
April 9, 2007 10:20pm CST
How much money matters in ur life ... imean to say that how much did it effected your life .... did u ever remaind in crises of this "bloody" money...?? n how then u took over it...??
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3 responses
• India
10 Apr 07
Though money is essential for everyone to run the life, no doubt. But it does not matter much for me. Sometime if I do not have money and pocket is empty, I wait. Lessen the expenses, requirements etc and when I get I fulfill my desires. During this period we need to keep quit, make efforts to earn as soon as possible. Try not to borrow, except emergency. At initial stage this will be difficult, but after few months, this will become a habit. To avoid money crises, it is essential that our needs are minimum.
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@lucas528 (323)
• Northern Mariana Islands
10 Apr 07
I know that my experiences due to not having money is not the worst in the world. But I wish that what I've experienced will never happen to anyone and everyone. And, I would suggest to all of you not to let yourself get dragged into a pit where I was: not having even a penny in my pocket and having all the debts and everything. Anyway, save your money and don't stop earning. You can earn while online.
• Hong Kong
10 Apr 07
It's so important to me, especially for my current life. I am gonna graduate this year, so I must face the problem to buy my own house and car. it's very expensive, and I don't know when I can afford them. Also I need to get married, which also need money. Ya, I think the money is very important for the youth, especially for those who jsut start their jobs and need moeny to buy house, car and get married. Maybe when I have worked for some years, accumulated some money, had my own house and car, I would focus not too much on money. but now I do need them! sometimes I am dreaming to win a lottery.^_^. I don't need to win too much, just $10000 is okay, so I can invest with this money! wow, just a dream, i have never won a lottery before, maybe not in the future. I need to work hard to earn my own money! Good luck to you!!