Islam is the true religion
By ubaidkt
@ubaidkt (94)
April 10, 2007 1:25pm CST
Islam is the religion which send by allah(GOD), every men on the earth was fallower of Islam christin, juses, hindu all are follower of prophit send by allah but, when time past and after a long time, they forget the message of thier prophit and allah and start worship of those who was made by thier own hand.
think about how some thing may be GOD even who don't fly a mokitoo from thier nose. that is strange that people worship then.
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11 responses
@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
10 Apr 07
Well, it seems you are trying to tell people that Islam is the only religion worth worshipping. I have to argue with this, and this post makes me very angry. I am a devout Pagan and very proud of my religion. Who's to say MY religion isn't the right one. Besides, Paganism has been aroung much longer then Christianity and many other religions. I believe as long as you have pure faith, it doesn't matter what you beleive, this goes for athiests too. If they beleive it, then it IS true. It sounds like you need to open your mind a little bit and realize you are wrong. Who's to say YOUR religion is right? You? Well who are you? You are just a follower of your chosen religion, just as I am a follower of my chosen religion.
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@vwlssknght (653)
• United States
10 Apr 07
Honestly, I'm of the belief that all paths lead to a common center. His god is her god is his god is her god, and so on. Why aruge?
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@ubaidkt (94)
• Pakistan
12 Apr 07
wow wow wow there is many people those all against my openion. on one side I am alon and on other side there is countless so many. any how. that is not topic of today, but topic from ADAM when people start to distribute in tribe and religions.
I think christian also belive that they are son and doughter of ADAM. then why we are fighting with each other?
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@roccanskater (131)
• Malaysia
12 Apr 07
hello brother, i am a muslim a devoted one, but the way u posted ur information offended me aswell,
we do believe that islam is the true religion , and i don t see myself changing that view in thousands of years, but ur approach is very week and selfish
salam alaykum
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
10 Apr 07
what is it with muslims who think they are right? what if its all a lie? try that for size
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@discussions (14)
• Indonesia
11 Apr 07
Do you think our prophet Muhammad SAW can write Qur'an and story about Islam by himself ?
I don't think so. Even the film narrator, i don't think can write it.
At this point, i am really sure that Qur'an and Islam have made by Allah. That's means the religion made by GOD.
@urbandekay (18278)
12 Apr 07
Jesus, who speaks with the full authority of God, states quite plainly
"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
John 14:6
Not Mohammed just Jesus.
all the best urban
@lifeluver (743)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
You must remember, Jesus lived before Muhammad. So, at that time, Jesus WAS "the way". However, even after making such a clear statement, people STILL refused to follow His way. Muhammad came and gave us even clearer instructions.
@urbandekay (18278)
14 Apr 07
But Jesus lived a perfect life free of sin and Muhammad and other prophets did not, as is admitted in the Quran I am informed, only Jesus was in perfect communion with God and spoke with the full authority of God. Therefore, the teachings of Jesus take precedence over all other teachings both prior to him and also those after him. His statement that no one comes to the Father except by him still stands.
all the best urban
@lifeluver (743)
• Canada
17 Apr 07
Excellent arguement. I will have to do some serious reading in order to debate this any further - perhaps I'll discover you're right...
blessed be

@lifeluver (743)
• Canada
11 Apr 07
I've read all the posts here in this discussion and I can't understand what has gotten a few of our fellow members so upset when you say that "Islam is the religion which send by allah(God)" I don't see anything wrong with that statement at all. I think both Jesus and Mohammad were profits of God and they both tried to get the rest of the (known) world to understand God as they did. I think you're right to say that Islam was sent by Allah (God). I also think that if you read both the bibles (New and Old Testiments) you will find that there is a lot of similarity in them that Islam also teaches. To me, Islam and Christian are simply terms used to discribe which religion one practices but, in reality, they both are almost the same.
blessed be
@ubaidkt (94)
• Pakistan
11 Apr 07
yes you are write and I become very happy with your post. I didn't mean from the post to harsh the nonmuslim with my post. but I want to just tell them that there is a religion that is ISLAM. you should study it and if you got it on right path then follow it. if only one person start studing Islam due to me. that will be give me alot happinese. becouse Allah put this responsibility on every muslim that give my message to every man on the universe, and I Just try that.
@lifeluver (743)
• Canada
12 Apr 07
Are you suggesting we're crazy because we want to learn more about God? I don't see anything crazy about that...
@lifeluver (743)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
Actually, I've read mant Holy Books, in different translations to learn more about God. I also listen to Him when I pray. I only post what I THINK to be true - I really don't KNOW anything until it is revealed.

@demo3424 (598)
• India
10 Apr 07
i disagree with a true christian,i don't think islam is the true religion.i believe what the bible says that jesus is the son of god.jesus is the light and way and nobody goes to father but through him.i believe islam and christianity follow abraham.

