Flirting with your girlfriends best friend?
@linzmcwilliams (1552)
April 8, 2007 2:16pm CST
My best friend came down for a couple of days to celebrate my 18th. She and my boyfriend get on really well but the amount of flirting that took place on my boyfriends part really upset me. He would buy her presents, use any excuse for physical contact (tickling etc) and he even gave her money so she would come back to visit us next week. He's never behaved in this way with anyone else and when i asked him about it he said he was just trying to "make an effort" with her. He doesn't have to because they are already good friends but the week left me feeling unsure about everything. I know they would never hook up but its obvious that he really likes her. He knew he was flirting and told me that i should have said something and he would have toned it down. But if he knew he was doing it and it was upsetting me why did he continue? Any ideas about the whole thing? We are supposed to be going up to get house in a couple of weeks and i want things to change.
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22 responses
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Well, if he is exhibiting behaviors like this now, it may not change. How old is your boyfriend and how long have you been together? Men mature slower than women. My ex is now 53 and he still hasn't matured 100%. I doubt he ever will.
Your BF obviously has a twisted sense of what "make an effort" truly means.
Good luck to you.
@lavmadog (75)
• Philippines
9 Apr 07
You are right, i guess there are men who are born flirts and unfortunately the subject man is one of those.
@lavmadog (75)
• Philippines
9 Apr 07
You mean, you don't know where to put a line between being sweet from flirting? You should know better, dear. Try putting urself in your gf's shoes and see how it feels. Turn the tables around, what would you do if you find your gf giving presents to your bestfriend, tickling him and giving him money so he could visit you again? Hope you can give your comments to this, hmmmm?
@aditya_tanha4u (153)
• India
9 Apr 07
i think it's good happn with your friend i think he should apologise for all he has done wrong....
@lavmadog (75)
• Philippines
9 Apr 07
It would have been less upsetting if your bestfriend did not entertain your boyfriend's flirting,moreso, accept the presents(there was no occassion)and the money is the last straw. Your bestfriend should be more sensitive to your feelings. About you getting a house with your bf, that means you are going to live with him? Flirting even in your presence should make you think twice, they could do worse.
@Writerbob (572)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Until people are actually married, they are free agents, no matter what romantic illusions or "rules" others want to place on them. As a man, it is clear to me that your boyfriend is infatuated with her, and it's just something that has to run its course. If you try to ride herd on him, he'll just start hiding the behavior but it will still exist. We don't own people, period.
@jc_star10 (953)
• Indonesia
9 Apr 07
That's though..If i was in your shoes i probably cried out loud in front of him and smash him..LOL. Anyway are you sure that he is not trying to make you jealous or something ? I don't know what type of guy your boyfriend is, but if he really care about you, he probably stop by the time you said that you are jealous.
@Stiletto (4579)
9 Apr 07
Hmmm - I wouldn't have been impressed by his behaviour either. I'm sorry but it sounds like more than just being nice to his girlfriends best friend. I mean buying her presents? Giving her money to come back next week? That's just a bit over-enthusiastic I'm afraid!
I'm not sure about the best way to deal with it. I suppose a lot depends on how serious your relationship is but I think you at least need to have a stern word with him about his behaviour so there isn't a repeat performance in the future. I would see how it goes the next time your best friend is around but if he behaves in the same way then frankly I'd be tempted to get rid of him. If you can't bring yourself to do that then you might consider seeing your best friend on your own in future.
@indian_investor (365)
• India
9 Apr 07
better flirt with his best friend and then ask him how he felt..that would make him realize what he has done to you.No amount of discussion would make hime realize what you are feeling now.
@smacksman (6053)
9 Apr 07
Please, he is doing it in front of you to show he is hiding nothing from you and it is innocent flirting. I bet your girl friend enjoyed it and why not.
Now if your boyfriend has since gone away to your girlfriend's house behind your back for a quick leg over, then get worried.
@nic_knick (739)
• China
9 Apr 07
well. i know that girlfriend's best friend should be the friend of the boy. while the boy shouldnt have flirted the gilr. hey, just think what teh girl might think if she knows that her boyfriend is flirting her best friend. i call that an easy break-up. hey, how can the boy do this to her girlfriend? hey , leave the boy................................................
