Why do you love your spouse or partner?

United States
April 8, 2007 10:21am CST
I'd love to know what exactly about your spouse or partner makes you 'love' them. My husband has asked me this in the past and as much as I love him, it's hard for me to put into words WHY I love him. Is it hard for others too? If you seriously think about it, can you tell me WHY or WHAT about your spouse/partner that makes you love them? What made you first fall in love with them? What is it that helps you to continue to love them? When I first met my husband, I loved his eyes. Something I could see deep in them - like looking into his soul despite the 'act' he might have been putting on at the moment. Over time, I fell in love with how sensative and sweet he was. How open and vulnerable he made himself to me. Over the years I've grown to love him more because he is an excellent father, a very hard working person, helpful towards others including strangers, he tries hard at everything he does, he has a good heart and means well, he's the first to say he's sorry when we have disagreements even if it's me that should be saying I'm sorry. Most of all - he loves me, and that counts for alot when you feel like no one does. Please share what it is about your spouse or partner that you love about them.
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24 responses
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
9 Apr 07
My husband is great, I knew I loved him basically from the start. He is a kind, smart guy, always looks out for me and the kids. He acted like a tough guy at first, but I knew he had a great heart. Now he shows me every day that I made the right choice, and every day I love him more. He's a great dad, a hard worker, and very sweet. He's just a perfect match for me. All I can do is thank him for picking me. :)
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@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
9 Apr 07
It has aot to do with trust. I am married to a wonderful guy and I knw we had our ups and down and we have been together for almost 25 years in August. I say it does has alot to do with trust it makes a difference.
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• United States
12 Apr 07
I love my husband because he's the kind of person I strife to be. He's honest and very blunt-you always know where you stand with him, he always considers other people's feelings before his own and he gives the best hugs in the world. He is the most HELPFUL person I've EVER met and is so incredibly talented at everything he tries-it's amazing! He is very respectful of women and always gives you his undivided attention because he cares about everyone. I just love him to pieces!!!!!!!!! I'm very lucky ;)
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• Philippines
9 Apr 07
Hi there. I don't think words are enough for me to tell the whole world why I love my husband, but I will try. I've never in my life felt so happy and complete. He makes me thank God each day for giving me another day to spend with him. I know that every relationship especially marriage is not all ups but it also has it's down moments but I wouldn't trade my husband for anything or anybody in this world. He makes me feel like a princess. Sometimes I would realize how much I neglect him or hurt him and realize how stupid I am for treating him that way. LOL anyway, I am being to mushy here....thanks for reading =P
@mimatexas (1818)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I love my husband because he is very caring and sensitive, very responsible about his family and because he loves me too. When I met him, what I liked about him was his dark brown eyes, he is tall and had good manners with me. He is very responsible at work and likes to spend time with us at home.
• Australia
8 Apr 07
Its a very hard thing to answer, ive never found that question an easy one. I dont know why its like that but it just is. Maybe its because you just cant explain it to other people. I love my partner because she is one of the sweetest and thoughtful people in the world (and no im not just saying that, i really think its true). Shes very selfless, and shes always there for me too. But i think one of the reasons i love her most is that i can tell she loves me back.
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• China
9 Apr 07
I think when you are loving some one,very deeply,you can not describe it with words,it's just a feeling in your heart.
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• United States
9 Apr 07
I'm not sure what first attracted me to her, it just sort of happened the way it did. I love her because she treats me right, she treats me like I'm special, and helps my self esteem. She means a lot to me. She's been the only really nice constant thing in my life, full of stupid people that do stupid things.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Apr 07
It is feeling of simply sharing and caring, which falls me in love with my partner. She would always be first person to discharge her duties and responsibilities, come what may, either at home or at office. Even she is indisposed, she will see to it that from cooking to cleaning, as much as she can, is performed by her. Sometime she would get angry temporarily.....but would immediately come forward to help you......if you are in trouble. Sharing my sorrows and joys also makes her special to me.
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• Canada
9 Apr 07
I too have been asked this by my partner before and trying to find the words to describe why I love him is next to impossible. I think it's more because it's what we FEEL, as opposed to actual THINGS that we love about them. I love my partner because of the way he accepted me for who I am, faults and all, he shows me respect, love and total loyalty. He took on my children as though they were his own and has done an excellent job with helping to raise them. They adore him. Most of all, I love my partner because I know he loves me back. We are 100% committed to each other. We're soul mates.
• India
9 Apr 07
well its really difficult!!!!!!! i will be really honest here i love my husband very much an d i had fallen in love with him because of his honesty he never hids anything from and loves me till no extend.... that is what makes me love him!
