what does it feel like when your water breaks?
By astromama
@astromama (1221)
United States
April 12, 2007 12:36am CST
I know this rarely happens in real life, where the woman's water breaks and then suddenly she's in labor, but it has occurred to me in the past few days when I'm out and about that my water might break when I'm in public. Walking around Target, for example, I start thinking about 'what would I do if my water broke right now?' I know it's silly, but it does make me wonder... what does it feel like when your water breaks?
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17 responses
@luvinmotherhood (3)
• United States
23 Feb 09
Well when my water broke. That part did not really hurt but the empty felling with out the fluid hurt. Just the baby in my empty belly. But don't get me wrong it was the best thing in the world. pregnant with #3
@BabyJhonny (1)
18 May 10
Unfortunatly i am still legaly a guy and i have never been pregnant. However i have wanted to be a girl and go by the name Jenny. Since i was 6 and a half. Its the same feeling your three and a half year old has when your potty training her and she has an accident, It feels like you just wet yourself uncontrolably. Its warm and wet and runs down your legs, however it goes cold quite quickly. It dosent smell like urine, however it keeps flowing and and dose not stop. If during pregnancy you have been wearing incotinence pads or adult briefs to help cope with the frequent urination or possible incontinence. When your water breaks it will feel like you just wet yourself as it will remain warm. However you will know it is your water breaking because it will not stop.
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I knew I was not the only pregnant lady whom had visions of water gushing out of her in the local supermarket. (:
For both of my pregnancies, The doctor broke my water, and it was a warm gush the first time, soaking me instantly all the way to my shoulders (I was lying down) I had so much fluid they had to change my sheet every hour, the second time, it wasn't nearly as much, And it was just a steady stream. My friend's water broke when she was at Reasor's (a grocery store) thankfully for her, it just felt like she had peed. She had a pad on anyways, so nobody else noticed. She just left and went to the hospital. I think you will see, that it's different for everyone.
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
12 Apr 07
oh, I must add, that I would have rather had it break prior to being in the hospital and laying down. When your laying down, eventually you are just soaked, and it's quite uncomfortable, and cold. I think laying there in amniotic fluid was just as uncomfortable for me as were the contractions. So, try to wait as long as possible before heading to the hospital (not too long though, hate to hear that you delivered in the car!) because it's simply not that much fun when they make you lay down. (:
@czaroma (136)
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
I've experienced my water breaking during my first pregnancy. I was in my 35th week when it broke. I didn't realize that my water broke as I was sleeping that time. I was wet when I woke up, my bed was also wet. We went to the hospital as I was feeling the contractions already. After 30 minutes, I delivered my first baby. But my second pregnancy was different. It was my doctor who had break my water while I am on labor.
@LittleStars (318)
• United States
17 Apr 07
lol - I agree with you - after having children it's always made me laugh to watch someone on TV or in the Movies 'go into labor'.
Both times before my water has broken I felt alot of pressure, then heard a pop and suddenly alot of fluid was gushing out. I was in the hospital both times it happened - and both times I was "in labor" before my water even broke.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
17 Apr 07
I was the same way, very nervous for weeks before I delivered and tended to not want to go out much because of that. Problem is, I've had 4 children, carried all 4 2-3 weeks past my due dates and never once did my water break. The doctors did it at the hospital after I'd been in heavy labor for some time.
@syain1972 (1011)
• Singapore
12 Apr 07
This was my experience. Before my water bag breaks, I'd felt like I want to pass motion. Lucky thing, both times it happened in the labour ward. Prior to that, I had frequent braxton hicks and LOL, it's very painful... Not to frighten you though... It's very embarassing when it broke... You can't control it, water just gushes out.. After that session, boy, are you ready for labour! The pain starts coming and only GOD knows. I was lucky my first time in labour lasted only 4 hours and the second for only 1 hour. I don't know how people can stand the pain of labour for many, many hours..... But those few hours are hell!! I hope it'll be an easy labour for you. Breathing execises does help.... Take care and Good Luck!!
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
29 Apr 07
Your water breaking hurt? Or did I misunderstand what you wrote?
My water broke much later in labor, but it wasn't painful at all. And I've never heard anyone describe it as painful. I've had friends say they felt some pressure right before it broke, but by the end of a pregnancy you're feeling all sorts of pressure all the time :)
It doesn't always gush out, if the baby's head is engaged it sometimes acts as a plug blocking the flow and it may just trickle or only leak when you move around.
The only remarkable thing I recall was that the water was much warmer than I would have thought it should be.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
13 Apr 07
The nurse had to break mine with my daughter and when she did, it felt like I was actually using the bathroom and I just had no control over it. Just a gush of fluids. It's a weird feeling, but it's also pretty neat to experience.
I never had my water break on it's own, but my mom and sister tell me that it feels the same way as I explained to them, like you are using the bathroom and you just have no control over it.