@anya11111 (169)
• India
9 Apr 07
if you are going to move in together you better ask him about it seriously. or it will be a beginning of an end. delay the living in part for a while making some excuses and see how things shape up. if he is serious about your relation he will stop doing these flirty things when you start delaying the live in thing. make it clear that he cannot stand on two sides of a river at the same time.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
9 Apr 07
WOW I know how you are feeling I went through some of the same things with my Ex husband. I would suggest to honestly distance your friend ship with her right now, The same kind of contact happened to my Ex husband and My best friend, I left the house for 10 Min's and they DID IT!!!! I was stunned for he always told me he wouldn't touch her with a ten foot poll and all that other kind of lines, It ruined our marriage and now I really watch who I have in my life.
I am truly sorry you have to go through this kind of crap and hope that with all our help here it will help you in one way or another
Best wishes to you
@hareshjsakariya (35)
• India
9 Apr 07
if there anything wrong with you is straight way your fault. but here i m not to blame you but to give you simple solution.. never take anything that irritating you is so serous . because as casual if you not giving important to anybody they never think on that. leave him as you have nothing about him... don't try to jelous him.
@tajinder_18 (324)
• Malaysia
9 Apr 07
i think you should voice it out if you do not like your boyfriend to flirt with your friend.i think the attention he's giving her is too much.that attention he should give it to you.why he wanna give her the money to come back visit both of you again??it is like he expecting to meet her should tell your friend case she might just forgot he is your boyfriend.better settle it fast before something else happen between both of them
@jenalyn (675)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I think that you should ask him how he would feel if you rhad done what he did to one of his friends. Maybe he will understand better if he were in your shoes. I wasn't there and I only know your perspective of the situation. If I felt the way you do, I would put off having a house with him. I would try talking about it with him until I felt better. If I could not get a better feeling, then I would pull aways from him for a while and not get the house.
If he understands your feelings and doesn't get mad, but instead tells you he loves you, then you should believe him. He would probably tell you that in the future he won't do things that crosses the line of what makes you uncomfortable.
Don't let him convince you that you are too insecure. Your story doesn't imply that you are an insecure person and have problems with that. I would have done a lot more than you did. In the end the most important thing to do no matter what you decide is to be sure that you communicate everything you feel regardless if you think he will get mad or not.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Umm if he admitted that he was flirting then umm isn't that a sign that he is attracted to your best friend? I would be worried about that, especially if he gave her $$ to come for another visit!!!!!!!! *alarms are ringing** I would have a serious talk to him about it or else something else might happen when she visits next time.
However, unless I read it wrong, maybe he was just being over friendly (sometimes men do that and its interpreted as being flirty) - my husband has a tendency to be playful and cheeky (but not touching) and sometimes I interpret that as flirting. I ask him afterwards and he says he was just being nice/friendly. I trust what he says and just leave it at that.
@heres2thescarsUleft (313)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Guys can be pretty dumb when it comes to things like this. It's good that you told him how you feel and now he should respect that and not do it when she comes down next week, right? If he does it again I would talk with him again as well as your friend.
Not that your friend is to blame as much as your boyfriend, but she is allowing this to go on when she should be respecting you as his girlfriend and putting a stop to it.
@haedescanes (592)
• Philippines
9 Apr 07
I guess it's really flirting. I know trust is another story but if what he does really upsets yo. He should stop and he should focus your attention on you and not on your bestfriend. Maybe you should confront your boyfriend and ask what is the story behind of doing those things that make you uneasy. And if he still continues making you upset because of your bestfriend, well I guess he is not really concerned aboutyour feelings and call it quits. but im sure you can talk things out the very nice way to handle things.
@tommy408 (361)
• Malaysia
9 Apr 07
I am sorry for you. It must be very hard, having to be suspicious of your boyfriend, that too with your own friend.
However, let me try to see it in a boy's way of seeing things.
Boys will be boys. Flirting is one of "boy's things". We even flirt with girls we are not attracted to. It's what we do with girls, flirting. I might not mean anything at all.
I see you have already confronted your boyfriend and he already said he will toned it down. I believe he will, if he really loves and respects you.
So just let that episode go away, unless if he still continue to flirt with that girl in the future. Then, it would be a clear sign of disrespect, to which you might want to reconsider your relationship with him.
@tharanga (8)
• Australia
9 Apr 07
I understand how u feel...these things happens...sometimes the boy may have tried to get on with her well and u may have thought about that too thing is have a chat with your boy friend again and try to solve the problem peacefully.....