How would you feel about an unplanned pregnancy?
@coloryourainbows (37)
United States
52 responses
@Moodyelf6 (129)
19 Oct 06
I am 7 months pregnant at the moment, and altho it was unplanned, I couldn't be happier. Unplanned definately doesnt mean unwanted!!!
@nanette1978 (389)
• United States
19 Oct 06
My first was a surprise too, it all works out wonderfully, I bumped up my wedding a year once I found out but everything worked out well. She's 4 1/2 now and we have a 1 1/2 as well. Congrats and enjoy your last few days or a week! :)
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@coloryourainbows (37)
• United States
19 Oct 06
Thanks! I'm so excited and anxious to have this little one IN THE WORLD and OUT OF MY RIBS. LOL!
@MaddisMom (144)
• United States
21 Oct 06
LOL I was SO tired of being a mobile home by that point, too! COngrats!
@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
19 Oct 06
My unplanned pregnancy was TWINS when my son was only 4 months old! (and i was on birth control) Talk about shock! We felt really confused and didnt know how to handle it. We couldnt afford one more let alone two more. Now we are in financial debt up to our eyelashes because of it. We went from a family of 3 to a family of 5 and a family of 5 is really expensive to support!
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@coloryourainbows (37)
• United States
19 Oct 06
Wow. I'm sorry to hear that. Surely you still love your children though.
@amberbambers23 (2615)
• United States
22 Oct 06
My pregnancy was unplanned, but wanted, very wanted!! we didnt try to get pregnant, but we also didnt try to avoid it. I was scared when i took the test, and even took a second one to make sure the first one was right!! LOL. I was mainly scared because i still have a couple years left of college. But even though i have many late nights of homework and studying after my son falls asleep, i wouldnt trade him for anything in this world!!!

@amberbambers23 (2615)
• United States
23 Oct 06
Aww well thats great that you are there so much for your nephew!! Nieces and nephews are wonderful!! I have 8!!
@zohashim (180)
23 Oct 06
aww im so happy for you:)
the closest thing i have to a son is my nephew. me and him are so close lol. he's four now, and i remember when he was a baby, before he could speak properly, everyone thought he'd have a speech impediment because he wouldnt pronounce certain things, so rather than calling me by my name, he'd call me 'boo' lol. and now im usually given uncle duty; taking him to the park, getting him mcdonalds happy meals lol, play place time, and so on. and not forgetting cops and robbers lol.
umm yeah as you can see, he's the joy of my life:p cant wait till i have my own! i bet ill be more freaked out then though:P

@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
21 Oct 06
I say about my son that he was planned but not yet scheduled. My husband and I both wanted to have a child very much but were not planning to start a family quite yet. I became pregnant when we were married about 6 months. That child is the light of my life. He is amazing!
@amberbambers23 (2615)
• United States
22 Oct 06
Same here. We wanted to wait until we were married and both graduated from college. This way our son will be a part of our wedding day, just makes more special for all of us =)
@tamm820 (463)
• United States
19 Oct 06
I would feel ecstatic. No matter planned or not, we all know where pregnancy comes from.So, I'm sure there's only so much of a "surprise" to it. I truly believe conception and birth are nothing short of miracles. I would cherish every minute.
@Country_Girl311 (194)
• United States
21 Oct 06
Im 6 months preggo, and she was unplanned. I was on birth control, but something was off with my period so trying to get back onto a schedual I missed 4 days, thinking it wouldnt be a big deal (well guess it was...) LOL and we got pregnant. We wernt planning on getting married until maybe next year, but we bumped it up. So I had to plan a wedding in like 2 months!!! I was soooooo scared when I told my husband, I thought he would hate me for being so careless with the pill. But he was happy and told me he knew we were going to be together anyways and he felt he was ready. This is my first and my husbands second.
@momoftwogirls (31)
• United States
21 Oct 06
I am from MS and your husband looks familiar to me. You too look great together.
@chebel82 (417)
• United States
24 Oct 06
First of all I apologize to anyone who has different beleifs than mine, but keep in mind that this is my personal opinion, again sorry in advance. I think all children are blessings from god that you can have a person to take care of nurture, and watch grow up, and best of all they love you unconditionally. I really think no pregnancy is unplanned because god has plans for all of us.
@hazeru3 (136)
• United States
24 Oct 06
I'm pregnant with my third baby and NONE of them were planned.....I have a 3yrold girl I had at 19, a 17 mo old little boy that I had at 21, and now am 18 weeks preg with number three, with my 1st i was in shock but happy it took a lot for me to come to terms with it but through it all I LOVED my baby:) With #2, Just pure happiness. with this one...i'm still not sure, i love the baby, i can feel it now, but i dont know theres a lot going on , and making the move from 2 to 3, is big......
you can email me private on mylot if you want...
ENJOY YOUR NEW BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Indiffer (287)
• Norway
12 Mar 07
I would be thrilled!
I was too, it has happened to me three times. I also loved being pregnant, i never was stronger physically than when pregnant. I still miss it.
Congratulations, al the best for the family, you and your baby. May this child be a blessing.
@babygirl6946 (97)
• United States
12 Mar 07
When you see your baby you'll be even happier than you are now. Babys are beutiful and they light up your life. Unplanned pregnancy are kind of tough at first but, it'll work out in the end.
@SophiesMommy (1288)
• United States
23 Oct 06
My pregnancy wasn't planned. While I was scared how her father would react at first everything turned out great in the end. Her father and I got engaged and I am totally in love with my baby girl! She gets cuter EVERY DAY!
@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
24 Oct 06
first of all, congrats & gl...... secondly, I have only had 1 somewhat planned pregnancy and I dealt with it no differently than my others, Children are a blessing...... I just had my daughter who was somewhat planned 3 months ago, got on the pill & here I am 5 weeks pregnant, at first I was scared because I already have a 4.5 yr old who was not planned, but I love him still and we have survived, & my 3 mo old daughter, now I'm going to have 3 & 2 are only going to be 11 months apart, I was so scared of how I was going to do it, but now I am excited....still dont know how im goin to manage 3 kids, but I know it will all work out for the best
@missybal (4490)
• United States
23 Oct 06
I would freak out because I am extra careful not to get pregnant, but that is mostly because I don't want to have children right now and having one wouldn't be good right now for my body because of all my health problems. Congraduations to you though!