Private Servers: Friends or Foes?!
By ddlima
@ddlima (14)
April 11, 2007 6:21pm CST
I've been playing in private servers for 2 years, just stayed in the official one for 6 months.
Reason: Too expensive.
What do you think about the private servers?
Are they friend or foe? Why?
10 responses
@VanessaOwL (342)
• Brazil
7 Jul 07
Friends: official server has a realy really Low rate... become strong is so hard and isn't fun on the official server... On Private server I spend few time doing level up so I can have more fun time playing on PvP Areno or at the WoE oe finding for itenst to make hat quest ^^
It's really more fun than try to up level in official server... and it's free!
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
10 Jul 07
Well my favorite addiction was and still is Lineage 2. I have played on public server since closed beta but for about 6 months I ran a L2j server. I really loved it but it was very time consuming and I wouldnt accept donations. So its hard to say private ones are good if you like alot of PvP but official servers is where the people who are real fans always stay.
@Zidanechoo (20)
• Singapore
19 Jun 07
Friends, of course. My experience from mRO (Official Malaysia RO) shown me that not all official stuff equals it's good. The community is bad compared to big private servers and the GM Team doesn't do much when you encounter problems (such as payment).
Additionally, private servers have custom stuff that you can't find on official servers. It's a funner experience especially if you have friends along with the ride. Last but not least, the Player Killing aspect. The official Ragnarok Online Servers all have broken or unbalanced classes (Assassin Cross!) in PVP servers. In private ones, some gms bother to balance the classes and make things more fair for every class.
Last but not least, most of my RO friends I've met in private servers.
@RevotionX (20)
• Singapore
19 Jun 07
I'd say friends, since private servers are made totally by the community, so i see no harm to it.
And yes, i met most of my friends in private servers.
@GlitterExplosion (415)
• United States
28 May 07
Friends; just on the fact that I met a lot of my friends by playing on various private servers.
@autista171 (28)
• Brazil
18 Jun 07
just take ur time!!!
and when u don't think about!!
the server become offline ¬¬
the official servers are the bests!!!
@Ryenjo (63)
• Brazil
19 Jun 07
That really depends..
The problem with private servers, is that theres only one thing you can say for sure about day theres goin to be a wipe, and you´re goin to lose everything that you spent your time for. In other hand, the official servers are payed, and sometimes you get pissed off with it.
I cant say that the priva servers are foes...they really can give you some quality entertainment, but they will never have the same structure as a official one.