Is America Ready for a Women as President or a Black Man as President?
By Annie
@Anniedup (3651)
Richards Bay, South Africa
April 12, 2007 9:01am CST
Is America ready for a Women to be President, or a black President.
I think who ever takes over should be some miracle worker and honestly, I can’t see that a women is the right answer at this stage. Especially the fact that the countries involved in this mess with Iraq, Iran ect...They do not recognize women in authoritarian positions.
Senator Barack Obama, charming, intelligent, dynamic, but does he have the experience. Rudolph Giuliani, I don't know.
What is your take on this. Jump right in, a cryptic bit...
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15 responses
@paulsy (1263)
• Philippines
12 Apr 07
My fiance (an American) and I were actually talking about this a few nights ago. I was telling him that compared to the Filipino women, I think the American women have much stronger personalities. I mean, I think that the Filipinas are raised in a bit more conservative and reserved culture than the American women, but the Philippines has already been lead by 2 women presidents. I was asking him the same question, how come America has never ever had a woman president. He said that maybe it may never happen.. because he thinks that the companies that control the political parties most probably will not allow a woman to be a president.
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@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I lied, I didn't come straight here from the
other discussion. Forgive me?
What a compelling discussion and what a dismal
field of candidates we have to chose from. At
the moment no one stands above another. We here
in the U.S. like to believe we are progressive.
That may ring true in main stream America but
when it comes to politics, it's what's known as
the old guard or ultra-conservative.
Whether the conservative Republicans or the liberal
Democrats are in charge, makes no matter. Paulsy's
fiance in the above response has a brief but good
take on the political atmosphere in this country.
The political community of the elite is a very close
knit group. This doesn't include all politicians but
only a select handful here and around the globe. This
group also includes religious leaders as well as men
who captains of industry.
The decision of who's going to be the next president
is known well in advance of the election. These people
don't leave anything to chance or odds.
Now to whether I think America is ready for anyone
other than a mid age or older white man for President.
If it wasn't for the "war" fiasco in Iraq, I would
say yes. Unfortunately, at this time, that would be to
great a change for this supposed progressive country.
Hillary will never be president because people have
had enough of the Clinton's to last a lifetime. Not
that they're bad but people want a fresh face. As you
stated about mid-eastern views of women, combined
with what I just told you about the political elite,
it won't be allowed to happen. If it wasn't for the
fiasco in Iraq, she still wouldn't be president but
I believe another woman could be.
You may not have seen my views about having a woman
as president, so I'll summarize. I believe the right
woman for the job could do better than most of her
predecessors. I believe a woman possess the same
leadership qualities as a man and than some more.
Unfortunately none are present for this election.
You may or may not have heard of this woman but
the most recent and best qualified woman for the
job could have been former Secretary of State
Madeline Albright. What an unbelievable political
genius. It just wasn't the right time for her.
If Barack Obama continues to remain upbeat.
He must remain as charismatic next year as he is
today. He must avoid mud slinging and negative
campaigning. He must embrace many of the conservative
views shared by the opposing Republican Party, while
staying true to the Liberal Democrats he represents.
He must be able to whether the racial overtones. If
does these things he will stand a very good chance
of becoming president.
He's about as fresh a face and personality as you're
going to get. And that's what people want right now.
He comes across a lot like John Kennedy but with a
touch less experience. That shouldn't be much of a
difference if he surrounds himself with an intelligent
The only other thing that could stop him is a bullet
from some deranged racist.
I won't touch the Republican candidates. Because you
didn't mention them and even if Jesus himself ran
as a Republican right now, I don't think he'd win.
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@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I feel so very deeply for these folks. For
any politician to use them as a publicity
stunt is absolutely deplorable. He shouldn't
be given the time of day after pulling this
"sympathetic visit."
I'm sure his first words after getting back
on the jet were. "This is depressing and it
f'ing sucks, get me the hell out of here!"
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@Anniedup (3651)
• Richards Bay, South Africa
14 Apr 07
WoW! WoW! I printed your response, and it was a top discussion between my husband and I and a few friends that we had over for cocktails.
They all think you should go into politics, and I truly feel the same, give me your take on that:)
I am very disappointed in Rudolph Giuliani, he sounded so sincere just after 911 now he looks like a puppet in this political machine!
