Why do people like to listen to gossip ?
By patootie
@patootie (3592)
April 12, 2007 6:17am CST
It beats me .. I just don't understand why we seem to like to gossip so much .. if I had a pound for every time I've heard someone say .. "did you hear about so and so .." .. my heart sinks I know that the story has probably changed with every retelling of the gossip and what I shall hear is probably nothing like the truth ..
Yet we seem to be drawn to listening and then will probably retell that same bit of gossip again a few days later .. adding in our small changes as we go ..
Talk about Chinese Whispers and how you can start something off and by the time it gets back to you it's completely changed .. DOH!!
Do you like to gossip .. do you pass on gossip .. even though you probably know it's not true or never happened ..??
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26 responses
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
12 Apr 07
With age comes wisdom and I have to say that I no longer wish to hear gossip, nor will I spread it. I have learned first hand that gossip can destroy a person's reputation and cause permanent damage to a relationship. A so-called friend of mine spread a nasty rumour about another friend which was not true. She ended causing people to take sides with either her or the other person. As a result, friendships were ruined. Needless to say, I let her know how I felt about it, but she didn't see the harm just the same and will probably continue to gossip and, needless to say, she is no longer my friend.
@pehden (84)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I agree with you %100, I have to deal with it every day and I cant stand it. A girl my fiancee knows (person one), Invites us to meet people she knows (person two) she acks nice to them while we are visiting them (person two), then as soon as we leave (person two's) house, (person one) always has something negative to say about the person (person one) just introduced us to. I cant stand it, I have even told her that I disliked her for it, and she still does it. So I really know what you mean.
@tomatoe39 (298)
• United States
12 Apr 07
becasue that is what draws attention and they have nothing better to do..
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
27 Jul 07
People know gossips are usually about slanders and scandals, they know what ever the subject of a gossip, it is calculated to tear off a piece of someone's reputation, that is why people are always interested in finding out the private, nitty-gritty issues about the weak side of a person and how this information could be used to make some one appear such a big public sinner! Sad bit is that, those who gossip most are not angels themselves, they more senior devils than those gossiped about!
@faraza (159)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 07
i would pass gossip if it's and interesting one. but only to my closest friend, i don't just gossip to anyone. it has no meaning at all. gossiping with closest friend is different because u have things in common and usually something good came out of a gossip. for example, you gossip about someone who had an abortion, you would talk about pregnancy, kids or anything related to it whenever you are with her. so, friendship stays and nobody is hurt, right?
@anoop2929 (16)
• India
13 Apr 07
i dont like gossiping but the fact is that i do it. some people like gossiping and some do not like it.but fortunetly or unfortunetely we people do it. it is in human nature that he cant stop doing it.i m a student and living in hostel and we guys discuss number of things which has no importance for us.if few people are in a room and they have nothing to do then they definetly start gossiping they will start compairing the people with others like what she wear or what he said to others
so it is in the nature of every human
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
13 Apr 07
well i think its our nature to gossip may it bad or good..its one way of releasing our curiousity on someone else or maybe just bored on something and would like to be alive and have worth from other poeple...some people do that to gain more friends not thinking how it affects personality especially if issues that always been talking about is the bad side of some people..i myelf dont gossip and i avoid making one coz some people may misinterpret it and add some new ones and it does happened all the time..
@sweetlady10 (3611)
• United States
12 Apr 07
All people do gossip more or less in everyday life. But some people are way too much. I am not that much to gossip. I don't like to spend time with this kind of people very much. When talking to people it sometime become neccessary to gossip because in that way only you will have a conversation with those people.
@mypchere (582)
• Indonesia
13 Apr 07
listen to gossip there is no wrong with that. we should take the positive from the gossip and not to take the negative side. from other experiences we can make ourself be more better then the other, and be more good in the future, not to do thing that is wrong. from gossip we can make the better future
@franxexces (1096)
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
I think we listen to gossips because we want to be updated with what's happening tot he people around us. We also want to pass them so that those who don't know yet may know. But really,.. gossiping is bad and mostly those who gossip are those people who have nothing to do. If a gossip is bad then better not pass it around to avoid trouble.
