How did you meet your crush/partner?

Crush on You - The guy has a crush on the girl driving the car..
@maucute (979)
April 12, 2007 12:09am CST
Just fill in and share guys..:) How I met my crush/partner.. I met my partner just in school, we actually talked just a year ago.. We've stayed in the same school with the same course but for the last 4 years we've not talked with each other or even just a hi or wave.. hehe It just started during the time while all of us we're making our thesis but unfortunately we backed out so we helped out our friends and after the deadline, we stayed at our friends cafe to talked about the issues. I just stayed on the swing with a friend. On the table his position was facing me and then when you looked at me he just felt something. And the rest is history.. hehe
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9 responses
@karen_24 (320)
• Philippines
12 Apr 07
I met my partner through a friend....he text me first and then we started then and then we decided to meet...and then we became close together...then we become partner
@maucute (979)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
That's how I met my ex before, we started to text each other until the time comes we decided to meet up and get to know each other.. not much to say about it since it didn't turn out the way it used to be but I do hope your relationship will bloom out of more love for each other..
@smartmom (826)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I met mu husband in in college. Before the actual start day of classes, I was sitting at the student center waiting for a friend to show up. My friend got lost, and she was several hours late, and this guy who was working at the information desk began to talk to me, after I had been sitting there waiting for a while. We are now married and have two wonderful sons together.
@maucute (979)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
wow.. :) It's really amazing on how we met people and we never thought that they would became our partner in the end.. :)
@franxexces (1096)
• Philippines
30 Apr 07
I met my crushes in school. Even my celebrity crush I met him in school.. in our Amphi Theatre.
• China
22 Apr 07
yes,I same you,I met my partner in school,when I was a children,up to now,I live in school,I have many friend is live in school,so many time I met they in school, sometime I am play basketball with them.
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
I met my husband in our boarding house. We were college then and my room is just next to his. We became boyfriends after I graduated. And got married three years after.
• Philippines
21 Apr 07
I met my partner online. After a month of breaking up with my previous bf I wanted to chat online and look for people i could talk to. And somewhat that's how i found my partner. Our relationship has lasted for 4 years and still getting stronger every year.. =)
@bhawnam (1436)
• India
12 Apr 07
Both of us studied in the same class and from the beginning we had a fondness for each other.. both of us were good friends.. then very good friends .. then best friends and thenlovers and now husband and wife...:)
@aslygirl (531)
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
I have lots a crushes, but I meet my partner by my bestfriend.His one of my bestfriend colligue.And after we meet he text me and the rest is now history.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
12 Apr 07
My husband and I met online. I was just looking for someone to come in and get a haircut while I was in cosmetology school. He did, right before he joined the Air Force. I didn't really talk to him again for almost a year. I almost married someone else during that time. I actually broke up with my boyfriend, the same day that my now husband got in from tech school. He wanted me to go out with him, and I finally agreed, just because I *knew* it wasn't going to last because he was going to be moving 1000 miles away the next week. We went out three times during that week. He then called me almost every day, and when he came home again 4 months later, we got engaged. The next time he was home again, 5 months later, we got married. We've been married 2 years and have a beautiful baby boy now.