I wish people would stop forcing their GOD down my throat.
By avonrep1
@avonrep1 (1862)
United States
April 8, 2007 10:10am CST
I got into an arguement with my father this morning.
I am a Pagan, I believe that everyone, even children should be given enough information about all religions to make their own choices, for children it may be years before they figure out what their beliefs are.
I do not go to church, because I do not believe in what they are preaching. This does not make me a bad person.
Today my children were going to go with their grandfather to Easter services. Up until he started to tell me how bad and evil of a person I am because I don't go to church, and I am doomed to go to hell.
I have had enough of it. I normally don't say anything to him about the cruel things he says to me, except to say I respect your religion though I don't agree with it please respect mine.
Today, I had enough, I told him to leave, the kids were not going. I am tired of people telling my children that I am an evil person because I don't go to church. Because I believe the bible is a mix between history and myths.
My father started in on my beliefs as soon as he started in through my door this morning. Yelling that I am a sinner, and doomed to hell, that I should be ashamed of myself for not taking my children to church and I am dooming them to hell.
I am thinking, wait a minute, he is suppose to be a christian and here he sits judging me. What about "Judge not less ye be judge". What really made me upset about all of this, was what he was saying in front of my children. Telling them their mother is an evil person.
I am not evil, but I don't believe in your GOD, can you handle that without pushing your beliefs on to others.
I am Pagan, I believe in the old ways, not in Christainity. I am not a bad person, I help out my neighbors, my friends, my family and even people I don't know when I see that they need help.
I do not force my beliefs down others, and expect the same consideration. I believe that though I might not agree with their beliefs that they are entitled to their beliefs without me saying they are wrong for their beliefs.
I think it is good for people to have faith in something. No matter if it is a peice of grass, god, budda, ect... Who am I to tell someone how they should believe. Who are they to tell others how to believe. We are all just humans.
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13 responses
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
8 Apr 07
Friend, you are having a hard time and I am sorry. Your father is falling under the lest he be judged at this point. We will be sorry for his payment for that. The Creator has many names and it is quite possible that you and I and he are actually talking of the same. I believe in old ways, Chritianity and Buddhism. You can communicate with your children and go a long way in their development. We are all children of some Creator and amazingly we all seem to want to put the Creator in a box. With no limits, no end to the number of names, and only love to offer we need to find a way to peace amongst ourselves. I will send positive energies your way and hope for the best for your children. Take care my friend!!
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@Erinlpx (179)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I agree with you 100%. I personally, am a christian. I believe in God, I believe in Jesus Christ, the resurrection, I go to church, I pray and I read the bible.
That is my right, and my prerogative in life. I am a human living in this world, I have the right to believe in whatever I want. I do NOT have the right, to force my beliefs or opinions on others, or judge other people for their beliefs.
When Christ walked the earth, he preached unconditional love. How am I proving my love for you as a person, if I'm condemning you to hell for your beliefs, and passing judgement on you because you choose to worship the Goddess, and I choose to worship God? What is my alternative course of action in this? I can love you, accept you, and pray for you privately. I don't have to tell you "I'm praying for your salvation and that you take up MY beliefs." The harder you force, the further you turn people away.
One of my best friends is a witch. She's not a terrible, horrible person. She's a beautiful, wonderful, intelligent person, strong in her own right and in her own faiths and beliefs. How am I showing Christ's unconditional love if I turn from her and refuse to be her friend and love her simply because of her belief system?
Jesus didn't stand on a pedestal, thinking himself above others and cut other people down, making them feel worthless. He walked among all manner of people, "sinners" of all kinds.
I'm tired of other Christians who have this superiority complex, and think themselves so much better than everyone else - simply because they have a relationship with God.
To those types of Christians, don't turn righteousness into self-righteousness. Love others, be the best friend to them that you can be. Accept others. In my experience, far more people open their hearts to Jesus when "loved" there. You can beat them over the head with your bible as much as you want, but all you're going to get is an angry, bruised friend and a dented bible cover.
avonrep1, I'm sorry that you're seeing such animosity in your family, but it's a testament to the strength of your own character that you were able to stand firm in your own beliefs.