@crackhead (1826)
• India
13 Apr 07
Every one gets into gossips when they are bored. Most of the times gossips consists some thing negative about some one. I see many people who do spend most of the time on gossiping. In our place i find the ladies gossiping with their neighbors. All the gossips would be about what the next door house wife did that day. Thats just a mere waste of time and they just find that very much interesting. Its all that mental happiness they get out of those negative things and time pass which they want will drive them towards gossips.
I never did pass any gossip know that it is not true, but without my notice weather that is true or not i might have passed some gossips.
@sweetjessa (234)
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
well, those people just have nothing to do with their lives and so, they start on minding about other people's lives. which i dont like either.
@betchai (140)
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
Let's say you've just heard a really juicy rumor about someone you know. It may not be true, but it's too good to keep to yourself. Your first instict is to hop online and IM it to all your friends. We have all that kind of urge? Buy why? Here are some possible reasons:
To feel superior. When people are feeling bad about themselves, they sometimes think they'll feel better if there were someone worse off than they are. It's like, it's okay being near the bottom, as long as they're not actually on the bottom. The easiest way for them to make sure someone else is on the bottom is to make up a rumor that puts him there.
To feel like part of the group. If everybody else is gossiping or spreading rumors, you might feel you have to do the same thing in order to fit in. When you're "in on the secret," you're in the group. Unfortunately, the person who the gossip or rumor is about is usually left out of the group for the same reason that you're let into it.
For attention. When you know a secret that nobody knows, or are the first person in your group to hear a rumor, it can make you the center of attention. A rumor or piece of gossip is sometimes like money; telling it to people is like buying their attention, if only for a few minutes. You might even save up a really scandalous rumor, waiting for the right moment to blab so you get the maximum amount of attention for it.
For control or power. Certain people always want to be in control and at the top of the ladder. You probably know at least one person who needs to be the leader, say what goes, and make all the decisions. When people are at the top of the popularity scale, or are determined to climb higher, one way they do this is by reducing the "status" of another person. Spreading rumors and gossip is one of the main ways people reduce another person's status, especially among girls. It's like one caveman beating up another caveman for control of the tribe... only it's done with cruel whispers and petty remarks instead of fists.
Out of jealousy or a need for revenge.If you're jealous of someone's looks, popularity, or money,you might gossip about that person in order to hurt him.If you feel that someone's done something bad to you, or deserves to be hurt, making up a rumor might satisfy your sense of justice.
Out of boredom. Did you know that in many studies, this was the no. 1 reason why young people say they spread rumors? Sometimes, a period where everyone is happy and getting along just seems kind of... dull. Spreading juicy dish might shake things up a bit, or get two people to start a fight, and that would make life a little more exciting. All those tabloid newspapers and TV shows full of celebrity gossip are pure proof that rumors are a popular form of entertainment.
@gsnarayanan (1704)
• India
12 Apr 07
Gossip meanse idle talk! People spend time in casual or idle talk of any sort. It is a common meanse of sharing and spreading views! This type of talks normally introduces errors as the news spreads! Some people under stand the word gassip to sprading of rumers and misinformation! Some news papers also carry 'gassip columns'. The news under this columns generally supposed to reflect the common opinion of the people on any subject. Some times the people on the decision making level purposely spred romurs through the 'idle talk' channel to get the feel of the mood of the people beforetaking a decision in important subjects!
@lossforredwords (3620)
• Philippines
12 Apr 07
I think its because one pass time that people can let ther confidence more higher. I just notice that gossip are all about negative stuff and if someone knows it, it automatically levels up there confidence that they think they are better than others. yeah sometimes gossips gets a whole new story once it get pass on.
I'm not that too interested with gossip but if its a real big thing then yeah .. I will be going for it.
@roshnichaudhary (1160)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I don't know why but you can keep me in your undesired people's list. I do enjoy gossiping. But never intended to hurt anyone.
@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
12 Apr 07
i'll take the true gossip
maybe even some of the likely gossip, if its identified as maybe true
the idle false made up stuff, I would rather not hear
@rajeshkumar1113 (100)
• India
12 Apr 07
i think that the gossip is good for frankness ..
as if we gossip together in a group the it is benificial for us because every one tell a new thing which we dont know..
but gossip without any resason that is taken as "baker"
as every one like gossip mostly the women like the gossip when a group of women combine then they waste a lots of time in gossip they dont think about anyone..
so in my view the reasonable gossip is good otherwise it is wasteless..