United States
April 11, 2007 11:29am CST
My 2.5 year old granddaughter comes over to my house several days during the week while I help my daughter out so she can finish her college education. Today, my grandbaby came me to all awake and ready to play so we did for awhile and then watched some of her favorite cartoons wherein she went to sleep, I had it planned out that if she slept for a few hours it would equal to the time that she would have normally got up for a day at home. She looks so peaceful asleep on the couch with her pillow and blanket I hate to wake her, so am I wrong to let her sleep beyond the normal nap time?? What do you think?
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22 responses
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
11 Apr 07
If the baby is sleeping she needs her sleep. If your daughter is concerned about her not sleeping at night, may sure that after she wakes up she is extra active so that she is worn out by bed time. I hate to say this, but I get really aggravated at people who use their parents as baby sitters and then get aggravated when the parents don't do as they want. I worked full time and I went to graduate school. I paid for sitters, my parents never volunteered to sit for my son or keep him overnight. I never asked them. When my brother asked, they made it perfectly clear they were old and had already raised their kids. You do what you think is best. You are the grandmother and clearly doing your best. You are to be commended.
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• United States
11 Apr 07
You are so sweet to say that, thank you for contributing.
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• Canada
12 Apr 07
Hi Deb, I totally understand where you are coming from. I had a child out of wed lock to. My mother did baby sit for a few months until I finished school. But your right after that my parents were not the kind of parents that you could depend on. There attitude was that they raised there kids. I would have to differ with them on that. But anyway my daughter is 26 and just had a baby. She is going to nursing school. I have decided to not work and stay home to baby sit my granddaughter. I just can't imagine anyone else taking care of her. About the sleep thing. I don't believe in letting a child have long naps to ruin a good bedtime routine but in the case of a growing spurt or a cold or something by all means let them sleep the extra they need. That type of sleep doesn't seem to change their normal sleep pattern anyway.
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@MakDomMom (1474)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I would let her sleep. My thoughts have always been that if they are sleeping - then they need the rest. Maybe they are growing, teething, fighting a cold, etc... Whatever it maybe - they obviously need the rest. I run an in-home daycare and it really bothers me when parents tell me to wake up their kids after a certain amount of time. The kid is always sound asleep and more tired since I woke him up then when I put him down.
• United States
11 Apr 07
Yeah I feel the same way, I hate it that the entire time she is with me she is asleep and not playing but she does look so peaceful asleep I hate to wake her. Thanks for responding.
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@cjthedog64 (1552)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I'd let her sleep. Kids' sleep needs change when they grow and depend on how tired they really are. I try to only wake DS if we have to go somewhere, or if it's getting close to bedtime and he needs to run around for a while so he'll sleep at night. Daytime naps can run from 30 minutes to 3 hours though. :)
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• United States
11 Apr 07
It depends on whether she is still going to bed normally at night or not. My kid just turned two and he loves to take a loonnngg afternoon nap (3-4 hours) but he still goes to bed at his usual time at night with no problems so I just let him sleep as long as he needs to.
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@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
11 Apr 07
No you are not wrong. I would let her sleep and if you woke her up she will be crancky and you wouldn't wnt that!
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• Canada
12 Apr 07
Hi, I can't fully understand the senario. I would think it depends on the circumstances. I am a grandma as well taking care of my daughters baby while she goes to school. For me i think it is wrong to let her sleep past her normal nap time if it means she is going to be up later at night and then wanting to sleep in later the next morning. It throws of the whole day plus not teaching good sleeping habbits. I am tempted to let her sleep longer sometimes because I would like a little more time to do my own thing. But it doesn't do anyone any good. My daughter needs to study at night so if her little one can't go to bed and a decent hour it makes it a hard night for her in regards to studing. If the baby spends the night it makes it a hard night for me and then it feels like I dont' get a break. Grandma's need a break. Do you think so?
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
11 Apr 07
Let her sleep, she would be awake if she was ready. Waking her will probably only cause you problems with her.
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I think you should by all means let her sleep if she is sleepy. Her body may be trying to fight off a cold or something. If we could all sleep when we need to, as much as we need to, we would all be healthier and happier.