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@Killer_BOB (58)
9 Apr 07
I am not missing any point, i know for a fact Christianity is the one true faith. You have had a NDE, i have had a CE (Christ Experience) and he made it very clear that Christianity IS how the world should be. I have been asked - on several occasions - to promote the love of the only God and Jesus Christ. I do not fear you because you are Pegan, knowing someone who is mis-guided is nothing to fear!! It's just someone who needs more love to pry open their Third Eye.
I am trying my best to help you, I'm getting a little upset reading your posts as im worried its too late to open your Third Eye. I have converted tougher cookies than you, so in my heart of hearts i know you can be saved from the lake of fire.
Erinplx, i am delighted to hear you are Christian but sickened to hear of your tolerance towards other religions. Pease re-read the bible again, your Third Eye is only half open...
Let love in
@Erinlpx (179)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Well killer_bob, not to be disrespectful, but I'm sickened by your intolerance of other people, and their beliefs. If you want to go around judging people based on their faith - you're free to do so, but I don't see how that is a very loving, christian attitude at all.
So, I guess you do your thing, and I'll do mine - but I refuse to cut people out of my life and terminate friendships and family relationships because of differing religions and faiths.
Telling people what to do and how to live their life is not my right. I get to choose and decide what I do with my life, and everyone deserves that same choice. I would HATE to have someone telling me that I can't be a christian, that it's wrong, that it's horrible - and it happens, and I HATE IT. How dare some people try to tell me I can't worship my savior.
Do you HONESTLY think, that knowing how that feels - I could willingly inflict that on others?
I didn't think so.
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@emskoneko (805)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I'm a Christian and I do not believe christianity is the one true religion. I believe it is MY religion and I would not go on and on about how people who believe in a different faith than me will burn in hell. It's good that your father was giving them the chance to experience christianity. But that talk of being a bad person and such was uncalled for. Maybe he was trying to change you because he worries for you? He still shouldn't say those things. You sound like a good person. Whether there is a hell or not, I feel you don't deserve such a place.
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Third eyes geez. What happen to tolerance and why aren't people reading this carefully. It is my father not my grandfather. Second of all in my opinion, you are the crazy nutty one not me. Keep your religion to yourself. From some who has had a NDE I have all six of my senses. I feel I know better on what is on the other side, than most people. I have been there.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
9 Apr 07
A hard core christian that is talking about the third eye..now that is unique I have to admit. Never seen that one before.
Killer_BOB even if her father thought she was going to go to hell and what not he should not have said it to her in that fashion nor should he have said it all in front of her kids. He was wrong to behave so rudely.
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@Killer_BOB (58)
9 Apr 07
As a hard-core Christian i have to admit, i commend your Grandfathers behaviour. I have been known to do similar things in my time. You must understand that your Grandfathers 'Third Eye is open' and he understands the world for what it really is.
It's not that i want to knock other relgions but if you are not Christian, your Third Eye is not open. You are clearly mis-guided and i think its going to take a very strong, loving man like your Grandfather to get you back on track.
I hope your Third Eye opens soon.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
8 Apr 07
Yup, I whole-heartedly agree. I think people really need to start treating others with more respect in this area. I know so many people who will talk all day to me about their own beliefs, but if I so much as mention mine, they're throwing fits, even though I very much stress that my religion doesn't require me to convert anyone.
I'm so glad I live far enough away from my family that they can't be like this with me! Even though I learned about my own beliefs from an older member of my family who has now passed on, all of the ones still living are Christian, and they would drive me nuts about this if I lived close enough for them to do so. Which is just great, because every single one of them was abusive towards me, but think that their religion makes them better even though I am infinately kinder to others than they have ever been. *growls*
As a fellow Pagan (more specifically a Celtic Recon), I say "You tell em!"
