Grocery Shopping - fun or hassle?
By angelicEmu
@angelicEmu (1311)
April 9, 2007 12:42pm CST
Do you enjoy your trips to the supermarket/corner shop? Do you take your time and browse, or rush about trying to get it over and done with? Is shopping a nightmare or a pleasure for you? Do the staff always seem to be blocking the way to the section of the aisle you want? Do the other shoppers stand in the way chatting, or moving in slow motion? Do they let their kids run about like lunatics, so you barely miss hitting them with your trolley? Or is it all just a relaxing chance to buy products you like, and treat yourself? Your thoughts and opinions are all welcome!
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33 responses
@dramaqn (1990)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I just love grocery shopping...but by myself. I do not take my kids with me grocery shopping unless I'm just getting a few things. They distract me and make me lose my train of thought and I never remember to look at the list. And don't even get me on those parents who let their kids run around like banchees. That is just ridiculous. I just wanna go up to the kids and tell them to go stand in time out while I let their parents have it verbally. Too bad this isn't the old days... you know the 70's early 80's, you know, when our society believed in the phrase "it takes a village to raise a child" and we were able to discipline eachothers kids. And if you are a child from that time you probably still to this day have respect for that neighbor or lady down the street who told you a few things that made you get your act together.
When I go grocery shopping I like to go in get what I came for and get out. There's no pitter pattering around. I use the same rule that I give my kids for bathtime..."Get in, Get out, No Playing around".
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
11 Apr 07
I know what you mean about kids running around. I hate that. My baby cries when he can't get his own way but soon stops when he knows I'm not giving in! I think some people just don't want their kids around them when they're shopping so they just let them do what they like and annoy everyone else, although to be fair, I haven't encountered that many problem children, it's mostly old people who get in the way here!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
9 Apr 07
It all depends on if I can get to the store alone, or if I have to take a child with me. I love grocery shopping if I am alone. I can take my time. Check out the specials. Get only what is on the list. I usually spend a lot less if by myself. On other occasions I will take my daughter with me. It is fun for us, but we do spend much more money because I let her pick out many items. I think that people get mad at me because when my daughter comes with we go to the self check out and I let her be the cashier. She loves doing this, and to me it is no big deal. It takes longer, but she enjoys it. I always think the others in line are not happy with us.
@angelicEmu (1311)
9 Apr 07
It sounds like a lovely bonding experience for you and your daughter. I always used to help my Dad with the shopping, and my Grandma when I'd stay at her home over Summer holidays, when I was a child. It made me feel grown-up and like I was being helpful in an important task, and my Gran would let me choose some of the food we'd get too. So you keep on enjoying shopping with your daughter, and who cares what those other people say - it's not as though there aren't other checkouts they can use!
@cupoftea (714)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Sometimes a trip to the store is the only time I get to myself. I enjoy it. I enjoy using my coupons and seeing how much I can save and I have learned to never rush through the store because I forget Items and have to go back.
@angelicEmu (1311)
9 Apr 07
I like to take my time too, and find the best deals & special offers. I pretty much always forget something though, even so - perhaps more so when I take my time. When I don't have long to do the shop, I tend to zoom around purposefully just to the sections I need to go to, rather than being waylaid by a new product, or a "buy 2 get 1 free" special. I'm glad you enjoy yourself when shopping, and that you get to have a bit of "you" time there! All the best.
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
9 Apr 07
I hate grocery shopping with a passion. I always need to go down the aisle that is being blocked by about 5 generations of the same damn family.
As often as I say excuse me, someone else will try and push their way through first.
I've had more than one bad experience with shopping that made my partner convulse with laughter. We went shopping and in one aisle, a lady was stood browsing with her cart right in the middle of the aisle, so I couldn't get round. I said excuse me three times to her. The third time she very deliberately turned her back on me.
I did what anyone else would do in retaliation. I rammed my cart into her a*s. She spun around and glared at me ready to say something, but I beat her to it. I said "Don't even think about it! I said excuse me THREE times and you ignored me!"
She never said a word lol, but she looked shocked and she quickly moved her cart out of the way. I stalked past with my cart, with my partner close on my heels, and as soon as we got past her, he broke out into a fit of silent laughter. If I hadn't been so angry at her blatant ignorance, I would have laughed along with him.
I don't know what it is with people doing their grocery shopping in our area, but some of them are just so damn ignorant! Every weekend when we do grocery shopping, my blood reaches boiling point lol.