Did you get the little note after my post?:)
@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
13 Apr 07
dang, now that is something what you said on the Republicans; I see that Guiliani made a stop to Bayou la Batre, Ala here the other day(Bayou la Batre was one of the few Alabama towns that suffered badly from Hurricane Katrina) and I was wondering, what is the point? what can you do for the people there? they still need help.
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@Kylalynn (1771)
• South Africa
12 Apr 07
I'd say America is probably ready for a women president or a black president. But as you say will other leaders respect her views!!I am not so clued up on these war things etc. but I think it will probably have to be a lady president to get the war to stop.
@honeyangel (1991)
12 Apr 07
i dont think that theres anything wrong with a woman or a black prestident,after all its the 21st long they help the country,i dont see why not
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@stateroad (730)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I think if we did not have this many problems in
America a Woman could handle the job and yes a black
Presindent I could see doing a good job. I am afraid
now that whoever takes over in 2008 is going to walk
into a big mess and I feel sorry for that person.
People will have to understand that the new President
is going to have a real mess to straighten out and we
will have to be patient and not judge Him or Her.
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@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
13 Apr 07
You both hit the nail square on the head!
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@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I tend to agree with you there. For one thing, they gotta deal with Iraq and that's just not fair;
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
12 Apr 07
A woman might be good in some areas. However, in dealing with the terrorism issue, it is not that she would be poor at dealing with it. The problem is the head of those countries will not take her seriously. They will always think they can overpower her and not take her seriously. A black man would be taken more seriously in those countries, but I think that many white people in this country will not vote for Obama because of his race and the fact that is a Muslim and tries to conceal that he is Muslim. Too late for that. Some say he is a radical Muslim. He knows that if he displayed that he is Muslim he would be out of here. I am not making a negative religious statement, as my husband is Muslim, but the facts are the facts. Taking a look at Rudy Giuliani, he was much more popular and I had more confidence in him before he took up with JudyJudyJudy. I have a problem with any man who cheats on his wife. He and Judy refuse to tell how they met. If that is not obvious, I do not know what is. He would probaby be the best candidate for dealing with international affairs. Hillary, Obama, and Rudy are all for abortion. I am pro-life. If I had to vote for one of them, I would vote for Rudy. If I vote for none of them, I am voting, indirectly, for the ones I really do not want to get in.

@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Excuse me, I didn't know that Obama was a Muslim? I thought he was a member of the Church of Christ; where did this get into play?
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@Lauraleigh99 (4718)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I think giuliani would do a great job, Obama I haven't been following that much so I don't really know too much about him, but I don't know about Hilary as president either. Are other countries really going to take us seriously if we have a female as a president? That is the only thing I worry about
@FloatingGum (346)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Do I think a woman could do the job? Absolutely.
Do I think a black man could do the job? Absolutely.
Do I think it will happen? Not any time soon, unfortunately.
There are still so many prejudices in this country. Despite all the strides we've made, there are too many people out there (Christian Conservatives, cough, cough) who feel women should be seen and not heard and act subservient to men. Racism is still rampant in thsi country. I don't understand the mentality at all, but it's there. It's as if people need to blame someone else for anything that happens to them in life that is slightly adverse, and they lash out at women and minorities.
Hillary Clinton is too polarizing. Barack Obama is too new to the game.
I won't even discuss Rudy Giuliani. I lived in New York for most of my life, and him being elected President might be what finally forces me to get out of this country...
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@cjsweb (88)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Why wouldn't America elect a black person or a woman? If they are qualified whats the problem? Heck you don't even have to be qualified, just run a great campaign and have a weak opponent. And why do people talk about America being racist and holding women down? I guess if someone keeps telling you that you will believe it. I guess if all you see on the news is stories slanted to this point of view then it must be true. We need to get past that thinking. Opportunities in America are open to everyone. Just because you might have to work harder doesn't make it wrong. As long as people are different races, cultures and religions, certain prejudices will never go away.
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@cjsweb (88)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Why wouldn't America elect a black person or a woman? If they are qualified whats the problem? Heck you don't even have to be qualified, just run a great campaign and have a weak opponent. And why do people talk about America being racist and holding women down? I guess if someone keeps telling you that you will believe it. I guess if all you see on the news is stories slanted to this point of view then it must be true. We need to get past that thinking. Opportunities in America are open to everyone. Just because you might have to work harder doesn't make it wrong. As long as people are different races, cultures and religions, certain prejudices will never go away.
