Bathroom Chat

United States
April 9, 2007 8:13am CST
Bathroom Chat I was barely sitting down when I heard a voice from the other stall saying, "Hi, how are you"? I'm not the type to start a conversation in the restroom, but I don't know what got into me, so I answered, somewhat embarrassed, "Doin' just fine!" And the other person says, "So what are you up to"? What kind of question is that? At that point, I'm thinking this is too bizarre, so I say, "Uh, I'm like you, just traveling!" At this point, I am just trying to get out as fast as I can when I hear another question. "Can I come over"? Okay, this question is just too weird for me, but I figured I could just be polite and end the conversation. I tell them, "No, I'm a little busy right now!" Then I hear the person say nervously, "Listen, I'll have to call you back. The person in the other stall keeps answering all my questions."
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29 responses
@raveena (1353)
• India
9 Apr 07
Really funny. Once two morons got fed up with the Indian Government and decided to blow up the parliament. They took 2 bombs, put them in a suitcase in the front seat of their car and set off. On the way one moron asks the other, "What will happen if the bombs blast off now." The other says, "Don't worry. I have a spare bomb in the back seat"
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@rebelann (113331)
• El Paso, Texas
30 May 20
I know, I know, BOOOOM, right?
• Canada
9 Apr 07
LOL! That's hilarious and my mom has had that happen to her before but she was on the bus. She thought the lady in front was talking to her. She didn't see the ear piece she was wearing, at least not till the lady turned round and glared at her LMAO. Thanks for providing me with a much needed giggle today.
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@rebelann (113331)
• El Paso, Texas
30 May 20
The story about your mom sounds much funnier.
@astroo13 (963)
• India
9 Apr 07
A computer programmer, bored with his job, decided to start his own business. Wanting to do something totally different from his current occupation, he bought a mating pair of rheas and a large tract of land. His rhea farm was soon doing a booming business as there appeared to be a great demand for the birds. Not being satisfied with just selling the birds, the rhea farmer started researching how the birds were being used. He found that all parts of the birds were being utilized, except the feathers. Nobody wanted the plainly colored rhea feathers. The ex-programmer, now rhea farmer, purchased some equipment, technical people, and chemicals, and was soon selling fancy, colored rhea feathers. The resulting sales were amazing and made the new feather merchant very happy. There was one small problem. The workers making the colored feathers were becoming quite ill. The concerned young man called in a number of doctors to determine the nature of the illness. It was discovered that without exception, the workers had developed a severe case of ... "dye a rhea".
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@alen0224 (527)
• China
9 Apr 07
LOL! So you should never answer any question without knowing who is questioning! Thanks for your posting. For decades, two heroic statues, one male and one female, faced each other in a city park, until one day an angel came down from heaven. "You've been such exemplary statues," he announced to them, "That I'm going to give you a special gift. I'm going to bring you both to life for thirty minutes, in which you can do anything you want." And with a clap of his hands, the angel brought the statues to life. The two approached each other a bit shyly, but soon dashed for the bushes, from which shortly emerged a good deal of giggling, laughter, and shaking of branches. Fifteen minutes later, the two statues emerged from the bushes, wide grins on their faces. "You still have fifteen more minutes," said the angel, winking at them. Grinning even more widely the female statue turned to the male statue and said, "Great! Only this time you hold the pigeon down and I'll crap on it's head."
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• India
9 Apr 07
Too good i like it. nice joke. Three pregnant women are all sitting around knitting baby clothes. The first one says, "I hope I have a baby boy because I've knitted this lovely blue jumper." The second woman then says, "I hope I have a baby girl because I've knitted this lovely pink jumper." Then the third woman says, "I hope I have a spastic because I've f**ked up these arms."
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@allys0n (86)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Lol, that's really funny. I guess that means they should've ignored them in the first place to avoid embarassment. Lol.
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@rebelann (113331)
• El Paso, Texas
30 May 20
I would never answer anything I'd hear in a bathroom.
@Stiletto (4579)
9 Apr 07
Very funny - I'm assuming it's a joke although it sounds like exactly the sort of thing that would happen to me!