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
8 Apr 07
Thank you for your support. It is nice to hear supporting and encouraging words. It hurts because my father is suppose to love me no matter what. Him saying I am evil is like him saying he hates me. Though that isn't what he said, all of us kids know God is #1 in his life. Even over my mother.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
10 Apr 07
This whole episode proves that you are a good person. You are a better preson than all those "Christians" that think it is their duty to convert you. I'm sorry your children had to hear it. I wish there was a commandment in any holy book that would make parents respect their children.Especially their adult children. You are nicier then I am. If my dad had disrespected me like that, I wouldn't see him again until he said he was sorry and he understood that I am not and will not be a Christian.I wish you and your children happiness and understanding. Take Care.
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
10 Apr 07
Thank you I really appericate that. Sometimes it can be hard, being different from the masses. When it is a parent being disrespectful to adult children, what are we to do. There is only so much a person can take.
An even though you are not me, I have decided, I am not going to let him back into my life until he can apologize to me and my children, he will also need to respect my beliefs. When I do speak to him again. I will be telling him, respesct my beliefs, if you want to convert me the best way to do it is by prayer. I am going to tell him to do it quietly, or I will cut him out of our lives completely.
I really don't know what else to do about this. I am sad, he is my father, but what he did was wrong. I know that has much as I know who my children are.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
11 Apr 07
Brava Avonrep1. It is the only thing to do.I hope everything works out. I also hope you have good friends that can give you support.What you are doing is hard but necessary. Good Luck. Take care.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
9 Apr 07
Amen to that!
I'm a spiritualist, and I've lost count of the number of times people have told me that I should be a Christian because it's the one "true" religion.
Having to tell them that I'm Spiritual, not religious, gets tiring, especially when what I say goes right over their heads. I'm sick of having to explain what my beliefs are and that I shouldn't have to be made to feel that I'm wrong for believing what I do.
I have a good friend who told me that I had to be careful when I meditate because I could be calling up the devil or demons.
I didn't have the heart to tell her that I don't believe in them, because she does. She's one of the few Christians who I do get on with. She doesn't try to force her beliefs down my throat and although she tells me to be careful, she respects my views.
I wish more people were like her.
I'm sorry your father overreacted today. What he did was wrong for sure. Bringing up issues is one thing, but doing it in front of your children was low. Although this is possibly a long shot, I do hope he apologizes to you for his outburst.
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
9 Apr 07
He did call while I was out, an apologized for what he said. I don't know and I didn't return his call. He needs to call me back, to apologize is how I feel, and not apologize to my husband. My husband was in our bedroom at the time and wasn't even involved in the exchange. Thank you for your support. I appericate it. Blessed Be.
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@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
11 Apr 07
I know that it's difficult to take how your dad is acting, and, although I'm a Christian, I find what he did to be a totally-inappropriate and totally-ineffective way of witnessing.
Yet, I can understand where he's coming from, and what it all boils down to is that he loves you!
If your house were on fire and one or all of your kids refused to leave there because they didn't believe it and would rather stay inside and continue with what they were doing, you would drag them out of there by the hair on their heads if that's what it took to save them.
You'd get them out of there as fast as you could, even if they were telling you that they hated you for controlling them.
Even if it took calling them names to get them out of there, you would do it.
When you look at it that way, it will make it easier to explain their grandpa's behavior to the kids.
Just tell them that--although it might not sound like it--their grandpa loves them and loves you, too. If he didn't, then, he wouldn't be fighting so hard to (in his way of thinking) save all of you from going to hell where you would be in agony forever and he would never see you again.
Tell them that everything he does and says is out of love and concern for all of you, even if it doesn't sound that way.
The important thing to remember at this time is that he loves you and wants what's best for you.
One of the most touching stories I've heard involving parents and kids was when this couple with a young son and daughter would drop them off at our church everytime the church was open.
Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, Morning Worship, Bible Study, other occasions--that little boy and girl didn't miss a one of them. Yet, their parents never attended anything with them.
One day, either the minister or else one of the church members came to visit them, telling them what great kids they had and that they thought that it was wonderful that they always made sure that their kids didn't miss out on a thing.