@urbandekay (18278)
12 Apr 07
You suggest
"if Jesus is son of god then its mean god have wife, father, grandfather, and children"
That does not follow, your logic is faulty. Try to understand before you criticise, you clearly have no idea what Christianity is
all the best urban
@ubaidkt (94)
• Pakistan
11 Apr 07
if jesus is son of god then its mean god have wife, father, grandfather, and children? you can see in your houses, if there is a big family then difrent openion come, debate ocoure, some time relitive fight each other so on.
if god have relitive then there must difrent openion about univers, fight may occoure about the world and system of the univers. that may posible one say today will rain other say no today will not and both fight. so we belive there is only one Allah (GOD) and all the system is run by him.
I am surprise with one thing christian says that Jesus die for his sin. then its mean now you are free what ever you do. then why GOD send you? what is his purpose to send humen on earth? ya his purpose is to worship GOD. at the time of our Prophit die, he pray very much for his fallower, but any muslim didn't say that now we are free becouse prophit pray for us and we will go heaven. we are unshure that we will go to heaven or not. that why we worship as much as posible.
@demo3424 (598)
• India
11 Apr 07
i believe in the trinity.god the father,god the son(jesus) and god the holy spirit are one ,but they have three different gets transformed to water then to gas and vice versa.just as at any stage water can be in solid, liquid and gas that god took the human form through jesus.

@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I believe that no one knows the one true religion and that as long as you believe with all of your heart in your religion that's enough. No one should tell some one that their religion is wrong. I am christian, my daughter is pagan, and my sister-in-law is jehova witness. Who's to say one of our religions is not the right one. I'm glad you believe in your religion with all of your heart. But you should not try to say that your religion is the right one. You do not know this for a fact, just as no one else knows if their religion is the right one. We all believe in God for the most part, no matter what you call him/her. I'm not bashing you but just stating that you should not take claim to something you do not know. There is no proof of which religion is right or wrong.
@livewyre (2450)
18 Apr 07
I am frustrated by not being able to totally understand your post...
Not every man on earth follows a prophet (a profit is an entirely different thing, but equally sought after!). It is only your opinion that God sent Muhammed, certainly not that of any other faith. Christians would refute that Jesus Christ was a mere prohet, but would point out that he was God incarnate. I am not sure who worships a God made by their own hand, but that seems to indicate idolators, which would have to be very few people...
Even Islam accepts Jesus as a prophet, then it is only the Muslims have forgotten what Jesus said, not Christians (No man comes to the Father except through me). And I suspoect that there are not many Jews out there who think they have forgotten what their prophets said and I am sure they study their prophets daily. It is Islam who has forgotten (or ignores) what the Judao-Christian scriptures say. As for the mokitoo and nose thing - what is that????
@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
11 Apr 07
Nothing to argue about, for you it is true religion, for others that is what is true, religion is nothing but interpretation,I respect you if you say that and that is important now, respect for one another. All of the book are written by men,men commits mistakes and not one is written by by God and telling everyone that this is the true religion to follow.
According to our book, i know only of the one written by God which is the ten commandments but he never mention of any religion.
So , what is religion, religion is a congregation of men with common belief , a community of people. Then, what are you talking about islam is the true religion! You can only say, Islam is our belief. Read your book better and understand it.
Thank you and good day to you.

@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
14 Apr 07
I think 2500 years ago the Hindus knew much more than what is written in the Koran. Many Muslims don't believe in the Moon landing. They think it is their God. Some even got heart attacks when they heard about it. It is written in the Quaran that iron will fly, and Muslims say it is a prediction of the Aeroplane.
@ubaidkt (94)
• Pakistan
11 Apr 07
you wrote that all the book was written by men. so listen no book is written by men even we belive bible is also written by men,
in Quran it is written 1400 years ago that moon and sun is rotating, and seince told us now that moon and sun is rotating. even I some where read that one man in eurap was kill becouse he told that earth is rotating.
it is also written in Quran that "we separate all the ocian and they never meet. seince say it now.
1400 years ago Quran tell us the stages of baby in his mother stomic, and how it grow up and birth. can you belive that a man can say this 1400 years ago
these are few examples. you can find more examples that is writen in quran which is not explore yet is exploring with time to time. when we sa a new discovery, and saw that in Quran too, then there is no way to accept that it is written by Allah (GOD) not by man

@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
12 Apr 07
i love when religious people impose there illogical religions! its great!
@bualfoul (13)
• United Arab Emirates
13 Apr 07
i think that everyone is free what to choose and what to have faith in! iam a muslim and i dont differentaite between anyone from other religions and a muslim... what is important for me is the inside of the person.. is he good or bad!
i have many christian friends and i dont have any problem with them
@info2go (241)
• Philippines
14 Apr 07
Religion, as always, provokes the deepest irony and discreet collisions among different people. I say, we just do good, help ourselves, be kind to others, spread the wealth, etc. and not believe in these so-called religions; that would be enough (I hope) to get us in Heaven (if that is even real though). Would anyone turn in to violence if somehow humans, lets just say discovered that there was no god after all. Do we really need to believe in a God, attend church or read the bible just to do good? Isn't common sense enough to tell us that helping each other is the only way out of misery?... But, I do understand why some people have imaginary friends, they need them, for without them - they just might go berserk, am I right?... Aren't humans capable of love even without believing in a God? I think we are.