Formula and WIC
By mememama
@mememama (3076)
United States
April 11, 2007 7:48pm CST
Should mothers who choose not to breastfeed their babies get formula for free from WIC? WIC is a supplemental nutrition program for women, infancts, and children in America. I'm not talking about women who are on medication that can't breastfeed, women who have medical issues, etc. I'm just talking about women who don't want to breastfeed at all. According to this site
From 1982 through 1996, the percentage of infants in WIC grew from 18% of the infants born in the United States to 46%" (p.7, GAO report). According to industry sources, WIC purchases of infant formula account for over 50% of sales in the United States.
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3 responses
@tallpaulno44a (1574)
• United States
12 Apr 07
WIC is tehre for those who need it. If one needs it one should take advantage of it.
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@chickangel (161)
• United States
23 Apr 07
I don't know what to say. I had WIC for my first 2 kids. The 1st night home with my 1st daughter she just would not latch on..I had a sample formula from the hospital that I had tryed to give her (after being up past midnight trying to get her to eat)she ate it and finaly went to sleep..I tried agin to BF her but she agin wouldn't so I just switched she needed to eat. My seconed on she BF for 2 1/2 weeks when she went in to the dr. and they said she lost waight I freeked out and went to formuly...yes I know they say that the will loose wieght the 1st couple weeks I don't care nat taking the chance...
Now I have my 3rd I was BF'ing her in the hospital seemed like I couldn't get her full..The last time I tried I noticed my nipple was bleeding I stoped..I don't have WIC with her since her daddy only wants her on Organic formula and foods.
I think that their are many reasons why moms don't BF. I do not think it is a matter the formula being free that makes the moms deside to go the formula route...Formula is a more comvenient, the baby gets the food alot easier and the mother knows the baby is actualy eating something not just sucking. That was my biggest fear...IS THE BABY GETTING ANYTHING? HOW CAN I TELL? when you are nursing almost 24hrs and the baby still don't lay down is she getting anything..a 2oz bottle of formula now you finaly have 2-3 hrs of rest/sleep...formula wins not because you can get it free.

@chickangel (161)
• United States
11 Jul 07
I had the doctor telling me how to do it but I could not get them to go to sleep at all if they feel asleep on my brest and I moved them it was over it was time to suck more...if she was getting any thing or not I could not put her down...I was living with the baby's grandma who was getting on my case for my baby crying every time I put her down, so I took the formula I got from the hospital (samples)and gave it to her and she went to sleep...that was with my first baby, second she lost wieght and it scared me, third my nipples started to bleed and hurt real bad within 2 days, and her dad even told me not to try again and started her on organic formula.
I had people telling me all those things,but I just could not do it.
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I think I know what you're saying. I was on WIC with my first two kids, and it was a lifesaver. None of my kids would nurse, and although I had to go back to work right away (I mean in a matter of days after giving birth) I was all set to pump. My kids just didn't want to nurse, and I couldn't afford formula, even with my hubby and I both working. I think the problem everyone seems to be having with your discussion is that there is no mention of the fact that this program is for lower income families, it sort of sounds like you mean to say anyone can come and get free formula, etc...I think it is one of the better programs the government offers, don't you think the increase in people on WIC is a reflection of the economy? I do. Thanks for the discussion mememama!