torn apart because of religious beliefs
By lovesfreedom
@lovesfreedom (1245)
United States
April 8, 2007 7:00am CST
I was reading the headlines about the sectarian killings in Indonesia (link to story below) and just can't help but wonder, in the year 2007, why haven't people learned to put aside hatred and disdain for others based on religion, race or social standing?
What is it that makes someone think another is less human because they do not believe the same things, worship in the same manner or look like everyone else.
I would like to think that the world could get past this hatred, but all signs indicate that this is not soemthing I will see in my lifetime.
Tolerance, that is not such a big word, it isn't hard to say, why is it so hard to find?
What a wonderful world it would be if people would step aside and let others worship from their own point of view, where every race would walk side by side peacefully or where the rich don't look down on the poor.
A caring smile and a helping hand could go so far if only they were more readily given and accepted. Do you agree?
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17 responses
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
8 Apr 07
You paint a beautiful picture of an ideal world. However, to my mind the reason people regularly use religious intollerence as an excuse for violence against another group is because they can find no other excuse to hate others. Religion (particularly those that follow a book) needs to justify their hatred. They dont want to put hatred aside, they want to make their hatred legitimate. Religion gives them this excuse and legitimation
blessed be
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@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Yes, it would be a beautiful world, unfortunately, I am afraid it will only be seen in the wishes of some people.
Hatred of any kind is a root to evil
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
8 Apr 07
In an ideal world, we would embrace, tolerate and compromise, Compromise is another big word and if more people comprehended and accepted compromise then this world would be in a much better place to live. I'm afraid hatred is far too easier and people thrive on it more than love or acceptance. Religion is a knife and will tear through communities, society and always will, I don't think the status quo will ever change sadly. If everyone of us made that step then it would be great but I think we know the awful truth that that will never happen, not in our lifetime or the next!
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@rosie_123 (6113)
8 Apr 07
Well that is a beautiful sentiment, and I wish this ideal world you speak of would one day become a reality - but sadly I don't think so. As an Atheist, I have aways been horrified by the war and savagery perpetrated in this world in the name of religion. Surely "religious" people are meant to be kinder, more tolerant, and somehow "better" than us evil non-Believers.........?!
In my opinion, people are people whatever their race/colour/Nationality or religion, and people should be allowed to worship (or not if that is their desire) in peace, without being persecuted.

@rosie_123 (6113)
9 Apr 07
Indeed I do think it is a great place to start, but sadly I don't see this happening in our lifetime.
@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I wish it could be a reality too.
I am a believer like many of my friends, I am also friends with many unbelievers. We agree to disagree and know there is no reason for anger towards each other, none are better than the other.
However, you are correct in that there are believers who think they are better and on the other side, there are unbelievers who think they are better.
I can't abide by anyone telling someone they are going to hell because of their unbelief or beliefs just like I can't abide by anyone calling me an idiot for believing. We are who we are, and if we could learn to accept that, do you think that would be a good beginning?
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@gramskaren (661)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Yes I agree with you totally. I can't understand why there has to be so much hatred over these subjects. Why can't we just be friends no matter what and let it be. Why do we have to fight over religion? I can remember when my brother wanted to get married in the baptist church and my mom had a fit because there was not going to be a catholic priest there. I told her what does it matter as long as they believe in some kind of religion. She still does not see it that way. As long as we believe in God and go to church why should we care. I love to help another in need and give my hand where it is needed. I would sure like the help if I am in need of it. That is why I would give it in return to another.
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@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I know in my exes family there were some who were concerned that my daughter was marring a man of Jewish faith. They even called me to ask my opinion. I gave it to them too. I said, he loves her, she loves him. He treats her like gold. My grandchildren will have loving parents. That was my only concern, not what religion he was, that plays no part in me choosing friends.
@Aphroditei_5279 (2465)
• Philippines
8 Apr 07
I agree with you. It is sad that people fight over issues especially like religion. Where supposedly we learn how to love one another. I think people lacked too of respect for others. And they sometimes forget that the God they worship is not a God of war. But a God of Love and Compassion.
I wish and pray that people, even sometimes, would let their pride or egos aside and take the time to listen to one another. And if they don't agree on each others views, to try to reach out for a common ground of understanding. I think the world would be a better place if everyone try do that. (^^,)
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@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
9 Apr 07
You hit the nail on the head with pride and ego. Those 2 can get in the way of peace faster than anything I know of.
@Aphroditei_5279 (2465)
• Philippines
9 Apr 07
If only people coud set aside those two undesirable traits. i think the world would really be a better place. So sad that other persons have to suffer due to some selfish people. That's a shame really. God bless to the troops, especially to the love ones and friends! (^^,)
@femimi (872)
• Indonesia
9 Apr 07
I'm from Indonesia, and well sometimes become the minority population in one country are too tired to think about tolerance.
The articles inside is not admit animism or local traditional beliefs become the religion in Indonesia, because only 5 religions which the government admit here. And sometimes sounds funny, because even Moeslem or Christian mentioned in the ID, doesn't mean that you are a good Moeslem or Christian. So we can't adjust people are bad or different with us because of just different culture, and religion.
I think this issues of hatred not only happen in my country, but almost every country, even in the small case.
