Being a single parent
@xlilkttiebanix (156)
United States
April 8, 2007 9:23pm CST
How many of you are single parents out there? Not just the mothers, but the fathers too. I'm a single parent of 2 little girls, and it's been really tough taking care of them on my own. I'm getting a little bit of help from the fathers, but nothing financially. I'm fully supporting the 3 of us on my own.
What kinds of difficulties are you facing, and what have you done to try to remedy those things? Are you working more than one job? Are you working overtime to make ends meet, and barely surviving?
I was with each of my kids' dads for years, thinking that I may spend the rest of my life with them. It never turned out that way, for many reasons. I did love them, at one point, enough to try to make it a go with them for the kids. Do you think it's better to try to keep things going for the kids, or do you think it's more prudent to be on your own, and work things out in a way that the kid still sees the other parent, but stays with you? Are the other parents involved a good parent in your opinion? Or are they like the ones that I've got, where you'd never let them handle the raising of the child, because they're not much more mature than the child?
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11 responses
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
10 Apr 07
First, let me commend you - my mom is a single mom and I have so much respetc for her and other single moms. I think it depends on the situation. If you're stressed and unhappy it can effect the kids. Plus, you will be teaching them to be true to themselves - and if they're in an unhealthy or unloving relationship - are they really being true.
Sorry for the situation with the dads. I bet you more than make up for that lack though!
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@xlilkttiebanix (156)
• United States
10 Apr 07
Well, considering the situation I'm facing today, as per posting yesterday about irresponsible parents, I'm going to end up going to court to file a restraining order on my 7 year old's dad. He tried to withdraw her from the school I have her registered in, and he has no legal rights to her. I've called missing persons, and may even be filing kidnapping charges on him. He didn't have my permission to have her past Sunday the 8th. I have all the documents stating that I have custody, as we were never married. I'm getting her back today, and he's going to find that he mad the biggest mistake ever when he went against me.
@anjigs04 (37)
• Philippines
9 Apr 07
I am a parent as well though my son is not living with me. I take care of all of his financial needs. It is very hard for me because I rarely see my son nowadays because of work, and when I have a time to visit him I make sure to make the most of out it.
@xlilkttiebanix (156)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Kudos to you, sir. I know that not having my oldest by my side is hard, and the fact that she lives in a different state makes it all the worse. Her dad is remarried and has a one year old, and he won't even let me talk to her on the phone now.
@Dolcerina (3376)
• Hungary
9 Apr 07
I was a single parent from the date my son was born till his age 5. (My husband left me when I was pregnant with his child) It was very hard. Nobody helped me. Anywhere I went I had to take my son. It was very hard to find a job. And we had to live from a very little money. Anyway I was glad :)
Now I live with a man for more than 2 yrs, and I see my son needs a real man sample. I am sorry that your girls do not have a real father. It is not easy to find the right person. Your girls need a sample too, that when it comes the time they want an own family they have to know how the father, and how a mother behaves in a normal family. (Sorry for my English, it is hard to express myself correctly).
As I see, you falls in love with men who are not the best to be a father. Perhaps you should think about it: WHy do you catch these kinds of men? :)
YOu must be a very good mother. I am a living sample the opposite of you. My mother did not leave our father for us (3 children) We had terrible life. We lived in terror. Our father hit us, we felt fear each day. I still remember, that he arrived home each day at 3:15pm. We always looked the clock.
We have to spend our childhood in a small room, while other children played outside. We did not have toys, because we had to work at home. We may not do anything, we may not go anywhere. I could not wait to be an adult. I had to live on my own since my age 16. All it happened because my mother was not brave enough to begin a new life, and save her kids from this terrible life.
So I wish you to be a great parent, but also that do find the man. I realized, that I should not have searched for the Big One, but I had to learn to accept a Little One. You need a man, just like your girls. I hope you find a kind man, who accept your little family.