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@sherytiger (88)
• Pakistan
10 Apr 07
Grocery shopping is not a part of me :P but......sometimes i do go for grocery shopping just to sneak around for looking beautiful CheeeeeeeKs!
Running Outta mouth.....anyways grocery shopping really sucks i guess!its better to go for outfitting shopping rather than to buy carrots,cerials,meals etc.

@sapphiresage (431)
• United States
10 Apr 07
I detest grocery shopping to the point where I don't do it anymore. A local grocery store chain has a program where I can go to their website, shop ONLINE, and just go pick up my groceries. Someone else puts up with the hassles, and it only costs me $6 each time! Heck of bargain!
No more hauling three kids through the store and hearing "Can we have this?" or "I have to use the bathroom" 900 times between the front door and the checkout.
@angelicEmu (1311)
10 Apr 07
LOL - I know what you mean. I tend to find I have no problems getting through the checkout quickly when I have time to spare, but when I'm in a huge rush, that's when there aren't enough tills, and the cashier at the till I get to has a problem and needs to call her manager over, which always takes forever! I do try not to take out my impatience on the staff or other shoppers though, as tempting as that might be sometimes!
@ladymoonstone143 (1507)
• United States
10 Apr 07
I love to go grocery shopping but then I have to bring my toddler with me and my husband drive the moment we entered the husband would ask...why are we here for? lol. So, I am always in a hurry. But if I go alone, I like to compare brands, look at new products, check labels, etc.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
10 Apr 07
LOL - I think that in general, men tend to have a different outlook when it comes to shopping: they have their goal (finding the items you need), they achieve it (buying it) and they get out! I tend to be a bit like that when I don't have much money or time to spend at the supermarket, but when I can afford to, I too like to compare products, try out new items, and think about the meals I'm going to make for the coming week and get a good balance and range of foods. Thanks for your contribution ladymoonstone, and all the best to you!
@lols189 (4742)
10 Apr 07
i really enjoy going grocery shopping. i always take my time and browse at different foods to buy what i have never tried before. shopping is a very much pleasure to me as i like it. the shops where i go like tesco, asda etc are always busy but i dont mind.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
10 Apr 07
What a jolly response! Thanks for your contribution, and I'm glad you enjoy yourself when shopping. Trying new foods is always good - I've always thought that my favourite food might be something I've not tried yet, so I'm always keen to eat new things. I even tried snails once - they were like a slightly meatier version of mushrooms in garlic butter! Quite pleasant really :-) All the best, and happy epicurean adventuring!
@gwenmari1029 (1481)
• Philippines
10 Apr 07
i always enjoy shopping for groceries especially if a big event is happening and i need to buy lots of groceries. i'd go to every lane and look at every item that i need. i always have a list with me but there are times that i add up to these if i find something that is not listed.
grocery shopping is my therapy when i want something inside the mall which i can't afford. i switch my liking to grocery stuffs.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
10 Apr 07
That's a good outlook to have gwenmari! Buying yourself a little treat at the supermarket is generally always more economical than a little treat at the mall! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and happy mylotting :-)
@natalie1981 (1995)
• Singapore
19 May 07
Sometimes I like grocery shopping.
I even take my time to browse all the aisles and compare prices.
I have to say I'm a smart shopper and I don't go by brands, I go by price.
But there are times when I'm really rushing that I just scribble the things that I need to buy and grab the first product that I see without checking the price.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
19 May 07
Thanks for your response! That's a good approach for shopping - frugality over the mainstream "brands". All the best :-)
@LCecelia (1124)
• United States
10 Apr 07
I hate any kind of shopping. :-( Its so bad that I run out of food in the house before I force myself to go to the store.
And don't ask me to go shopping during holidays! If I do go I have to know which store has what I need. Where the item is in the store and then I search for the shortest line and pray that the cashier is not a slow poke. :-)
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@angelicEmu (1311)
11 Apr 07
Awww never mind! Life has its more and less enjoyable aspects, and I suppose that shopping is one of the less enjoyable bits for you. It has to be done though, so I guess it's just "one of those things"!! All the best, and chin up :-)
@marissaphoto (9)
• United States
10 Apr 07
I like grocery shopping for the most part. I don't really like to rush through it unless I need to. It does get annoying though when other parents are letting their kids act like jerks in the store. But other than that, it's fun! Especially when the local stores have free samples - because I am cheap and I like to try new foods without having to buy a whole box or a pound of it.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
10 Apr 07
LOL - free samples are great! I've discovered some websites which give you links to the latest free samples which you can order online for the most part :-) That way you get them posted to you, rather than having to queue for a sample at the shops!