Many people become suspicious with others and stupid arguments between us. I just can't imagine, why people still want to debate their own believe and want to find one similarity solution to ending the fight... oh boy... of course every culture and religion are not in same base and faith, so why forcing to be the same ??
Why don't they just accept the differences to make us wiser and can learn the good think from others, and also make our culture richer and richer.
I think if every one want to tolerate each other this world will be peace and maybe this condition will make the politician and some people envy... so that they always find something to make this world become crazy and they get money from it.
@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I agree this is a world problem and a shame to mankind
@rubypatson (1840)
• India
9 Apr 07
I hope so too, but then this world will never change, its sad to see people dying in the name of religion, killing, torturing the world we live in is full of violence and wars but we can do nothing to prevent
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@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
8 Apr 07
Untill the brainwashing,called religious belief is stopped and people of an age that can truly understand what they are being taught can pick their own belief,there will always be hated towards other beliefs as each is taught they are the only and true religion.
I like evryone else,was brought up believing in my parents belief,but as I grew up,I became an agnostic,I am now a pagan,this I found to be a religion I fully believe in.
But even as I found mine,I also found there are many people that do not understand paganism are afraid of us or hate us as they have heard fatasies about us,so go figure.
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@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I know what you mean, ignorance is a terrible thing. By ignorance, I do not mean to call anyone ignorant, but just to say, before you attempt to form an opinion of others, you should first educate yourself. People tend to be frightened by what they do not understand or have no knowledge of.
An example: I can sit on my porch in the sunlight and never think anything of it, but as it gets dark, I become frightened. Why? because I can't see, or have no knowledge of what is lurking about, even though I know, it is the same neighborhood and the same things may be lurking about in the daylight.
We all could educate ourselves to better understand our fellow man.
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
9 Apr 07
Tolerance may not be a big word, but a lot of people are focus on being more self centered. Understanding and compassion are not big words either but why is it that people love to seek the evil counterpart of these two words. I don't think there will be an end to all these killings. Its been with us for generations. It will take a miracle for this to cease. The only thing that's left of these people are their own selfish mind and heart. Respect for the Churches and religious groups had long ago disappeared too. Its a sad, sad world. "sigh"
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@anya11111 (169)
• India
9 Apr 07
yes i fully agree and also ahve a few more comments:
if all the people in this world had so much of understanding we together would have shared one big nation called the world!
but it is not so. each individual has his own opinion about issues and wants it the way he wants! there are ways and means ; one end is trying to practice it yourself and convince people and the other end is terrorism. today some powerful nations are unnecessarily using their powers trying to force nations how they should behave and what they should sell their produce to whom and how! it is totally unfair! nobody would like to be governed about how he should behave in his own house. or whom you should sell the corn you have produced in your own field. it is nobody`s business and if someone comes and starts ordering you about it in your own house, how would you like it?
@jarves (814)
• Philippines
8 Apr 07
I know the person behind this! It is SATAN! When Jesus Christ was triumphant in His war againts satan, satan then began to think of a plan to divide the people, and religion is the answer. By dividing people's belief it would then cause for a more confusing and disorganized world, a world full of hatred for each other. Even other forms of christian religion would destroy the other and make it look bad. These people are just used by satan.
@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
9 Apr 07
One just has to look back to Roman times to see the persecution of Christians. It is almost like people go out of their way to find something to hate sometimes.
@collstarx (1177)
• Indonesia
8 Apr 07
I agree with you lovesfreedom, but I don't agree about your reading the headlines about the sectarian killing in Indonesia , No sectarian killing Indonesia, but mad people killing mad people.
Best regards
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@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I am so sorry that I forgot to put the link in so that it could be read...I agree these are mad people, but sectarian is the word that was being is the link
again my apologies for the mistake of forgetting to paste it in my thread
@krishna12k (28)
• India
9 Apr 07
what a pity? Even the educated people are doing the mistake just like the illiterates.
@jc_star10 (953)
• Indonesia
9 Apr 07
I can't agree more with you. Indonesia have going through some difficulties in year 2006 and it's not end in year 2007. People with different beliefs looked down each other. Some sectarian beliefs also said people with different beliefs should be exterminated. That's scary. A person of course will have different path with other person. What the point in trying to kill that difference ? Those kind of people did not have believe in themselves, that's why they are looking for those dangerous beliefs. It's like they being possesed by something. What we need here, is give early education about caring for other, seeing people as human and not by their race, religion or social standing.
@gsnarayanan (1704)
• India
9 Apr 07
I agree with all the arguments in this thread. The world should be united to get peace and love to flurish! I think it will not be wrong to cite India as an example. In India there are innumarable religions and languages. Yot the country is unted as a whole under the Indian Union. This country was also in bits and peaces a few decade ago. There were hatred and warson religions. But when the country was brought under one central Government by the British the scenr changed! Ultimately, when this country became independent, the unity brought out by the british still remains intact. I suggest a similar treatment is requird for the world and the glob should be brought under one elected Central Govt. Then there is a chance for unity under diversity!
@champbronc2 (8)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Yes I do.
You could become the best of friends with someone and then once you say" I am Muslim/Hindu/Jewish/Christian/etc." things go sour.
I get in political discussions but once it is over I go back to being friends and I make sure to not push too far since some people aren't mature enough adifferences.
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