"But what about you? Why don't you ever join us?"
That was when this couple responded that this wasn't their first marriage. Both had been married before and had cheated on their spouses with each other. Soon, they ended up divorcing their first spouses and marrying each other.
After their son and daughter were born, there was (in their way of thinking back then) no going back to make things right again--but, now, they had come to realize what sinful lives that they were living and were hellbound with no remedy available for them. For them, it was just too late.
But they loved their children and didn't want them to miss Heaven, so they were making sure that those two would lead Christian lives.
Of course, the person who came calling on them told them how wrong that they were thinking along those lines and that God loved them, too.
Soon, the entire family was in church! After they had become adults, the two children found a church that better suited their beliefs, and the couple continued to go to our church. The entire family was a blessing to have in our congregation!
I think that it's wonderful that you and the kids are including world religions in your studies, because--no matter where you stand in your personal beliefs--it's great to know the strong and weak points of various religions.
Although I went to a Christian college, a course about world religions was required of all students who were studying for a degree. We found traits in those world religions that both didn't measure up to our own beliefs (that is, where we saw no point in converting) and had the potential to enhance our faith, if we were open-minded enough to recognize this to be true.
If you want a really eye-opening look at the pitfalls of the fundamentalist movement that has, seemingly, become the loudest voice of representation in contemporary Christianity, read this wonderful book:
A Response to Fundamentalism's Claim on Christianity
Dr. Gary Cox
This minister--who passed away last August after a courageous battle with cancer--is originally from Anderson. This book is his legacy.
When you introduced me to Allan, I was thinking that I'd seen him before somewhere because he looked familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on where. The reason is that he and Gary Cox bear a striking resemblance to each other, as you'll be able to see by looking on the inside back of the dust jacket!
Anyway, my best to you re: getting along with your dad!
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@waynet (2650)
11 Apr 07
Maybe I am more of a spiritualist than a satanist hiding under the mask of hell, after all I draw way too many demons, but I do not live to serve the devil, I just rebel the fact of everything that is in the bible as it is just too ridiculous to contemplate, how can bible bashers try to convert us with childish teachings from a quite extensively worded story book anyway?!
I believe bedtime stories are for those who wish to hear them and be under the influence of them to revert back to a time when they were safe in their own minds!
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
11 Apr 07
wow Wayne, I really would have thought, by the discussions that you have started and responded to, I thought you as more as a spiritualist than a satanist.
I have studied alot of different religions to understand them better. I don't see satanist as evil people, from what I understand, satanist are more spiritual than not. Besides, that you seem to be a really good person.
I don't understand your belief system, but I do respect it, and understand that everyone has their own belief system and that is okay. Thank you for sharing and being so open.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Good for you for telling him off. I too am so sick of having others try to force their religion down my throat. My parents are both Roman Catholic and I was raised that way but I am now a pagan. For those who are Christian I do not deny that Christ might be the son of God but I can no more prove he is then I can prove that Hercules was the son of a God as well either way I do respect the teachings of Jesus and the bible but I do not follow the path directly.
Now I have not bothered to tell my parents I'm pagan, mostly because my mother is the type that will want to sic a priest on me and have me "Saved". She's in her 70's and I don't feel the need to make what is left of her life miserable over worry on me on relegion. She knows I do not practice the Catholic faith and she's finally come to terms with that. She doesn't bug me to go to church anymore. However she will still make comments like "Well if you just prayed to God" or "When God closes a door somewhere he opens a window" and similar. I ignore it for the most part but it does get very irksome after a while.
What irritates me more are the ones who don't know me and feel the need to "save" my soul. Also the ones who come into a discussion (online or off) that is about pagan beliefs and feel the need to lecture and preach. We don't need it, don't want it and all it does is irritate us and in my opinion makes the other person look arrogant, eogitistical and petty. Not a good combination.
As to your father he was wrong. He should never have done that to you let alone in front of your children. He should respect your choices as you respect his. It's call common courtesy and if he cannot display it then maybe for both your sakes you need to keep your distance.