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@xlilkttiebanix (156)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Ahhh, yes, another telling me that I need to find a man. Don't get me wrong, having a man in my life is great, but it's not always the best thing in the world. It's harder to look for someone when you're 28 and have been in one relationship after another, and have never had the chance to be single and see what it's truly like. I do have a love interest in my life, but circumstances prevent us from being fully together currently-mainly distance. He loves my kids, and they love him. Also, it's not the best time for us to have a full relationship, as I need to be independent and do things for myself after depending on guys all my adult life. I'm finally doing that, and I've never been happier. To say that life is hard is an understatement, but I'm excelling at things because of the challenge of doing it on my own, and knowing that there is no one there that's going to catch me if I fall. I've got his support emotionally if not physically and that's all I need right now. I do feel bad for the life you had to live, and I'm glad to know that you got away from that and have moved on to much better things. I've never been a single parent before, but I know that I'm doing much better alone than I ever was with the other parents in my life on a full time basis.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I'm not exactly a single parent- I have a daughter she is 10- I do not live with her dad-- It's been over 7 years. I do live with my sig. other and he is like a dad I guess.. Although most decisions about her are made by me- He does do alot with her though- Support- emotionally and dollar wise. He is great with her.
I get nothing either from her real dad- She does go over every other or every other other weekend to spend time with him- I think it is important.. the day she tells me she doesn't want to anymore I won't make her. Right now he is jobless--- But it wouldn't matter I haven't ever asked for $$-- I should I know-- To put away for college.
I say bravo to you- It is hard raising children and even harder when it's just you- Congrats on that.. Keep up the good work!
@kitkat1 (1227)
• Canada
10 Apr 07
I am a single parent of three with two dads. I get no financial help from either of them. I work as much as i can not much work to get in my area. I have one chid how is a teen and another who is almost there and a ten year old. What i find that is hard is to have to play the role of mother and father. The oldest father lives in another province but he does call and send gifts at birthdays and Christmas. The two youngest father well lets just refer to him as a sperm donar cause he has never done anything more than that for the kids. He dont call dot pay dont see them and had the nerve to have more with someone else and it just makes me sick. It is hard and alot of work but i would not have stayed with there father for money cause he treated me very badly and the kids notice that it would be worse to stay for the kids then it would be to go i think. My kids are well adjusted and happy cause they are happy with me and know i love them and work hard to keep them fed and healthy. They are better off this way for sure. Hang in there is will get better.
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@Stiletto (4579)
9 Apr 07
I was a single parent but my daughter is an adult now. It was tough - I had to work full-time from when my daughter was really young and we never had much money but we got there in the end. My daughters father has never been involved in her life in any way. She was 18 months old the last time he saw her and there's been no contact since. His loss.
I don't really agree with the whole idea of trying to keep things going for the sake of the kids. Firstly it doesn't usually work in the long term anyway and secondly it's better for a child to grow up in a happy environment with not much money and living with only one parent rather than having both parents under the same roof but unhappy together.
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@cabergren (1181)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I was divorced when my son was 10 years old. My ex-husband wasn't working for a long time so I didn't get any financial support for a long time. It was not fun. We struggled and struggled for quite a while. But we finally got ahead. I think the whole experience brought us closer together. My son is now in his 30's and he still calls me once to week to see how I am. I have always felt good about getting it together and raising my son the best I could.
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@desimanero (419)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Im a single mother of 2 kids as well and i was in the position as you.I loved both thier fathers and thought wed be together forever but things happened and my plans crashed.Ive been raising my kids on my own financially and emotionally for a long time.My oldest is 8 and ive never recieved one dime from her father in her life.And my son is 2 and his dad says if he cant be with me then he dont want tnothing to do with his son.It sucks the way things turn out sometimes but sometimes its for the better.No i dont think you should saty together for the kids.It just makes the situation so much worse.Well good luck to you and i know its hard but its possible and so worth it.
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@motherof35108 (192)
• United States
9 Apr 07
i am a singal mom of three kids and get no help from thier father at all. i am a school bus driver and we do not make much for money but so i am just bearly makeing it on my own. it is very hard to make ends meet now a days. i have lost apartments and lost cars and almost lost my life because i do not want to do this anymore. so i do know how it feels to be by yourself and doing things on your own. the one thing that you have that i do not have is the support of the fathers i do not.
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I was a single parent with two boys for awhile. I left my husband at the time, and had basically no money, no job, just a newborn and a 2 year old. He never sent support or anything. I worked my butt off and had a night job, and someone to sit with the kids for cheap. My dad helped me by paying the rent, but I did everything else. I wouldnt have been able to do it without him. Eventually I moved back home and lived in my dad's house with the boys. Which was a big help, and what got me back on my feet. It took 2 years and a divorce to finally get my ex to send child support for the kids. I wouldn't really consider my ex a good parent. He volunteered to go to Italy for 3 years, when I live in New Jersey with the kids. You would think he would want to see them more than once a year, but I guess not.
Sounds like you are doing a great job, keep up the good work!
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