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• Philippines
9 Apr 07
When you love a person for a reason then it's not love at all, it's just like. I love my husband just because I do and for no other reason.
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@piropos (312)
• Philippines
9 Apr 07
A friend once told me that if you love a another person for a reason, and that reason disappears, then consequently, your love for that person will also disappear. I thought a lot about this and asked myself the reasons why I loved my wife. I did not come up with any particular answer, because simply, I love my wife. Period. That's it. Like you, first you said you loved your husband's eyes. What if he needs to wear glasses now and they hide your husband's beautiful eyes so that you can't see them anymore? Would you love him less because of that. Or God forbid, what if he lost his eyes, would your love be lost too? Of course not! And I think you still love him now, not because he is an excellent father, or a very hard working person, has a helpful heart and means well. Because even if one or more of these qualities disappear, you would continue to love him just as he is, because you love the whole person, not just a particular quality in him. For me I love my wife for no other particular reason that just being herself.
@aciddrop (798)
9 Apr 07
my eyes are still red from crying coz yesterday my bf and i almost broke up.but when i stepped out of his room,carrying loads of personal stuff,he called my name and walked towards me intending to kiss me goodbye.at that moment i even cant move coz he asked me again you sure you wanna do this?i know i cant leave him and this is my answer.so i stay. we love each other,take care of each other and want each other happy.this is why i love him.its mutual.
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• New Zealand
9 Apr 07
With every person I've been in love with, I've looked at them and from the first second I've seen them, I've known that I need to know this person. I think thats what people call "love at first sight" and people love to pass it off as a purely physical thing...that love at first sight can't exist, its only lust, blah blah blah. But to me its something deeper and more spiritual than that. Anyway, with my current boyfriend it was that. I saw his eyes and I knew that they were warm and familiar.
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@mauier113 (688)
• Philippines
8 Apr 07
When I first met my husband, it wasn't a love at first sight thing. I didn't like him at all because he's good looking, honestly, because I don't get easily turned on by looks only, I'm more like to see a person has to say. But I guess, we're destined to be with each other...I found him to be not just looks but a loving husband and father to our kids. A hardworking husband who provides us well, supports us whatever goals we have for each one of us. He's like a bestfriend for all of us, A loving son and brother to his family, someone who always think of how I feel and a husband who does most of household chores whenever he's on vacation to give me a vacation for myself as a stay-at-home mom...And most importantly he's a God-fearing person who's faith had never been moved by trials.
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• United States
8 Apr 07
Happy Easter Heaven, I do not know where to start with this post. When I met my husband, he was just so good looking, sexy and incredibly funny. He was everything I was not. In that I mean I was a "good" girl, he was kinda a bad boy, he rode a motorcycle, kinda wild, a rock and roller. He had a smile that when he flashed it at me, the blood ran out of my brain and completely out of the bottoms of my feet. I fell in love with him so hard. I was just never the same again. That was 27 years ago. He has given me 3 beautiful boys and a life filled with friendship and joy. Okay with that said... He infuriates me, makes my blood boil, he can be the most stubborn man alive. Arrggg there are some days that if I have to pick up his socks one more time, I swear he is going to come home one evening from work and find them cooked in mushroom sauce and served on my best china for dinner! Every day I fall in love with him all over again. I can not wait to live with him another 27 years.
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@Stiffler07 (1356)
• United States
8 Apr 07
Wow, I have been told that I'm a glutton for punishment, & if you knew 34momma, who is really 35 now ...lol, you would know that being married to her is the worst punishment one can endure....(LMAO) No, all jokes aside,she happens to be a remarkable woman with a great deal of compassion for others. A great mother, wife & homemaker. (Truly my Queen)
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I loved my fiance's hands. He has very large, strong hands. When we hold hands I can feel the strength he has and also how tender he can be at the same time. I love his face and how he can look like very stone faced most of the time, but when he sleeps, he looks like a little boy because he is much softer when we are alone. Most of the time, he is very macho and doesn't show emotions or many feelings, but when we are alone, he is very loving and affectionate. Just the other day, we were shopping for a dress for me to wear to this military ball we have to attend and he took my dress and carried it for me. Just little things like that make me love him more!
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• United States
8 Apr 07
I love my husband so much, he is my one and only BEST friend!! when I am sad he knows how to cheer my up, when I am angry with him he'll do something so silly, I'll have to laugh. My hubbie would give you the shirt off his back, he is kind, gentle and caring. I am a lucky lady
@Bedient43 (250)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I love my partner because she is amazing. Shes smart Beatiful and very respevtful. she is down to earth and always has the answers shes the girl who makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
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