2 people like this
• United States
10 Apr 07
It was a joke and I am so glad it wasn't a situation that I was in. Although it could have been me. That kind of thing happens to me but not in the bathroom. If I came out of the bathroom and told my husband that something like that happened to me he would not be surprised. So that gives you a little insite into my personality.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
9 Apr 07
Hahahaha I like it now I do hope Sunshine that this is a Joke and did not actually happen to you lol
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• United States
10 Apr 07
Oh, thank goodness it did not happen to me. But I can picture it happening. It would not surprise my husband if I did something like that.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Oh my goodness you have me laughing so hard I'm crying. This is just too funny and so very much like something that would happen to me - and at the same time would feel so stupid. As I was reading I kept thinking you were going to say the person in the next stall thought you were their friend. I've had that happen before and when we both came out they realized their friend was a few stalls down but heard their friend talking to 'me' and was laughing about it.
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• United States
9 Apr 07
Oh my gosh!!!! LOL!!!! That was soooooooooo funny!!! I have to send this to everyone I know.
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• United States
10 Apr 07
It will give all you send it to a real laugh. It tickled the heck out of my funny bone.
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• China
10 Apr 07
I have this kind of situation just because I speak English with my friend,sometimes I can't understand them well so I feel embassrassed very much,and I answer their questions for another question.
@luckly888 (175)
• China
10 Apr 07
It is so funny.I don't like to start a conversation too.
@crackhead (1826)
• India
10 Apr 07
Oh my god that was really funny how could a person start talking in a restroom and that too with an unknown. I was laughing like hell when i read this. :)) "CAN I COME OVER" What kind of question was that? some times i think people really go mad. Anyways thanks for sharing such a funny moment. Hope the same thing wont happen again and again.
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@louiselai (181)
• Philippines
10 Apr 07
hahahaha...very funny....=)
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• United States
10 Apr 07
hahahah! that was too funny..and all the time i was reading it..then i started thinking of the time it happened to me..i was so embarrassed..i really had to go and this lady kept talking to me..i was being as short as i she said..hi how ya doing? i was like ok..she asked what did i do today..i say nuttin much..then she said soemthing and i was liek what? and she said casn you hear me now? i say yes...she says.CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW??!! I yelled yes! i said!! quit yelling ta me!! and she yells back i aint talking to you!! im on my phone!! omg!! i was liek sorry!! hahhah! i was soo embarrassed!! even though i was done i waited in the stall till she lol!
• United States
1 May 07
lol..ya i could have done that..if i had my sense of pride left after the fact lol..but it was gone..soo very far away!!! lol! thank u soo much for BR btw! I appreciate it!!
• United States
10 Apr 07
That is funny. I wouldn't have been embarrassed. I would have gone over and introduced myself and told her that now you know the face behind the voice that was an ediot.
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@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
10 Apr 07
Just put in a response to this one but it seems to have disappeared somewhere .... so it if comes up double that is the reason for it happening. Recently we read an article which said that 80% of people admitted to taking their mobile or cell phone with them when they went to the toilet/bathroom. Then from memory 90% of those same people admitted to making or receiving calls while they were there. What an awful thought that I might be talking to someone and hear that "twinkle twinkle" coming down the phone line to me. So your story just goes to show that it does actually happen and those interviewed about their phone habits were telling the truth ... or some of them were. Thanks for the laugh sunshinelady but one last thing I really have to ask before I go. Didn't your parents warn you about talking to strangers? hahaha
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• United States
10 Apr 07
I absolutely love your comment about not talking to strangers. It brought a smile to my face. 57 years young and still not following moms advice. Woe is me. lol
• United States
9 Apr 07
Ha ha ha! I kind of figured that was what was happening.
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@darkzzt (757)
• Canada
9 Apr 07
haha that was a funny joke. sometimes i think someone is talking to me so i turn to them and start to answer but realize they are talking to someone else and that is a little embarrassing. no one ever talked to me in the bathroom before.
@Cyklo1974 (351)
• United States
9 Apr 07
lol oh my, i always find it odd how strangers want to chat it up while taking care of business. your post made me laugh and also brought back memories of the same thing happening to me lo, thank you
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• Canada
9 Apr 07
Haha.. That is so funny. It would be a rather weird situation....for both involved.