And if you are ever in Target and your water breaks, try not to panic, just get to the doctors and you will be fine. I knew someone who's water broke and she decided to take a shower and get all dolled up before going to the doctors, LOL!
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
12 Apr 07
My water broke and I did not know it was going to happen. I did not feel anything but wetness. I was 9 months pregnant and was due the very next day. I was living at my sisters house and was talking on the phone with my other sister. I talked for about 5 or 10 minutes with her. I was standing at the counter, leaned over it. All of a sudden, I felt a wetness running down my legs and soaking my maternity pants that I had on. I told my sister I had to let her go because I thought my water just broke. I hollared for my other siter and told her what happened and she confirmed to me that my water did break. She had 4 kids already and she knew it for a fact, what just had happened to me. I felt no pain and I had no clue my water was going to break. I went to the hospital and I laid in labor for 15 hours after that before having my daughter. When your water breaks, you will feel wetness running through your panites, and pants and down your leg. I didn't feel any kind of pain or anything.
@joluha (342)
12 Apr 07
My waters didn't break - I was actually already 7cm dilated when midwife had to do break for me..it wasn't painful and just felt like a warm trickle...I was always worried about this too but don't fret if you can help it - what will be will be and I beleive that the second you stop thinking about it you will go into labour..I was very lucky, I found contractions fairly easy going right up until one hour before baby was born...I had very cool birth and he weighed 10lb 3oz - I wish you all the luck in the world - giving birth and having that little bundle is the most satisfying thing I have ever done - he's now two and still loving every second...
@lillake (1630)
• United States
12 Apr 07
With my first son it felt like a sudden gush, like if you have to pee and hold it in all day the sudden rush when you finally get to go. with mysecond it was like a water balloon between my legs breaking. In fact I had just fallen asleep when I heard a very low *POP* and jumped out of bed just as the water came out.
If you're out and your water breaks just go home, or where ever you are planning on giving birth. You may want to keep a couple good towels with you to soak up the leaking in the car. ;)
@Blazing15 (333)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I had the same thoughts about my water breaking. With my first child they broke my water. With my second one I remember that I had just called the doctor becuase I thought that I was leaking amniotic fluid because I was having to change a panty liner every time I went to the bathroom. While I was waiting I had to pee again so I went in and went to the bathroom and my water broke while I was on the toilet. It wouldn't stop so I knew that my water had broke. Everyone wanted me to put a towel in between my legs but I was uncomfortable with that so I asked them to just give me a pad. I remember getting into the car and going to the hospital. I could feel the water keep coming. I thought that by the time I got there that I would be soaked through my clothes but I wasn't the pad actually held a lot. I remember when they finally made me sit up to get my epidural it felt like my water had broke all over again because it was gushing out all over the nurse she had to keep moving her feet and grab towels. Good luck to you and hopefully your water will break when you are in the privacy of your own home.
@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
12 Apr 07
The water itself breaking doesn't feel like anything. It doesn't hurt r anything like that. It is just a gush of warm.
I have had two and both times they had to break my water. Even with my second. I arrived at NINE CENTIMETERS and the water still hadn't broken!
@TotalEclipse (157)
12 Apr 07
My waters didnt break until I was ready to push, so cant say I had the experience of them breaking as such while standing/walking etc/
It feels like a gush of fluid suddenly leaving your body. There is nothing you can do to control it.
Some however just start with a lil trickle.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
12 Apr 07
It feels kind of like you are wetting your pants, only you can't stop it. I was really worried about it before my son was born, too. We carried towels in the car with us all the time, because once your water breaks, it just keeps going and going.
My doctor had to break mine. It really felt like I was just laying there peeing all over the bed, and there was nothing I could do about it. It wasn't fun, but I was glad that I wasn't out somewhere where it would have been more embarrassing.
@mememama (3076)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I worried about it breaking all the time. My mothers water broke with me when she was shopping for furniture, I just laugh at the thought of my poor mom running out of the store so she doesn't have to pay for a wet couch lol. My aunts water broke on her brand new mattress, she said she literally heard a pop, then gush all over the place. I heard about that and bought a waterproof mattress cover!
I didn't experience the public water breaking scenario. Shortly after I checked in to the hospital, the nurse went to check me ( was around 5 cm by the way) and see how dialated I was. All the sudden I felt a pressure, then relief, then pressure again since my son dropped and put more pressure on my cervix. I progressed really fast after that. It broke and went all over her. I felt so bad but I guess it happens all the time!
@faythlyn (94)
• United States
12 Apr 07
The doctor broke my water, but it felt like a gush of very warm water and it was kind of icky. I had to use that word, but it wasnt gross, but it was really pleasant. After that it just kept coming out in little bits. Kind of like my bladder was gone and I was just peeing a little bit every now and then. It's not very pleasant...
But if it were to happen in a public place, I think you would find a lot of people rushing to help you.