American Workers
By soccermom
@soccermom (3198)
United States
April 10, 2007 12:03pm CST
I'm not sure where I am heading with this, so please bear with me. We were talking today about unions, because my dad is eligible for early retirement at Chrysler if they offer it. He says he'll take it but only if the offer is right, he gets to keep his health benefits, majority of his pension and gets a nice "buy out". Chrysler has given employees at it's Canadian plants some pretty sweet deals, he's hoping for the same. Here's what is bothering me. Chrysler is looking to sell. There is someone interested but the deal would depend on union concessions. They want to eliminate paid health care, certain pension programs, etc... I realize it is getting harder for American companies(which aren't so American anymore) to compete with cheap labor overseas, and the fact that people in other countries are willing to work for less than what American workers here want or get. But by not taking care of our employees aren't we hurting ourselves in the long run? Lower employee moral and higher turnover leading to more costs for hiring and training are just a few that come to mind. When did our American workers become so undervalued? If employee health programs are cut out of the equation what do they expect the retiring employees to do about health insurance? Insurance costs are outrageous for our older population. Why should our workers be expected to remain loyal and give it all into their jobs and get nothing in return for years of dedicated service? Your opinion would be appreciated...
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5 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 Apr 07
It started when contractors hired unskilled labor to pay less wages. The Union has fought for years to keep our standards up.My hubby was in the I.B.E.W for 25 years Then it took 2 years to get his disability started then The Union stepped in and paid him monthly . But thats another story . The Union quote was a fair days pay for a fair days wages and each state that we went to had different packages most were real good espiecaly the insurance. But then some unions like the carpenters started letting people buy thier ticket and the contractors saw if they got the ones not skilled would run at their job and most were sloppy and werr also so scared of loosing thier jobs they wouldnt question if what they were told was right or wrong way to do things . I dont know how many times I saw another contrator come in with top skilled workers to redo the job!
And yes the almighty dollar comes in to effect started sending even the non union jobs over seas called it buy outs huh! not ! the company bosses stayed here got rich and we got poorer for all our jobs have gone somewhere else . I do beleive your dad should get and hold all benifits promiced him and have it all in writing! So they cant say oh that was just said to him to take early retirement!
And make sure they put in writting about his Insurance. I think it is very wrong for a car company this big should even think about cutting people They should go withthe deal when the company sells out!
Also I dont think they should be allowed to sale to any one that isnt in the US or Canada!
Oh I could go on for ever about this it just gets my dander up so I had better stop.
Good luck to your dad for if he dont get the Insurance its to hard on him to make apyment for good insurance
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 Apr 07
yes I think so to it should stay here . all I buy are Dodges have for years if it goes to a foreign country like asia I will have to find something more american next time I buy!!!
I always try my best to buy all American products. Oh I know some of the parts are from or put together somewhere else now but that should also come back to us and put Americans and Canadians back to work
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
11 Apr 07
The rumor was Chrysler may be sold to an asian company, that really bothers me too. It's been an American staple for years, it should stay that way!
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@BlessMonderin (26)
• Philippines
11 Apr 07
There is no such thing as corporate "loyalty". You get a paycheck, and that's it. Such is the life for an "employee". America was built on innovation and entrepreneurship, and EVERYONE has an opportunity to make it big. In the alternative you can just punch the clock, come home and watch TV every night until you fall asleep, and wish for someone else to take care of you in your old age... but good luck if you think ANY corporation gives a rat's a-s-s about taking care of anyone except their shareholders and corporate officers. You get what you make of your life. Read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki and you will understand everything you need to know about business and life. And why should a business owner pay $4,000 per month for an American laborer when they can pay $400 for the same output from an overseas worker. Would you pay 10 times more for an American car than you would for a Japanese car? I don't think so. America needs to reinvent itself from being a bunch of blue collar industrial workers to being innovators. That's what made this country what it is today. God Bless America!!!
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Apr 07
The second you find a better situation for yourself, you will probably take it. The second they decide it would be better to not have you on the payroll, you won't be.
It isn't a matter of "fairness" "equality" or even "respect", it is a matter of opportunity. Corporations are considered "evil" if they make a decision that saves money... but aren't we taught that saving money is a good thing?
When I decide to save money by not eating out so often, I am making a good decision... but I'm also depriving my favorite servers and restaurants that income. If enough people decide to save money by not going out to eat so often, servers, cooks and others lose their jobs.
The real question is, why do we consider it "responsible" when we decide to save money, or take our business elsewhere, but we call business leaders "evil" if they do the same thing?
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I took early retirement (not by much) and now I am glad because at lease I got a pretty decent pension but I am glad I have supplementary insurance because if I didn't my accident would have wiped me out. Medicare is not enough!
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
10 Apr 07
I completely agree. I do not know what the big companies expect anymore --it seems like they want our loyalty but forget us when it comes to the same treatment. My husband used to work for McDonald Douglas in Tulsa, he went to work one evening to be greeted by news crews wanting to know what he thought about the plant closing--and that was the first he had heard about it. Union jobs are almost nonexisting anymore....and when there is a union job...they are always wanting the workers to make concessions. When I was a child there were so many things actually made here but anymore that is rare. If we are not careful, we will be the third world country that the others are watching on television like we do now....
I really do not think that the American worker's are asking that receive a reasonable wage and health insurance. Other countries seem to be standing in line to take our industialization away but once they do that we continue to purchase these products knowing what it has cost our country and our countrymen.....makes you wonder where we need to place "blame". If we do not agree with the company being moved but continue to utilize their products aren't we making it easy for them to do this to us????
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
11 Apr 07
In answer to your last question, YES we are making it easy for them to do it for us. I have watched my dad work over the years, this is a man who won't go to the doctor if they can't schedule an apointment after his shift, has NEVER refused overtime and has literally put his whole life into this company. I'm sure he is not the only one, and to be honest the situation I see in American industry is really starting to bother me.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 Apr 07
y;ll need to watch Huffa the teamster union organizer and people need to get back into that swing of things again another one is Harlan County wars where the coal Miners in think west virgina and kentuky had to fight it out to get fair wages. also I think the law makes should put in a law that companies cant send there work somewhere else
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