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@Anniedup (3651)
• Richards Bay, South Africa
18 Apr 07
You both have excellent points, FloatingGum I agree with you on Hillary Clinton is too polarizing, and Giuliani too much of a puppet these days, and cjsweb I strongly agree with you when you say, As long as people are different races, cultures and religions, certain prejudices will never go away. So very true!
Thanks both of you for a very intelligent view on this topic!
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
14 Apr 07
What does experience count for - look at the current US President!
I really like Obama and I hope he gets in, not because he's black but because he is dynamic and very intelligent. I like his presence. I wonder what other US citizens think of him.
The US is definitely ready for a black President. The world is ready for a black President.
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
14 Apr 07
I tune into this guy and he has more integrity than the last 3 put together! I'm not bothered about his skin, it's irrelevant to me. But for many reasons it would be a good thing for the purpose of getting rid of the black v white issue in the States. Though this should have no bearing on the election.
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@Anniedup (3651)
• Richards Bay, South Africa
14 Apr 07
I hear what you are saying, it is just I think he is lacking in experience, but like another friend of mine(from the states) said here, he must just surround him with other intelligent and experienced people then he should be ok. He was also impressed with him, read his discussion very interesting, post no. 7
Sorry if I sounded edgy, but I am so allergic to black incompetent presidents, I can vomit, my country is in turmoil, relating crime and corruption, as a result of the above. I'm signing of, over and out, good night, speak tomorrow. xx
@Anniedup (3651)
• Richards Bay, South Africa
14 Apr 07
Yeh I suppose you don't need alot of expierence, like my other friend pointed out, just suround yourself with intellegent people.
Look I haven't got anything against a black president, as long as he was democratically elected, and that he is competant, and not a afirmative action job.
I think the world had it's share of black presidents, Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, ect.
Apart from Mandela there was and still is not one single one with a succesful reputation or country.

@Syekselensie (121)
• South Africa
22 Apr 07
Yes for a women but not for a black president, Obama lack experience, so steer clear. Giuliani was a good mayor, and fantastic on crime, he should emigrate to SA.
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@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I will say this, WHOMEVER gets the nomination, best be ready to deal with the serious issues that's gonna be there when Bush vacates offie; sorry to be the one to point that out, but face the facts while you may; Hillary, I can't say, Obama, who is to say, Guiliani who is to say? I tell you what, this country better sit down and face facts that we need a strong person to turn this country around for the better; Whomever it is, needs to face that. Whether this country is ready for a woman or Black man, they best to get used to it.
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@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Don't be sorry, you're absolutely right.
Unfortunately, at the moment, none of the
candidates appear to me to be strong enough.
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@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
13 Apr 07
I'm in Australia & although i don't follow politics or anything, i think a country like the USA could benefit by having a female president - going on your current one, you cant really do much worse - i don't mean to offend but he's not the sharpest pencil in the tin!
I doubt you'd have all your young men being shipped of to war & staying over there for years at a time if a woman were in charge. Here in Oz, even though we have a Prime Minister (who seems to be attached at the hip to your president) - i believe we would benefit by having a female in charge - we're part of the commonwealth which is under the Queen on England & if she can govern a country + all the other ones (being the age she is & she's been doing it for a LONG time now), then i think a female could run 1 country on her own.
Other countries may not recognise women as Authoritive figures but she's Hilary is one highly intelligent lady who i think could bring another side to the USA - like being able to speak properly, pronounce words & such :), she would work hard at her job to gain the respect of the country & then other countries after that.
People just need to give her a go i think & i reckon she could do great things if put in the top job! As for the black man, i haven't really seen much on him to judge but if he's as intelligent, bold & passionate as Hilary is, then he too deserves a chance to prove himself!
Ok, i think that's enough babble from me! Just 1 more thing though - if i was an American - i'd be more than happy to put my hand up for Hilary! I reckon she would surprise a lot of people!
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@Anniedup (3651)
• Richards Bay, South Africa
14 Apr 07
Yes I don't think she is incapable, it's just not the right time in my opinion. The Iraq debacle, asks for a miracle to start off with and their fews on a women is not so flattering to say the least, in that regard I don't think it will work. Maybe Obama
@printer1 (11)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I think Hillary Clinton would be a good president. She's smart, savvy and she spent eight years in the White House as First Lady/Advisor. I've seen her speak in person and she is an impressive orator. She is also very personable. Besides, we couldn't do any worse than what we have now.