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
9 Apr 07
i have this favorite place to go when doing my groceries. i always have this list of what to buy. and since i had been there many times already, i am familiar with the place. i can go directly to where i am going to get items from. the staffs are so friendly, too and very reliable. it's just that during sundays, it's a bit difficult to go around with the cart since too many are doing their groceries as well. so, i rarely go there during sundays.
@angelicEmu (1311)
10 Apr 07
It's good when you know your shop's layout, as you can whizz around and be efficient! Our local supermarket (which is about the size of a small town!) do like to fiddle about with the layout of products, so you're more likely to get some items you wouldn't have, whilst trying to find the item they've "hidden"!! Thanks for responding, and all the best to you!
@aprilsue00 (1991)
• United States
9 Apr 07
i hate grocery shopping. it always seems like such a hassle. Especially if i have to take the kids with me. they always want something and end up throwing stuff in the cart the i did not know about.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
9 Apr 07
yep. for others, it's a hassle to go to the grocery stores to get stuffs. but when i do it with my mum, brothers and my boyfriend, i find it so much fun!
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@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
9 Apr 07
At our grocery store, the staff are pleasant and the other customers are usually polite. It has good sales, too. I like to go grocery shopping, but my husband likes to go too - and he really enjoys going alone, I don't know why. I think he feels that he's good at finding the best deals and getting a good price. He likes to come home and pull out all the groceries and say: I got all this for $##. So I don't often go - he needs an audience, after all.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
10 Apr 07
That's sweet! I suppose some blokes enjoy doing that, as it's the hunter-gatherer instinct. My Dad used to take me to do the weekly grocery shop when I was a child right through my teen years. It was about the only time I got to spend with him when I was a kid, as he was always so busy! He always did the shop, but I think that was partly because he liked to choose the foods he enjoyed - not always what the rest of us liked, but there you go!
@blueyes (56)
• Canada
9 Apr 07
shopping-- well i am the one who wants to get in and get out. I hate crowded places and hate wasting time in a crowded store. I even get mad if i run into people who is standing there gabbing blocking the way. I can even say excuse me and sometimes people don't even move. Man that really gets my goat. Or what about leaving the shopping chart in the middle of the isle and blocking it. I really would like to know what some people think of now a days. There is other people in the store that wants to be able to move and get things done without having to fight your way through. Oh and i really hate the store at chrismas time cuz of all the people. that is what i feel like every time i get in a store. its just me
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@angelicEmu (1311)
10 Apr 07
Some people do tend to be quite inconsiderate when shopping - that's why I try to go during quieter bits of the day. And as you say, in December, they're the worst! Some folks seem to walk around in a little world of their own, oblivious to the people trying to get by, and blocking the way - or worse, blocking the way and moving in super-slow motion! I think this is partly due to people's living through their computers and mobile phones - it's like they don't realise that other people exist, and that there is a real world. The virtual world isn't real life, yet to some people, it's the other way around. All the best :-)
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
9 Apr 07
I enjoy grocery shopping. On Fridays I make a list and on Saturday the hubby and I go off in search of all the ingredients needed for the coming week. I like to try new and different things so we end up driving all over town looking for special ingredients. I love going to Chinatown here and searching the shelves for hidden treats. I just wish I lived in a bigger city with access to Global food ingredients. We have Chinese, Indian, Phillipino and middle Eastern stores, we can spend hours exploring the stores. In the big supermarkets I have another way of going about it, first I smoke a joint, get high, then enter the store. This way people aren't annoyances but future participants in the line-ups to get out! Is that bad? Probably so but it makes for a more enjoyable experience! I also make my list so that it is in the same order as the store runs. I sound so organized but in reality I'm not really...
@angelicEmu (1311)
10 Apr 07
LOL - no that doesn't sound bad at all to me! I couldn't do that though, as the stoned paranoia would kick in as I got to the tills! I have to do my shopping sober, but hey, if it works for you, then all power to you :-) As for shopping at Asian grocery shops, I love to do that too. Chinatown in our city is well-established, and there are a couple of good grocery shops there, but we also have some huge Asian supermarkets which were set up 2 or 3 years ago. I still have to go and try those out - one of them is quite near to where we live, so I should stop being so lazy and go!
@barlow662 (279)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I don't mind grocery shopping. I usually take my time and try to get the best deals. I'm a coupon clipper, so it usually takes me a bit longer in the store than it does most people.
I don't like going to the store if the kids want to go with me though, they love to spend my money...LOL!
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