illegal alien or undocumentd immigrant?
By xfahctor
@xfahctor (14118)
Lancaster, New Hampshire
April 12, 2007 12:48pm CST
With the controversy these days in this country over illegal immigration, many sides have chimed in on this issue. One of the issues surfaceing is the very term "illegal alien". I hear it described as racist. NOw I'm not a racist person and it appales me to hear racial slurs tossed around. BUT, what is wrong with the term? I heard one activist say, " they are not Illgeal aliens, they are undocumented immigrants" Either way, they are here illegaly, and yes, they are breaking the law. To me it is an accurate term. Alien referming to one not originating ina particular place. So, "illegal" because they are not here in accordance with the law, and "alien" because they dis not originaly come from here. they are aliens who are here illegaly. I feel the controversy over this term is rising only to detract from that fact. To draw sympathy for the far left agenda of a completely open border. Now i agrea that ourt immigration policy needs a dractic overhaul and it is rediculously difficult for an honest person to move here legaly. It is also rediculously easy for a dishonest person to come here and live illegaly. But i dont think that means we can fix everything by opening our borders to everyone and certainy not by using politicaly correct terminology. Lets just call it what it is, Illegal immigration. It does violate our laws and is therefore, ILLEGAL
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6 responses
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
12 Apr 07
They are in fact illegal aliens regardless of how the pc crowd wants to sweeten it up.
The purpose of any controversy is to get the focus off of the actual issues.
How can that term be considered racist in any way?
It applies to anyone who is in the country illegally, not just one race of people.
Even if it was one race, it still does not change the fact that they are here illegally.
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Illegal as to whose definition of legality? There are Native Americans who still believe that every non-Native American is in the USA illegally, just as there are some Mexicans down South who believe every non-Mexican in the South is in the South illegally! While people would like to call these undocumented Mexicans illegal aliens in Texas, they are actually of the opinion that you and every non-Mexican in the South are the illegal aliens! (Laughs)
Have you been to Texas lately? Did you know that currently in Texas Hispanics actually make up about 50% of the population? Folks, land won by means of war is never a guaranteed deal!
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
22 Apr 07
Illegal by the definition of the written laws we all have to live by in this country. I can redefine stealing and make it legal in my own mind to rob a bank of it's money, in my definition, it would be legal but that isn't going to keep me from being arrested and certainly isn't going to convince a judge that he should just let me go simply because in "my definition", it wasn't against the law.
If mexico wanted the land back, it is always welcome to try and take it back by millitary force I suppose, but this would mean you would become a mexican citizen by force or move north to stay in the united states.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Apr 07
"Undocumented Worker" is a lie because many of them have documents. Sure, those documents might be phony, but the documents do exist.
The fact is, there are immigrants and there are illegal aliens. The ignorance and those just trying to make an inane statement will tell you that we are all either immigrants or the descendants of immigrants. That is only partially true. An immigrant is a person who travels from one nation to another to settle there. An alien, as you point out, is a person from another place.
When a person tries to use the term "immigrant" to try to legitimize an illegal alien, they are only showing their own ignorance.
Words have meaning, Immigrants, aliens and tourists are all people with rights, but they are not the same, nor do they enjoy the same rights.
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Judytoo, more power to you for mentioning the Natives Americans, who were in North America long before Columbus "discovered" America. But who wants to credit the Native Americans for discovering North America, or being the key for the survival of the Mayflowerers?
And if one is down in Texas, those words "illegal alien" can become very, very interesting! While most people, for example, look upon the undocumented Mexicans as illegal aliens in Texas, they in fact look upon every non-Mexican as illegal in their land!
Did you know that some Mexicans refer to the White American as "grego"? I once asked an honest Mexican what grego means, and he said that "grego" was indeed "green go" abbreviated: It goes back to the days when the Whites invading and took over the Southern States from Mexico. The Mexicans, displeased with the invasion started shouting to the soldiers in green to go away - green go! Grego is actually the true Mexican's way of telling the White American to go away!
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
12 Apr 07
Gee, unless YOU got permission from the local Native tribes, you too are an undocumented immigrant! After all, not one white person asked permission from the natives to move into north America. And chances are, half those Illegal aliens have more right to be in America than you do, since THEY at least hav some native North American in their blood. I say put up or shut up. Play nice, or get the hell off my continent!
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
12 Apr 07
first of all, i respect the rights of native americans. However, who are the native americans? your people came here form other nations such as siberia and asia as well , granted it was 12,000 years ago but still non the less are just as much immigrant as are white, black, hispanic, arabic or any other nationality that comes here. Did your people as permission for who ever was here before? And yes, there were people here before you, this is archeological fact. I dont agrea with what happened back in history, the way the habitants of this continent were treated was appalling. But it was a 2 way street, violence came form both sides either provoked or unprovoked. I aslo want to mention that I as well have "native american" blood, as do my daughters, their gransmother is full blooded abenaki. What happened happened hundreds of years ago was atrocious, what do we do now? move 280 million people elswhere? I never said I was anti- immigration and i wish it was much easier to immigrate here, my girlfriend lives in canada and would like to move here. She is an honest, hard working and moral person as well as a peacefull and productive member of society. It just angers me because as hard as it is for her to get here, thousands every day are here illegalay and flaunting it in the face of americans both native and what ever other national origans exist here. What happened here hundreds of years ago was not my fault, nor the fault of anyone alive today, anymore than slavery is thge fault of anyone alive today. it happened, it's history. So kindly shed your self richeousness afor a few minutes and live in the present, nothing wrong with embracing your heritige and being proud of it, i am proud of the several heretiges i come from as well. I dont hold anything against england for the takeing of my native ireland back in history, it was just that, history.
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@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
12 Apr 07
I never said I did live in your country, However, there were no peoplehere 30,000 yearsago when the first natives arrived so, the natives were the first here, so they own the rights to the land despite what the white governments say. And I didn't say get out of my country, I said get off my continent
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@MrCoolantSpray (1005)
• United States
13 Apr 07
It isn't hard at all to immigrate to the United States legally. It is, however, expensive. My wife and her parents are in the process of getting their citizenship, and they are pissed at all the illegal immigrants getting coddled and skirting the system. It takes a heck of a lot of time and money to do things the right way, which most immigrants do. It sickens me to see these ILLEGAL aliens getting away with CRIMINAL acts.
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@PunkyMcPunk (1477)
• Canada
13 Apr 07
I want to move to the US... I don't want to be a citizen because I am proudly Canadian. I have no issue with the US or anything I just don't want to lose my citizenship here. I love my country....
I am moving to the US to be with my guy....
I am not an alien. It sounds bad. I want to be called a legallized resident (because I am going to be legal).
Would you like to be documented as being an "alien"???
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@Lady_Justice (969)
• United States
15 Apr 07
If you come here legally, than "immigrant" or resident is appropriate. If you come here illegally, you are an illegal alien, despite politically correct noises to the contrary. The laws on the books for how many years said "alien." Words mean something. We cannot just redefine every word to avoid offending people because the left says so, or nothing will have meaning any more.
And, as to the original post, it has nothing to do with racism as "illegal alien" covers any person of any race from any country who comes here illegally.