they are in no way interchangeable. However, they are thousands upon thousands of homeless animals that are in desperate need of a loving home. If you feel you can't replace your deceased pet, you can honor the joy and unconditional love they brought into your life by adopting a homeless dog or cat. My daughter volunteers in an animal shelter once a week and they still have displaced dogs from Hurricane Katrina who have not yet been adopted. What a great tribute to your deceased pet by giving one of those dogs or cats a home.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Gabs, you are the absolute best! I love the way you put this. Fortunately, I have the rest of my canine and feline zoo to help me with the loss of Meg. You are so right, there is no replacing our loved ones, but getting another in honor of them is the best way to help with the grieving process. Thank you so much for posting this. Love ya. xoxoxo
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
8 Apr 07
I've recently responded to a discussion about pets and my answer can be sort of similar.
3 of my most recent 4 pets have been rescued. I tossed up wether or not to get another dog for months but when the time came...Lucy and I found each other. It was the same with my kitten, Banjo.
I don't know where the goat fits into all this but he is just a lovely boy. My goat is Pickles....all my lil friends are bootiful!
I think you and your pets find each other cos it's just meant to be.
@1983tyler (507)
• United States
8 Apr 07
That is so true. You can never replace the pet that you have lost. But you can give your love to another who need it. Thank you for your wonderful post.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
9 Apr 07
I've lost a few animals in my lifetime. Mostly gerbils, guinea pigs and rabbits. Each one of them broke my heart a little bit more and finally I got to the point where I said enough is enough.
Now though, I have a Cat. She's totally crazy and I adore her lol. She has a quirky personality and she loves showing affection. I know for a fact that when her time comes (hopefully not for many years to come yet) it will devastate me.
To all intents and purposes she is MY cat, although she's adored by all the family too. She chose me when I went to the Shelter to have a look at a different cat. She was first to the front of the cage and she meowed at me. I was lost from that moment. She became my cat that very instant.
She needed love and attention and she knew exactly who she wanted to give her that. I'm proud to have been able to give a desperate animal a chance at a loving home.
@User10 (82)
• United States
9 Apr 07
My family had a dog we called "Junebug". This little dog was just like another family member. We had her for so long she went every where with us. In the car, to the park, just about everywhere we went she was with us. She is really one of the main things I remember about my child hood. It's incredible that I still remember every thing about this dog, and it's a little sad because she's gone. No other pet we had was like "Junebug" and my whole family agrees.
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