@recycledgoth (9894)
9 Apr 07
I agree with you hun, 100%. I'm sure your father felt he was right but he has to realise that he cannot dictate what you feel in your heart. Sadly, having read down through some of the other responses, I can see that somethings will never change and there will always be the zealots who are determined to "convert" us heathens. Oh well, so much for the tolerance, understanding and love of their fellow man *shrug* you do what you feel is right hun, and follow your own path. Blessed be
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@LordGregoroftheSith (667)
• United States
10 Apr 07
I am so sorry to hear this. It is a very disturbing matter. I am a christian. I get to see first hand daily what you are talking about. I see, more and more people, trying to force their religion on others. I am sorry, I have read the Bible and I remember nothing about doing this. All God said was love others like you love yourelf. Be kind, patient, meek, all that jazz. And for the part of judging others. I HATE people that judge. I am the man that if you ask me what I believe I will tell you, but I am not going to go around handing out flyers and telling people they are going to hell. ESPECIALLY!! In front of your children. Sorry to say this about your father, but how heartless do you have to be to do that to a mother?
I really am sorry to hear you go through this. I see it all the time, and it disappoints me that people can't respect others enough to let them make their own decisions in life. Best of luck to you and your family. I hope it all works out.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
12 Apr 07
I think faith is useless unless it is attached to a real being. Meaning God! But boy oh boy can I relate to you. Your father will have a lot to answer for one of these days. I grew up in a similar fashion. My parents didn't go to chruch because they felt the church was filled with hypocrites! My relatives were relentless sometimes. Didn't go as far as your father did by saying I was evil. But clearly let me know that I would go to hell if I didn't go to church. I eventually said why would I believe in God if I am going to act like a mean spirited person. But of course through the years I would think why am I here, what is this life all about. I thought about God. I thought about all the different religions. I thought will hey if all these so called religious people can't figure out the truth, how can I? I am just an average simple minded person. So for years I did my own thing, went my own way. Wondering all the while is there a God? Well if there is one I want to know him. I mean I heard he is a God who can not tell a lie, that he is a friend that sticks closer then a brother, He is all truth and all knowing. Why wouldn't I want to get to know somebody like that. So one day I asked him. Are you there, reveal yourself to me. I even said now God if your there and you are who you say you are. I really want to know you. But I don't want to be like those people who go around telling people how evil they are. If you think that is a good way for people to get to know you your wrong. It ain't workin. It just pushes us away! Teach me and show me your ways and dont' let me get on my own tangent and make up my own ideas of who I think you are. Your either you or you are not. I mean gee God. Down here we like people to know us and except us for who we are and we dont' like to be mis judged or not understood so I am sure you must be the same. If you created the world I am sure you want the credit for it. I know I would if I did it. I even want credit for doing a fairly good job taking care my kids in my situation. So if I am this way and others are this way, certainly you would have the same need to be accepted for who you really are. Yes that is how I talk to the God I didn't know. Then one day I did know him. It doesn't really matter my story how I got to know the living God. I just know! If you ever want to know if there is a living God that created you and the universe I am more then sure he will let you know loud and clear so you don't miss out. If you truly want to know. God understands where your at with Him and why! He has big broad shoulders He can handle it dont' worry about that! You say you wish people would stop pushing religion down your throat. Will just let the truth be known. God pushes himself down no ones throat! He doesn't go where he is not wanted. So any christian doing what your father is doing is not doing it in the name of God. Although I have to say he means well. But he needs to go to God and ask forgiveness and ask God to teach him about HIM.
@jc_star10 (953)
• Indonesia
10 Apr 07
I think your father have some problem in respecting other's people choice. I am sorry to say that to your father. But, i can't find any better words to describe what i feel after reading your post. Your father believe in his religion so deeply, and that made him not looking other's people choice in different views. Your father cares for you, only he did it in wrong way. Children have a right to choose which religion they believe, whether it's going to be your father's religion or yours.