• United States
12 Apr 07
We all need a little extra nap once in a while. No one is going to be permanently damaged if she oversleeps once. I realize this was 13 hours ago when you posted this, but I do hope you let your angel rest.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
12 Apr 07
I am a bit confused about the times here when your grandaughter went to sleep. If this is her afternoon nap time, I wouldn't let her go beyond two hours for a nap, maybe not even that. Otherwise she will never get to sleeep at night at a reasonable hour. Toddlers need regular times for naps, play & eating, so that they don't get irritable.
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• United States
12 Apr 07
I think you should just let the baby sleep more if she is sleeping soundly. She will wake up when she's had enough sleep but then again if she's too recharged, she can get too hyper. My 2 year old can sleep alot or not much but I let her do what she does. I need the extra time to nap too or clean around the house which I cannot do when she's too busy keeping me busy.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
12 Apr 07
My grandmother used to let me sleep when I would visit her. This would make my mom a tad jealous as my grandmother never let her own kids sleep when they were little. There was a time when my grandmother had woken my mom up from a deep sleep on the couch, telling my mom to get up and go to sleep (meaning go to bed, not sleep on the couch)! My mom told me she that she was so mad at her mom for doing this that she wanted to ring my grandmother's neck! LOL And she was a grown woman when my grandma had done this to her! LOL Let your granddaughter sleep. The only real harm I see in doing this is that she'll grow up to be a tall woman, like me. LOL If you don't let her sleep she may end up being a short woman like my mom! J/K! ;)
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• Philippines
12 Apr 07
i have a twin boy and girl, i let them sleep because really maybe they need rest and for my mom its better that they are sleep while we finish all he chores till were ready to play with them.
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@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
11 Apr 07
i say let her sleep...she must need the rest or she would be awake...maybe her body is fighting off a virus or something...why wake her and make her crabby for the rest of the day...they are so cute when asleep...
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@gberlin (3836)
18 Apr 07
I think that if she is still asleep then she needs the rest. She will be much more pleasant if she gets the rest she needs.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
12 Apr 07
If there have been no problems with her not wanting to go to bed at night, I'm talking major problems where she's fighting it for hours and is very cranky during that time, then I'd let her sleep. She probably needs it. On the other hand if there are problems with the nightly routine then I'd only let her sleep for a bit. From a personal stand point we went through a lot of problems when my neice was in day care because they insisted that all kids lay down in a dark room for 2 hours. They didn't have to sleep but they had to lay quietly for that time period. Of course the kids slept. My neice though would then be up till sometimes 2 am and cranky and whiney the whole time. No matter what we did we could not get her to go to bed or to sleep. She'd get up at 6am without a problem even if she didn't go to sleep until 2am but the night time because she was so cranky made our lives miserable. If she didn't take a nap we could usually get her to sleep by 11pm. That is why I do suggest check with who ever deals with her at bed time. Make sure that she isn't staying up later then she should be. Go from there on whether you should wake her up or not. If things are fine at night then let her sleep.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
12 Apr 07
well from my point of view i would wake her up. it sounds harsh, but if my daughter sleeps more than like 2 hours or later than 4pm then i'm up half the night till i can get her to sleep and i'm tired the next day. but maybe your grand daughter is the type that can take a long nap and still go to be on time, in that case let her sleep. i would ask your daughter and see what she thinks, after all it is her child.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I would let her sleep. Children will wake up when they have had enough of a nap. It is essential for little ones to nap and get enough sleep. This helps them to be less cranky in the evening. I never wake a sleeping child!
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• Philippines
18 Apr 07
Oh no, it is okay to let her sleep. Especially she is a growing child. I think it is when they sleep, children grows the most. Because, their bodies are at rest and are absorbing all the nutrients for her growth. Because, they don't use much of those for energy while sleeping. So the body use it for growth. Something like that. And I have noticed with children when you wake them up, and it seems like they haven't fulfilled their sleep. They end up a little bit disoriented and moody. And to add they are so quite to watch while sleeping. (^^,)
11 Apr 07
If she sleeps then she must need it. Sometimes it is better to wake them if it gives problems with them going to sleep at normal bedtime but if that isnt an issue then I dont see why you'd want to wake her. Sleep is a good thing and nowadays too many people are trying to wean children off their naps way too soon.
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