So now what do I do with it??????

Beetroot - Fresh beetroot from my garden
@missytia (387)
April 11, 2007 6:12pm CST
I was hoping that someone here might be able to enlighten me on what I do with BEETROOT. I have just pulled 3 beets out of my garden and I have know idea what to do with them. Do I steam them, eat them raw. I've got no idea. I normally eat beetroot from a tin so this is new to me. Please help with ideas.
4 responses
• United States
12 Apr 07
i like making picled beets or also just puting italian dressing and onions in a bowl with then after they are cooked and chillit overnight or i cook them till tender peel them then slice them and fry them in some butter
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@missytia (387)
• Australia
12 Apr 07
Yum, sounds nice with the onions. Might try that with dinner tonight.
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
12 Apr 07
In regards to beetroot you cook it what I shall do for you if you wish is to put a discussion with a recipe for cooking beetroot I hope that you will watch for it, I shall put it out with tomorrow's recipes especially for you. You don't eat them raw though ok. Yes I know what you mean that they do come in tins and these are the ones I use for my sandwiches.
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@missytia (387)
• Australia
12 Apr 07
Hi kathy, thanx for responding. I will definitely keep an eye out for your beetroot recipe tomorrow. Not sure if I will be able to use it though, I'm on a blood type diet and there are a lot of foods restricted from my diet. I'm pretty good at substituting though.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
11 Apr 07
Cut the tops to within an inch or so of the root, then wash and put the roots in a pot of boiling water. Don't peel them until they're tender. Put them under cold water and the skins will slip off. Pickled is the best way to eat them, in my opinion. Slice them and put in a deep but narrow container. Mix water and vinegar about half and half, then add a heaping tablespoon of sugar for each cup of liquid. Mix it together and pour it over the beets. Refrigerate overnight. You can also eat the tops like spinach. They have a very mild flavor, so if you don't like spinach, you might like beet greens.
@missytia (387)
• Australia
11 Apr 07
Thank you for the idea but I don't think I'll try this one as I can't have vinegar in my diet, but pickling does sound great.
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
11 Apr 07
You cook them and eat them like carrots, or at least that iswhat my mother does. i hate the taste of them and simply refuse to eat tehm at all, much to the horror of my uncles and aunts who love the things.
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@missytia (387)
• Australia
11 Apr 07
Thanx for that. I'm with the rest of your family, I love them too.